Zhou Li's face instantly turned pale.

He seemed to understand something.

Zhou Li slowly raised his head and looked up at the window tremblingly. In the dark night, a pale face was facing himself with a penetrating smile. This was a woman with disheveled hair, with a long line on her face. There was a long bloodstain, and the left eyeball was hung by a blood vessel, as if someone had slashed severely.

Obviously, it wasn't because the window was aging that it couldn't be closed.

It was this woman who was preventing Zhou Li from closing the window! The woman's mouth moved.

Although there is no sound.

But Zhou Li saw what she wanted to say, it was very strange, she seemed to be asking for advice.

"Why don't you let me in!"

The moment I read this sentence.

Zhou Li hummed in his head, his back was instantly soaked with sweat, he thought of a horrible rumor about this community.

More than ten years ago, a bizarre serial murder case happened here.

A couple of best friends live in this apartment.

One is working and the other is a college student. They met in the fellow villagers. Because of the three views, they quickly came together.

Both of them swore that they would not make it, they didn't care about the rumors and rumors, they had to wait until the real man, and for this reason, they went to nightclubs every day to see if they could meet the real man who drives a BMW.

every time.

The two best friends came home in the middle of the night.

And dress more openly.

Soon, trouble arose.

It was one night in the summer of ten years ago. The two entered the elevator. When the door was about to close, a man wrapped in black clothes walked in.

A pair of eyes under the hood, looking up and down... two women.

Like, a... hungry wolf, enjoying tonight's food.

The two drunk girlfriends woke up after drinking.

Because they can see clearly.

This man held a dazzling knife in his hand! The two of them panicked.

When the elevator reached the ninth floor, they walked out in a hurry. At this time, a scene that made their hearts sink even more happened. Footsteps sounded behind them, and the man... followed! The two quickened their pace.

"It's alright, it's alright."

The working girl comforted the college student: "Whoever you see is a real robber or rapist who is so blatant with a knife must have just watched a small movie for a while... impulsive poor diaosi."

"Let's shout to stop him later, and if it doesn't work, we will call the police, he must be scared!"

The female college student was too nervous to speak.

The two of them walked faster and faster.

The man behind him followed without letting go.


The two entered the room.

9 The working woman took out the key and quickly inserted it into the door and twisted it, while the man seemed to have lost all patience, no longer waiting, and his steps quickened.

"do not be afraid!"

The working girl shouted and took the college girl out: "You threaten him, we will call if you dare, or even call the police directly, you first stabilize him, stabilize him... I'll open the door... The work girl shivered. Open the door openly.

The moment the college student was pushed out, the whole person was stunned, she subconsciously shouted according to the instructions of the working girl, but because she was too nervous, she shouted directly.

"Don't come here, we've already called the police!"

a shout.

The man really stopped.

He seemed to be stunned, his body was shaking slightly, and he didn't know if it was anger or fear.

But before the female college student could breathe a sigh of relief, a knife with a bright handle came directly in front of her.

"Stinky girls!"

"How dare you call the police! I will kill you!"

The man shouted hysterically, and slashed down with a knife, directly slashing the female college student's face, slashing the flesh and blood, with one eyeball hanging outside.

Both girlfriends were stunned.

I thought it was just robbery.

They weren't really that scared.

But I never imagined that the other party would come up with... a knife.

What the hell is this robber? It's clearly a serial killer! Crack! The door opened.

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