
Zhou Lihen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking that if he were gone, his parents, sister, and his life would not be able to go on. He didn't know where the courage came from. Tossed over.


Zhou Li shouted hysterically.

A stool hit him hard.

Bang!! The female ghost didn't seem to have imagined that this man who was already frightened, how could he still have such courage. Unprepared, she was smashed by the stool and smashed the arm that was pulling the window railing, and lost her body. Supported and fell directly from the ninth floor.

I don't know why the woman is so powerful.

But her body is very weak, and will be broken at every turn...

Seeing this scene, Zhou Li trembled, panting heavily, and looked downstairs through the window.

Then he saw the woman who fell into the flower bed, smiled at him, lay on the ground on all fours, like a spider, followed the wall and climbed up.

And the woman's broken arm, I don't know when, has been intact.


Zhou Li was taken aback.

Without saying a word, he turned and ran.

When leaving, Zhou Li did not forget to touch a kitchen knife from the kitchen.

Run out the door.

down the corridor.

He ran wild.

Run to the elevator.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, Zhou Li was short of breath, what made him strange was that there was no one in the corridor. There were at least ten households on this floor, and Zhou Li knew this.

He was puzzled.

These people were not alarmed by the voice of the female ghost, or were they too scared to come out and run for three minutes, Zhou Li stopped, and there was a deep fear in his eyes.

Three minutes! Enough for him to run five 55s back and forth in the corridor.

But he still didn't reach the elevator! And this time.

The screeching sound of electric current sounded, and the light on Zhou Li's head flickered.

Chapter [-] Don't be afraid, I'll save you!

The lights flickered several times, then suddenly went out.

In the narrow corridor, there are only the [Emergency Access] signs on both sides, flickering with a faint green light, making people breathless.

Zhou Li's face turned pale.

And this time.

Suddenly there was a sound of rapid footsteps.

A foul smell of blood penetrated into his nose, Zhou Li felt an inexplicable restlessness in his heart, and at the same time a deep sense of crisis surged up, his hairs stood up unconsciously, as if in the Facing a perverted murderer! "Who!"

He turned back sharply.

For a moment, he felt that someone was standing behind him.

Fortunately, after turning around, Zhou Li saw nothing.

"The elevator can't go at all, what should I do now"

The footsteps were getting closer.

But no one could be seen on either side of the corridor.

The distance between the front and rear of the corridor seemed to be affected by some kind of strange force, and he couldn't escape at all.

Zhou Li was extremely anxious in his heart. He had a hunch that when the master of this footstep arrived, it would be his death! "This is either a murderer or not a human being!"

Even more terrifying.

At this moment.


Zhou Li heard that behind him, a door opened, and a woman's mournful wailing sound appeared in the corridor.

"Why don't you let me in!"

"Wait for me!"

"Don't leave me!"

Hiss! Take a breath.

Zhou Li felt that his heart was trembling. There was a murderer in front of him, and a ghost in the back. He was almost desperate.

Bang Bang Bang! Zhou Li slapped a door on the left frantically.

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