Facing all kinds of demons and evil spirits outside the city, the twelve holy monks opened the skin on their faces, revealing a hideous face, and with a gloomy roar, the demons who were in shock escaped.


One after another, the ghost kings looked at Lancheng with cold eyes.

"This cake belongs only to our ghosts!"

"The ghost town that His Majesty the King of Hell wants must not go wrong. Before sunset, all the order must be reversed to welcome him!"

"Only enough fear and resentment can build the most perfect ghost realm, let the dark side control hundreds of people, spread safety information, let these human beings relax completely, and then give... enough fright to the human souls that scare them to death. , is the most delicious. …”


The death of every person in the city will cause the white fog to thicken by [-]%.

And when this person dies, the more fearful and unwilling, the greater the degree of enhancement.

9 The young man turned off the computer after eating instant noodles, but couldn't sleep for a long time.

The scenes of human beings being slaughtered fell into his mind, causing deep throbbing.


"These......Sneaky, damn it."

"When some people die, their faces are hideous. I don't know how frightened they are. If they want to kill, they will kill. If they have to be so scary, what is it?"

Indignant, he punched the bed.

The young man's name is Zhou Li, an ordinary courier. Since the recovery of the demon, the city has been banned. He has been out of work for more than a month. He can only afford instant noodles and rents in this apartment of more than ten square meters.

Zhou Li was watching the news just now.

There is a surveillance screen.

A seventeen-eight-year-old girl ran over from the corner of the street in a panic. There was no one behind her, but it seemed that something terrifying was chasing her. During the surveillance, the little girl ran halfway. Suddenly, her pupils widened, the whites of her eyes rolled out:, showing a very ferocious expression, and finally she ran forward for some distance, forcibly dying under the surveillance camera.

When she died, she stared at the camera, her eyes that should have been youthful and bright, full of fear and helplessness.

It's...the eyes.

Zhou Li couldn't sleep at all.

There was an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Like a stick in the throat.

"Mad's beast! Seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, Lili is also so old, I don't know if she is in her hometown, is she okay?"

Zhou Li is Zhou Li's younger sister.

He went out to work to earn money 1.

, is for this sister to study.

"But these... sneaky, killing people invisibly, we ordinary people are really desperate in front of them, alas"

Zhou Li couldn't help sighing.

He understood that if he changed himself, under the same circumstances, he would not be much better than the little girl.

'Squeak!' Suddenly, a strange sound came.

Zhou Li, who was thinking about those... supernatural events, was startled, his body was covered in hair, and his roots stood on end.

He looked warily at the source of the sound.

Not far away, the half-opened window squeaked and swayed in the breeze.


Slightly relieved.

Zhou Li walked to the window to close it.

Otherwise, this thing keeps making noise, which is too intrusive.

"I didn't think it before, but after watching the ghost incident all night, if there was a little noise, I found it scary."

Zhou Li sighed.

After all, he is just an ordinary person who is terribly afraid of ghosts. No matter how angry he is, what can he do? Bang!

Zhou Li frowned, perhaps because the window was too old, and there was no way to close it tightly.

Bang bang bang! After all, he is also a strong man. Zhou Li pulled the window and rammed it several times. His brows stretched out, and the window finally closed.

But suddenly.

Pa-ta-a sound, a cold, gloomy touch came from the head, and an unpleasant smell of blood penetrated into the nostrils.

Zhou Li's body froze suddenly.

A severed finger fell from his eyes.

Chapter [-] girlfriends

At the moment when this pale finger full of blood fell from his eyes.

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