The terrifying battle continues.

There is a shadow shrouded in the black mist, and its ability is very strange. This is a powerful ghost, and it is even more terrifying than the ghost king! It was it who slaughtered in this area before.

Its ability is very terrifying, as long as his shadow covers the place, there will be countless shadows for it to drive, and his body can switch between all shadows at will.


"The King of Hell in the Ten Halls is coming, who dares to block the way?"

"You old guy, it's just that you have a long life!"

Shadow laughed wildly.

His voice resounded in all directions, in countless shadows, and it was very confusing, causing a gray-haired old man who was hostile to it to frown.

"Director, be careful!"

A young man covered in fire suddenly shouted wildly.

The old man, that is, Zhang Yuannian, the director of Lancheng's Deception Bureau, changed his expression when he heard the words, the long spear in his hand shook, a sharp spear: meaning, he let go, pierced the void, and killed to the left.

At the same time, in that direction, a shadow condensed into a human shape, just attacking the left side of the old man.

Gun: intended to pierce the shadows.

The shadow shattered, turning into pieces of pitch-black pieces, falling like a butterfly and dissipating.

But Zhang Yuannian's face changed drastically.

"not good!"

A bright red flower like blood opened under his feet, directly pinning his feet into the void.

This flower is very strange, it grows directly from the space fissure, and takes root! "Old guy, his strength is average, but he didn't expect his combat power to be so tyrannical, no wonder everyone, Lord Yama, wants to attack your world, yours Secrets, too many!"

Shadow snorted.

Just fighting against an old guy who had just stepped into the true god level, its soul body actually collapsed by more than [-]%.

"Stop talking nonsense so much, hurry up!"

Behind the shadow, a figure wrapped in a bright red dress stepped out, with a voice that sounded both male and female, and could not tell the gender.


Shadow glanced at each other.

You are teaching me to do things"

"You want to disobey the judge's orders"

Hearing the word 'judge', the image collapsed for a moment, his eyes changed, and his sharp eyes looked at Zhang Yuannian: "Old man, Zhang Wendao, who are you?" Hear this sentence.

Zhang Yuannian's eyes were shocked, and he immediately recovered his calmness. He looked at the shadow coldly: "I haven't heard of it."


The shadow snorted coldly: "I know you... lowly natives, full of lies, I don't ask you, I ask your junior."

A hand in the black mist pointed to the people behind Zhang Yuannian.

"Tell me, Zhang Wendao, what is the relationship with you?"

These three men and two women are some of the strongest men in Lancheng. After the spiritual energy has been completely recovered, they have all stepped into it. They are the strongest combat power in Lancheng at the moment. Together with the old director, they will fight against these two powerful ghosts and gods. .

Hear Shadow's questioning.

The expressions of several people changed, and although they regained their calm immediately, that... a slight change in expressions was still seen by the shadows.

"It seems that there is no need to continue asking."

A playful voice came from the dark fog.

Shadow waved.

The dark figures walked out of the surrounding shadows and rushed towards the five people5, while the man in red walked towards Zhang Yuannian step by step: "I will deal with the old man, I must take him there as soon as possible, delaying the king of hell. The advent of adults, we can not live!"

"court death!"

Zhang Yuannian swept across with one shot, shattering two shadows, but at this time, the earth cracked instantly, and a scarlet rattan burst out, absorbing the resentment in the air and growing rapidly, in the blink of an eye, it reached the size of a hill.

The rattan twisted and swept towards the old man with an aura that was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Zhang Yuannian's feet were bound and he was seriously injured. At this time, he could only lift his gun: block.

Bang!!! Like, two huge trains collided.

The loud noise shattered the sky.


Zhang Yuannian spat out a mouthful of black blood.

this plant.

Poisonous! And this time.

The five 55-year-olds also met those... Shadows, these... The shadows that rushed over from all directions were at least level in strength, and if they faced one alone, there might still be hope, but these shadows are conservatively estimated to be dozens, and The ability is strange, immortal and immortal.

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