The bull's head also exploded with a 'bang', turning into a rain of blood.

A pinnacle with an invincible level combat experience, perished! This scene.

Completely stunned Zhang Yuannian:.

Holy crap! I read that right.

The peak of the strongest, like an ant, was pinched to death. Looking at his stunned expression, Jiang Che patted him on the shoulder: "Old Zhang, don't be surprised, the realm of the upper gods is like this, the gap between the strong and the weak. Exaggerated."

"The same as the upper god, it may also be pinched to death by others."

"Because this realm is divided into several stages, one is to integrate what you have learned, and if you fail to do it, you can only be regarded as a pseudo-high-level god, and what you can do is only a primary-level high-level god."

"After the fusion is complete, you need to explore your own path. At this point, it is the real watershed!"

"The weak and weak 'Dao' that have been explored are almost useless, and they can only bully people of low realm, and those whose own 'Dao' is strong enough will have very terrifying strength, and even some high-level gods with powerful abilities. , Even the gods would be afraid of them, so the creatures in the realm of the upper gods are unfathomable."

Jiang Che's tone was inexplicably heavy: "I am afraid this person has very strange and powerful abilities."

"It's very difficult to deal with."

Some of these things were told to him by the... huge voice between heaven and earth when he was giving lectures to the supreme powers.

The other part is from Su Xuanxuan.

Before Jiang Che left Longquan Mountain, this girl had recovered to her eighteen-year-old body, and her memory had awakened a lot.

She completely told Jiang Che what happened before her amnesia. At that time, she was in the realm of... high gods, but she was able to face the siege of the four gods, and finally escaped alive.

This girl's 'dao' is absolutely terrifying! It can even be said that her 'dao' is very rare in all the worlds of gods. After all, she came from the upper realm, and the ancient bloodline and the practice method are integrated. Afterwards, the 'Tao' that I learned through comprehension throws out these... The streets of the living beings in the world of gods are normal.

"What is the ability of this person to be able to kill the peak powerhouse?"

Zhang Yuannian's jaw trembled a little: "Fuck, will he suddenly pinch me, and then the old man will die?"

He panicked.

And Jiang Che shrugged: "Old Zhang, you are thinking too much. Just now, others were saying that you are afraid that I will kill you. Don't worry, they will arrest you and threaten your grandson."

"Then I'm still dead, come on, give the old man a hammer."

Zhang Yuannian was very decisive.

"it is good!"

Jiang Che was even more decisive.

Zhang Yuannian: Gan! He dodged Jiang Che's hammer and waved his hands again and again: "Lord Jiang, just kidding, kidding, this old man chose to commit suicide before because his cultivation base was completely ruined. die on the battlefield."

And this time.

the other side.

The man put away the soul lamp and looked at Jiang Che.

"That', if you make trouble, kill me the ghost of the underworld."

There was no emotion in his voice, not even anger, it was so calm.

Zhang Yuannian, an old man who is used to seeing things in the world, felt a little scared when he heard it: "Mr. Jiang, this old man has lived for more than two hundred years, and I have never seen such a person...not like a human being."


The judge's voice was calm and cold, with no fluctuations in tone, very strange.

"Since you did it, then you can die."

"This judge sentenced you-"

"Death instantly!"

An ancient pen appeared in the man's hand. When he lifted the pen, the whole world began to hum, and the illusion of hell in the ten directions appeared around him. Thousands of threads appeared from the void and fell on Jiang Che's body. The other end of the silk thread is intertwined under the pen, forming a piece of paper, and a shadow of an ancient book can be vaguely seen.

There are three words written on it.

"Book of Life and Death"

Chapter [-]: Can Jiang's life be held in the hands of others?

Seeing the phantom of the ancient book, Zhang Yuannian's body trembled violently, and his turbid eyes instantly widened.

"Book of Life and Death!"

"It's the stuff of legend"

"Controlling the life and death of all things, one stroke determines the destiny."

"This kind of thing is actually real! It actually exists!"

"It's incredible..."

Zhang Yuannian's face was ugly. He went to the Northwest battlefield once, where he heard many rumors about the heavens and the world.

Once interrogating a prisoner of the delusional realm, Zhang Yuannian learned that there are some terrible forbidden places floating in the universe.

some of.

There is one party that cannot be... The mentioned taboo is called - Netherworld Yellow Spring! This place has buried gods and immortals.

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