What the hell, this is so... . . . . .

It turned out that the legendary Chaodu was so violent, an entire community was smashed to pieces under this ritual, leaving only a messy deep pit, as if it had been baptized by missiles.

"Thank you so much, Master!"

"Thank you Master!"

The six people were busy thanking each other.

The voice trembled a little.

Although he knew that the man in front of him had saved them, he couldn't help feeling scared in his heart.

Jiang Che waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, it's okay, Jiang has a compassionate heart, and his favorite is... save the dying."

"These... The Specter was rescued by me and went to the underworld, so he must have found rest in his soul and spiritual comfort. Thinking of this, Jiang Mou felt infinite happiness in his heart."

Seeing the increase of more than half a million energy, Jiang Che grinned, very happy.

hear him.

The corners of the six people's mouths twitched.

What a goddess to go to the underworld! It turned into ashes immediately! "Lancheng has undergone great changes. It is one of the most dangerous cities in Peiping. Thousands of ghosts are born. Prepare yourself."

Jiang Che's next sentence made the six people completely bewildered.

What! Lancheng is one of the most dangerous cities is not a good idea.

There are twelve eminent monks to protect the Dharma, can you go out in the evening? "But the master, the city government of Lan, personally released the news and invited twelve eminent monks..."

Jiang Che shook his head: "Are you talking about the twelve ghost kings? I have already overcame them. According to the information I received, the Lancheng government was captured as early as yesterday evening, and no one was spared."

"The news you see should not be sent by a living person."

Hearing this sentence, the six of them felt a chill in their hearts and chills down their spines.

An unstoppable fear rose to the bottom of my heart.

It turns out...that's how it turned out! Even the city government has fallen. Although other cities are miserable, the strong people who respond to the situation are still united with the city government to resist, and Lancheng has already fallen.

Then they are staying in a ghost town! "There are still many poor souls waiting for my rescue, you can take the magic weapon I gave you, either stay in a safe place, or escape to the wild, so you can do it yourself. "

Jiang Che waved his hand, and the Great Sealing Heaven Technique formed an invisible big hand. From a warehouse not far away, he took out a few items. He spent hundreds of energy to strengthen them.

It wasn't all luck that these six people could stay in this dead man's community until the next day.

Their own yang energy and blood energy are excellent, so they were murdered by the Specter Ghosts at the end. In addition to this shock, there were some faint rays of light flashing in the eyes of the six people, which was a sign of awakening.

Jiang Che conveniently gave them a few weapons, and when a few of them awakened, they could save many people in the city.

Reality is not a game.

It is not that the protagonist defeats the final, all the mobs will die suddenly, and the world will immediately restore peace.

Jiang Che understood that even if he had solved the most terrifying group of evil spirits in Lan City, there were still countless ghosts left in the whole city, and it would take a large number of grassroots capable people to contribute to truly stabilize the situation.

"Thank you, Master!"

"Thank you Master, I kowtow to you!"

"Thank you, Master Jiang!"

Hear what Jiang Che said.

Several people were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, and some even choked up.

As an ordinary person, I learned that my city is already a ghost town.

The fear and anxiety in their hearts can be imagined.

But as an ordinary person, facing the Specter, there is only a deep sense of powerlessness and can only sit and wait.

With the magic weapon given by the master, they can take the initiative to attack to protect themselves, their family members and friends! Jiang Che nodded, some items fell into the hands of six people, and then he slammed into the northwest direction of Lancheng, his eyes Sharp, from that place, there was a terrifying power fluctuation.

There is a battle at the level of a true god! Jiang Che's figure flashed and disappeared as an afterimage.

And the six people looked at the things in their hands, and they were all stunned.

"Fuck! I have lived for more than [-] years, and today is the first time I know that the chainsaw is a magic weapon."

"What a fierce magic weapon, if I were a ghost, I would be afraid too!"

Chapter [-] Zhang Yuannian

In the northwest of Lancheng, contiguous high-rise buildings were smashed, and screams were heard one after another. On the surrounding streets, policemen and capable people were anxiously evacuating the people, but the effect was not good, because these... Among those who escaped, there were also mixed With dead corpses and ghosts, they will slaughter the crowd from time to time.

"Go, go! Go! Go!"

"Be careful!"

Some people screamed.

This place is very wrong. In addition to the strange white fog, there is also a layer of haze that cannot be dissipated. It is extremely depressing and makes people breathless.

A blood-red plant grows on the ground. It is coquettish and evil. Anyone who touches this plant will die suddenly. The police and those with the ability to deal with the situation will form a cordon with their bodies to separate them. ...Scarlet plants, guide the people to escape routes.

A powerful aura filled the sky.

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