"It turned out to be missing a hammer."

"It's safe now..."

Jiang Che looked around, flustered, panicked, helpless ghosts, evil spirits, and fierce gods, grinning at them, revealing a smile that he thought was sunny.

"Looks like you're all homeless."

"Maybe Jiang can help you."

The crowd froze for a moment.

You are so kind and then they hear that the demon-like man in front of him opened his mouth and said, "It's your best choice to go to earth!"

"I'm going to build a large underground cluster-type underworld apartment for everyone."

"That's right... The check-in process may have been a little more thrilling, with 99.

A little more than a small death rate, but don’t worry, Jiang is a professional and usually can’t make mistakes, and my service to Li Gui has zero bad reviews!”

The ghosts were stunned.

The negative review rate is zero. Is it so awesome! But it's smack, why do you suddenly want to serve us? Then they saw that Jiang Che was standing on the neck of the clay giant, and this giant, the giant behind it stretched out a pair of huge The earthy wings, soaring into the air.

Jiang Che's strength and ability, this clone he established through the origin of the earth element, will all inherit.

"Chaos Fury!"

Jiang Che shouted in a low voice, he and the giant's body surface, both haunted a layer, dark red, violent power, power surged.

"Use the alien card - Zhu Yan!"

Zhu Yan is a giant beast of war, and is also extremely good at using weapons. The sledgehammer in the giant's hand suddenly has an aura that destroys everything. The size of the weapon has expanded by [-]% again. flower seeds.

This is especially if it comes down with a hammer.

Get the ghost! "Use the alien card - raccoon power!"

The giant's right arm bulged violently.

"Use the alien card - Li!"

The giant body is thousands of meters taller...

Jiang Che selected the more powerful exotic beast cards from the gold cards he had accumulated on weekdays. At this time, he blessed them all, continuously increasing the power of this hammer.

The reason why the Obsidian card is not used directly is because it is not necessary. …

At present, Jiang Che's basic strength is already a median god. With the blessing of Kuafu and Xingtian's two obsidian beast souls, he has reached the peak of a median god, and in terms of strength, he is not at all inferior to the upper gods. lose.

Coupled with the original power of Gonggong.

He has directly reached the status of the invincible! With such strength, coupled with his huge size, and the copper dome-shattering hammer, it is more than enough to face hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers, plus the dozen or so gold cards Jiang Che used. Card, this wave is very stable.

At this time, the sneaky group looked at the giant in the sky, whose size and aura were soaring, and the sledgehammer in its hands.

Then think of Jiang Che's previous words.

Bad rating.


It just felt so terrifying.

God's bad review rate is zero! This is because of the ghosts you have served.

They are all dead!

Chapter [-] The man who walked out of the door


Under the depressing atmosphere, Li Gui finally couldn't hold it any longer, shouted and fled to the ruins of the city behind him.

"Run, run, run!"

"Ah! It hurts..."

More and more ghosts began to flee.

The blood of the earth giant in the sky is getting more and more fiery, just like a big sun, burning and shining, the terrifying energy in its body pours out all around, and before it can make a move, many ghosts are burned to the ground.

Not to mention the terrifying sledgehammer in the hands of giants! A lot of sneaky eyes are blinded just by looking at them.

Although the ghosts are cruel and crazy, they are not fools.

In the face of this terrible enemy, they will also be afraid.

Rumble!!--!! The earth trembles.

More than [-] ghosts fled to the four fields.

Some evil spirits also trembled, and quietly merged into the shadows nearby...

"The Power of Destruction."

Jiang Che let out a low roar again, and his terrifying power instantly doubled! Suddenly, the sky shook, and ancient chains like giant dragons appeared in the void, wrapping around Jiang Che's right arm, as if It's because he transcends a certain limit that is not allowed by this world in terms of power.

"Gu Moyuan, Immortal Emperor Pass... I have a hammer—"

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