Something more terrifying happened.

The lights in the toilet suddenly went out.

A mournful and miserable female voice rang in Zhou Li's ears.

"let me out!"

"Please, let me out!"

In the darkness, two red lights lit up. Zhou Li found out that it came out of the mirror, and after looking carefully, he felt that his scalp was about to explode. What kind of red light was this? The - human eyes! A pale, nailless hand stretched out from the mirror, and a woman's head popped out at the same time, pounced on Zhou Li, this woman was the office worker who brought him in! At the same time The door was also broken open.

Two pale faces, a man and a woman, stared straight at Zhou Li.

Everyone can see that these three 3 are definitely not people! Even if they are people.

Also dead.

Zhou Li opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and he was almost stunned.

"Help... help!"

A trembling cry for help resounded through the night sky.

And this time.

The sky of Lancheng.

An afterimage flew past, and I happened to hear this cry for help.

Jiang Che glanced at the buildings below. There were many dead people and few living people. There were seven buildings in total, and there were only six 66 living people left.

He said nothing.

Shout out straight.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!"

Then he took out the copper hammer, and with a thought, the hammer began to enlarge.


The apartment has three buildings, nine floors.


The desperate Zhou Li suddenly heard this muffled shout, and he was stunned for a moment.

Originally he had such a voice.

It's just the last struggle before death, and I don't expect anyone to save him at all.

But now.

Someone actually responded and... this voice.

More than thunder.

It sounds like a master! Zhou Li is ecstatic.

And the three ghosts surrounding him were also stunned.

Just when they were in a daze.

Boom! A loud bang ten times bigger than thunder suddenly exploded.

The whole building shook violently.

Li Gui and Zhou Li were not given a chance to react.

in a loud bang.

this building.


Zhou Li was stunned.

He was stunned for a long time.

Holy crap! How did you save people like this? Just bang the building! Watching the cement layer crumbling in front of him, Zhou Li even forgot the fear of the ghosts around him, and his heart was full of shock.

What a fierce person this is.

If you don't agree with each other, the building will be demolished! And more shocked than him are the three ghosts.

You humans have come across a cry for help.

Are they so direct? It is cruel to kill the rescuer and the perpetrator directly.

We ghosts, willing to bow down!

Chapter [-] What a fierce magic weapon!

Bang - rumbling - smashed by the sledgehammer, the entire apartment building collapsed.

Notice the movement.

In the surrounding apartment buildings, countless Specters looked over.

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