
The compartment door opened.

PS: Looking for collections, flowers, and evaluation tickets for new books!

Chapter [-]: I'm an Enthusiastic Citizen

The old man stood at the door and looked at Jiang Che with a sad face.

"How about it, boy, this baby is worth it~" Sen Han said in an extremely voice.

And Jiang Che looked at the things in the uncle's mountaineering bag, the white meat, bones, and blood dripping, his face turned pale with shock: "It turned out to be pork! This thing is not cheap these days."

Grandpa was stunned.

God is so pork!

Are your eyes white?

"Young man, take a good look at it~ This thing is much more expensive than pork." The old man followed suit.

"It's not pork?" Jiang Che showed a puzzled expression. He sniffed at the mountaineering bag again. In an instant, his expression suddenly changed, and he threw the backpack on the ground in a panic.

And the old man was also interested, the corner of his mouth outlined a cold and sly smile, looking forward to saying:

"Do you see it?"

Jiang Che's breathing became a little heavier, and he unconsciously took a few steps back with a look of horror on his face.

"Could it be... mutton? I hate mutton the most."

The uncle's gloomy smile froze on his face, and Jiang Che's thoughts were all disrupted by the lines he had prepared.

Can you do it? !

I am a lot of age, reminding you to have fun for a long time, right?

"Young man, the uncle will remind you again that there have been a lot of murder cases at the train station recently. There are many perverted murderers. They like to kill people and put their bodies in a backpack and take them away~" The uncle said gloomily.

Jiang Che immediately understood, and opened his backpack to show it to the uncle.

"You're always optimistic, I'm a serious person, definitely not a perverted murderer."

Grandpa's face was stunned.

Is this what I'm talking about?

Besides, what serious man would carry a sledgehammer in his bag? !

"Young man, although you are not a murderer, what about me, Uncle Bao Qi?"

The old man finally couldn't bear it anymore, a deboning knife appeared in his hand, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth opened, revealing an exaggerated smirk, the blood on both sides of his face split open, and it went directly to the back of his ears, extremely hideous, Terrible.

"And I'm not just a perverted murderer~"

Accompanied by the gloomy voice of the old man, the temperature in the toilet dropped suddenly, and the lights were completely extinguished. Although it was daytime, the light became extremely dim.

"Hey, 110? I've encountered a perverted murderer, and he's still a villain. It's very scary and scares people to death."

Seeing that this young man was in a panic, he could only call the police for help, and the old man felt extremely comfortable.

He slowly approached Jiang Che step by step, and at the same time sneered: "~Beggar, stop him."

At the door of the toilet, the beggar who had left before had turned back at some point. Holding a bowl, he looked at Jiang Che, swallowing his saliva. The beggar at this time, with his hands and head twisted behind his back, stared blankly at Jiang Che. Incredibly weird.

There is a terrifying old man in front, and a weird beggar in the back.

Jiang Che seemed to have nowhere to go.

He could only put his last hope on the police, and shouted to the phone with great urgency.

"There was also a beggar with a bowl and a knife in his hands, and they caught me one after the other!"

"Jie Jie~" The uncle walked towards Jiang Che with a gloomy smile, realizing that this person was completely desperate.

And this time.

Jiang Che asked slowly, "Can I hammer them to death? The movement is a bit loud, so you won't take me to jail, will you?"

There was a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Mister is a capable person. The empire's control of capable persons is relatively relaxed. You can contribute to the social security order. We thank you for being too late, but if the movement is bigger, it will not trigger the corresponding laws~"

The soft and cute policewoman's voice made Jiang Che heave a sigh of relief.

That's fine~ That's fine.

He slowly stretched out his hand to the mountaineering bag behind him, and a pitch-black hammer fell into Jiang Che's hands. The cracks on the hammer head suddenly shone with hot flames and violent thunder.

The corners of Jiang Che's mouth moved slightly, and he uttered three words indifferently.


On the hammer, blazing fire and tyrannical thunder suddenly rose.

The moment I saw this thing.

The two evil spirits were stunned.

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