Jiang Che glanced at it. Both of his two origins had already exceeded seventy, which was a very large amount, composed of seven thousand original origin fragments.

After all, the power of the source can only be possessed by very powerful creatures.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 27 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 5% life essence."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 dark origin fragment..."


The reminders beside the ears are endless.

Jiang Che ignored it and looked up at the door in front of him. At this time, Niu Tau had already rushed outside the door. It was panting and aimed at the door, as if reporting something.

And next.

A strange wave came from the door: came out.

Immediately afterwards, a person walked out. The moment he walked out, Jiang Che's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he was facing a great enemy!

Chapter [-]: Life and Death - Judge!

As the person behind the door walked out, Jiang Che seemed to see the scene of his own death.

At this moment, his back was soaked with sweat.

What kind of weird ability is this? Jiang Che looked up and met a pair of eyes with no emotion at all.

This is a man in a white robe. He is not ferocious at all. His body is the same as a normal person, and his breath is weak. In front of the bull's head, he looks like an ant, but the [-]-meter-tall bull-headed giant, facing this person, respectfully At the extreme, he bent down and bowed his head, not even daring to look directly at each other.

The man's eyes were indifferent like a living person.

"My lord, it's... that person, he beheaded Hong, the nigger, and sabotaged our plan."

"He's very strong, and a single hammer will destroy my hand."

"What's even more terrifying is that this person can explode with trump cards and step into the rank of underworld commander in a short period of time!"

Niu Tau reported respectfully, his voice trembling slightly.

"That is to say..."

The man spoke indifferently, and looked at Niu Tau lightly: "The task I gave you failed."

Hear the man's calm words.

The huge body of the bull's head trembled violently, and there was an unstoppable fear in his eyes.

"No... No, no! Your lord! Zhang Wendao's relatives also followed, right there, right there!"

Niu Tou turned his head and pointed at Zhang Yuannian like crazy, as if he had grabbed the life-saving straw.

The man glanced at the front, his tone without the slightest emotion: "The target person and the enemy are less than two feet away, and they may be killed at any time, and with the current power of this seat, it cannot be stopped, which means..."

Hear the judge's analysis.

The bull's head trembled more and more violently, and there was deep fear in his eyes, as if he had expected his own ending.

"Mission - failed."

"Yin Si's rules, you understand."

As soon as the judge said the words "mission failure", Niu Tou suddenly stood up, a pair of huge pupils turned scarlet in an instant, a bloody Styx appeared in his eyes, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

But the bull's head did not intend to attack the man in front of him.

Instead, turn around and run.

At this moment.

The man's sleeves flicked, and a row of faint blue life and soul lamps appeared in the void in front of him. The man chose one, waved it over, and crushed the base.


In the air, a short scream sounded.

The bull's head, which rushed out more than [-] meters, was bleeding from the seven orifices at this moment, and his face was miserable.

"No! No! Lord Judge!"

The bull's head screamed in despair.

The man looked at the bull's head blankly, and continued to exert force in his hands.

Click! The life lamp is broken again.

The bull's head and chest first bulged violently, then slumped deeply, and its aura suddenly shriveled, and the powerful blood and strength of the supreme power level disappeared instantly.


The bull fell to his knees in pain:!"

These are the last two words it shouted. Crack! A sound.

The man crushed the whole soul.

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