"Help! Help!"

he shouted.

But in the house, no one responded to him.

The footsteps and the woman's cry were getting closer.

Just when Zhou Li was in complete despair, the door opened with a creak, and a hand pulled him in.

Bang! The door slammed shut.

Zhou Li saw that the one who rescued him was a woman wearing a shirt and a suit, an office worker, but strangely, her bangs were very long, covering her eyes.

"Big sister, thank you, hurry up, hurry up and call the police, there are murderers and ghosts outside!"

The woman heard him without saying a word, and dragged him to the toilet.

"You hide here first."

The woman closed the toilet door, turned around and left.


Zhou Li always felt that something was not quite right.

Hearing that there are ghosts and murderers, why is this woman so calm and the woman left.

Zhou Li wanted to open the door to go out, but found that the toilet door was blocked by something and could not be opened.

"What's the matter, is this eldest sister trying to protect me?"

"Then what will she do?"

At this moment.

Zhou Li was puzzled, but also looked at the environment where he stood. The toilet was very small, and it was equipped with a mirror. It was a little strange that the toilet seemed to have not been used for a long time, there was no water, and there were a lot of sundries beside it.

It seems.

This toilet has long been idle.

"Since there are still people living in this house, how can the toilet not be used"

Zhou Li frowned.

You must know that such a small apartment cannot have double toilets at all. As long as you live in a human room, the toilet will never be used to pile sundries.


He suddenly thought of a possibility, and a trace of anger rose in his heart.

"Could it be that this house is long overdue?"

Zhou Li's hands and feet were cold: "Who is that woman just now?"

At this moment.

He suddenly felt a little stuffy and had difficulty breathing.

Zhou Li stretched out his hand to push the door, but he couldn't push it. He knew that if he couldn't get out again, he would probably be suffocated to death in this small space! "That's the only way, the big deal is to lose a door!"

His heart sank, and he directly picked up a heavy piece of furniture from the clutter and smashed it towards the toilet door.

Strangely enough.

A thin layer of wooden doors.

Under Zhou Li's violent smash, he didn't move at all! "It's over!"

No matter how stupid you are, you should realize that you have been fooled.

"Just fight!"

Zhou Li slammed the door with all his might.

His breathing became more and more difficult.

But at least he had a lot of strength, he smashed the door frame a little bit, and if he tried harder, he should be able to open a hole, maybe he could escape.

Zhou Li's eyes were red and he smashed desperately.

But at this time.

A sound that made his scalp tingle sounded outside the toilet door.

"Let me in, okay?"

"Let me in!"

It's the ghost girl! That doesn't count.

Zi-a harsh sound of iron objects rubbing against the wall sounded at the same time, as if someone, holding a knife, came over.

Zhou Li was shocked.

Murderer! He suddenly stopped and smashed the door. Now, in the toilet, it seems safer.

But at this time.

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