From yesterday to now, there have been a total of seven 1-story, [-]-story buildings around here, and countless cruel incidents have occurred. , Zhong, directly become a ghost, and continue to mutilate other living people.

I'm all dead.

Why do you continue to live? This viral spread made seven apartments, with more than [-] residents, quickly massacred.

Now in the entire apartment complex.

More dead, less living.

Some of the normal rooms that seem to be still lit with lights are no longer people living in them.

Hear this loud noise.

Seeing this building collapse with a bang, in the community, no matter what...

Whether it was a living person or a ghost, they all widened their eyes and looked over in astonishment.

Gan! Do you want to be so mysterious and follow up?

Something even weirder happened.

All the ghosts and the living people saw that in the sky, that man with a pair of huge wings pressed down with one hand.

"Great Sealing Heaven Technique!"

for a moment.

It was as if the whole world was overwhelmed.

There was an overwhelmed sound from the surrounding buildings.

Ka Ka - Thorn - Rumble! The reinforced concrete was torn apart, making a harsh sound, and in the stunned eyes of all the Specters, the remaining six buildings collapsed and collapsed together.




The only remaining six 66 living people let out a shrill scream.

"Fuck, help!"

Not only them, but even some Specter, subconsciously, made a miserable cry for help.

in a wailing.

Jiang Che waved his hand, and activated the Great Sealing Heaven Technique, forming huge invisible palms and pulling out a few living beings.

"Where people go, there are ghosts where ghosts go."

"I see you all lingering in the world after your death, and you have become lonely and wild ghosts. It's really pitiful. Jiang will do a ritual today, and wait for you!"

Just listen to him.

All the ghosts were stunned.

Is there really such a thing as transcendence in this world?

How amazing! Then can we still reincarnate some ghosts with eyes lit up? It's cool to be a ghost, but every moment, we must bear huge pain.

If a person's grievance persists after death, it must be bound by obsession, and the obsession of a ghost can bring it both powerful strength and great pain.

The water ghost seems to come and go freely in the water, but every moment, he is suffering from the pain of suffocation. Afterwards, the soul also suffers from the pain of decapitation.

If only he could be reincarnated as a human.

These... the ghosts are also looking forward to it.


All ghosts will see it.

"Master" in the sky

——Hold up the ferocious sledgehammer, on the hammer, thunder and fire rose, the sky darkened, a majestic, thick hell covered the world, as if the coercion of destroying the sky and destroying the earth appeared, almost killing their souls. Disperse.

The ghosts were all stunned.

Holy crap, what are you doing.... I said that I would leave it here to talk to the master about the physical oversight without giving them a chance to ask more questions.

In the sky.

Jiang Che rioted with all his strength, and a hammer slammed down.

When the Prison Destroyed the World was launched, a Thunder Element Wraith on the third floor of the Underworld gave this hammer the power of thunder, coupled with the already terrifying power of the Red Copper Dome Shattering Hammer, and the now terrifying Jiang Che. With a single hammer, a true god will be instantly killed.

Bang - first a loud bang.

Then came the continuous 'boom' sound.

The terrifying thunder annihilated the entire community.

Countless ghosts, Qi Qi let out an unwilling roar from the bottom of his heart.

Gan!!! Air.

The six 66 living people's eyes widened.

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