Jiang Che's eyes were cold, and he slowly spit out a few words: "Broken Heaven!"

Boom! A sky-defying momentum erupted from the copper dome-shattering hammer.

Kacha! The avenue chain in the void was instantly crushed.

The power of breaking the dome! One of the top attributes of the copper dome-breaking hammer, to a certain extent, can break the shackles of heaven and earth.


Jiang Che roared out a word, and the sledgehammer in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

It was as if a sky was suppressed.

The earth collapsed suddenly.

Bang ——————!!!!!! A terrifying loud noise spread throughout the entire Lan City, the vast force poured wildly, the ground was torn apart inch by inch, the soil splashed, and the flesh and blood flew. Countless Specter Ghosts were annihilated before they even had time to let out a scream.... The [-] Yin Army was completely covered by the power of this hammer.

Rumble-----The terrifying loud noise continued.

The explosion annihilated the vast ruins of the city.

Bull head stared at a pair of scarlet eyes and ran to the door.

It knows that the Yin Army is completely over.

Zhang Yuannian put on a 'fuck,' expression, and one or five 55 apprentices kicked and flew out: "—Run!!!"

He is a supremely powerful man.

However, in the face of such an attack, he completely discarded all his demeanor and majesty, and desperately fled with five level 55s. Fortunately, Jiang Che also noticed the five people, and he slapped it out with a palm, the Great Sealing Heaven Technique. Condensed an invisible giant hand and pushed the six people out of this area.

The power of this hammer.

Crazy poured out on the ground.

The terrifying explosion lasted for more than ten minutes.

When the bang stops.

The smoke slowly dissipated.

Zhang Yuannian, who had withdrawn thousands of miles away, looked at the person in front of him in horror - Tiankeng! Only the word Tiankeng can describe it.

It is huge and unfathomable. Looking down, it is pitch black, like an abyss.

This hammer directly penetrated several strata, some strata have magma flowing, some strata have groundwater spewing, and some strata actually have ancient fossils and rare ores that are rarely seen on the ground.

Six people are like six dumb geese.

He stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

This is so special... It's too exaggerated! "The Invincible... This is the power of the Invincible"

Zhang Yuannian murmured absentmindedly, he understood that from this moment, the earth will enter a new era: "From now on, the invincible will fight for hegemony, and at every turn... burn the mountains and boil the sea, and even kill the stars in the universe."

"In the era of the strong fighting for hegemony, the human race has the protection of the invincible, which is a great luck."

Zhang Yuannian looked at Jiang Che with a burning gaze, he knew too well what it meant for human beings to have such a strong man.


Zhang Yuannian suddenly shouted excitedly: "Quick! Inform the reporters in the department to report on this tiankeng, report to the world, show the power of my first invincible human being, and shock Xiaoxiao!"

These turbulent times.

The appearance of an invincible strong man is equivalent to giving all desperate people a reassurance pill! "Yes, teacher!"

Five people 5 faces are also very excited.

Nowadays, people are panicking, and the whole world is experiencing a resurgence of demons. If such a strong person appears in Lancheng, I am afraid that in the future of human history, this city will have a strong stroke.

[Lancheng - the first invincible human being shot here, killing [-] Yin soldiers with one hammer, deterring the invasion of Ten Thousand Ghost Domain!] Several people even imagined how it would be recorded in the history books.

"I'm here to prepare the copy in person, except... the people from the department, all the media units in the city, all called to hold a press conference here."

Zhang Yuannian thought about it and said directly.

"Of course, this is after confirming that it is safe here. Now that you return to Lancheng, I will follow Lord Jiang to the gate of hell."


the other side.

Jiang Che stood in the void.

Under his feet was a bottomless abyss.

The earth giant has disappeared, after all, to maintain its existence, the consumption of the earth element is terrifying.

Jiang Che's current earth element source is only five points: 55:, and he can use the power of the source of five times of work together, adding up, it is two and a half breaths.

Earth Origin Fragments are too difficult to obtain.

Jiang Che only obtained more than [-] threads from the body of an earth-type fierce god just now, which is equivalent to two points of earth-type origin.

And a little bit of the earth element can use the power of the source once, lasting half a breath.

"I am now, the origin of the dark line and the blood line, but... too many."

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