what is this?

Isn't this Nima something that only exists in fantasy novels! !

You take it against us.

Too much!

It's a pity that Jiang Che, as an enthusiastic citizen, was too lazy to listen to the two evil spirits selling miserably. The sledgehammer fell with a bang, and there was a loud bang in the entire train station. Countless people were so frightened that they hugged their heads and squatted down. , I thought it was a terrorist attack and threw explosives where.

When countless marshals arrived, the toilets at the station had been completely exhausted, leaving only a rubble. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

A man came out of it.

In the face of more than ten shots.

He raised his hand and shouted.

"Comrade police officer, I'm Jiang Che, an enthusiastic citizen. I just had a phone call with the bureau. Don't be impulsive and keep calm."

PS: I’m really sorry, I’ve been a bit stuck lately, but today’s chapter, I have to make up for it if I stay up late, so I’m asking for a wave of flowers~evaluation votes~

Chapter [-] Must be a great leader! (For new book collections, flowers, and evaluation tickets!)

Hear Jiang Che's words.

All the policemen were stunned.

Keep calm and don't be impulsive...

Why does it sound a little familiar?

After being stunned for a while, the police responded.

Isn't this what we often say when we face criminals!

You say this to a bunch of us cops? ?

"Dayuan three stations! Dayuan three stations!" Suddenly the police captain's walkie-talkie sounded anxiously: "Just now, an enthusiastic citizen said that two evil spirits were dealt with at your station. Please verify and issue bonuses to them. The other party is extremely It may be a powerful person, don't provoke him! Repeat it again, don't provoke him!!"

The police captain laughed.

Don't worry, we can't be irritated, others are trying to persuade us to calm down, they are more professional than us!

"Comrade Jiang Che, thank you very much for your contribution to social order, but we need to verify it, please cooperate." The police captain said politely.

When the rest of the police officers heard this, they also understood, and they all moved their guns away from Jiang Che and turned to face the toilet.

And what left them speechless.

Jiang Che walked up very enthusiastically and grabbed the captain's hand: "The police comrade is too polite, this is what I should do!"

Then he didn't see any outside at all, and just stood in the middle of a group of policemen, with his hands on his back, staring at the toilet very seriously. Those who didn't know it thought that he was a plainclothes himself and a member of the police.

Generally speaking, when the police perform their tasks, it is absolutely impossible to let unidentified persons do so.

However, the other party is very likely to be a capable person, and the police are not too rigid and pay attention to the rules.

After all, a person who can blow up a toilet with a hammer.

If they really want to start a fire, it doesn't make any sense whether their muzzles are aimed at him.

With two policemen entering with professional equipment.

Then he came out with a look of surprise and fear.

"Report captain! These are two very powerful evil spirits, the threat level is above D level, very close to D+!"

Hearing this, the captain broke down in a cold sweat.

If this kind of evil is really full of power, I am afraid that thousands of people will die at the train station!If they have not been discovered, they can quietly kill countless people, and even increase their strength in the process, causing unimaginable damage.

Fortunately, it was destroyed early by this enthusiastic citizen.


Dozens of police officers stood at attention extremely seriously, turned to Jiang Che, and saluted seriously, with deep admiration and gratitude in their eyes.

And some of the onlookers, who were still in doubt, saw this scene and instantly understood Jiang Che's identity - the chief leader of the police station.

Didn't you see that the other police officers were all wearing police uniforms, and he was the only one in civilian clothes, standing in the group of police officers with his hands behind his back, and he was very imposing, and now a group of police officers saluted him again - there is no doubt that the big leader!

Many passersby were amazed.

At such a young age, to be able to hold a high position in a government agency, he must have a strong family background.

Jiang Che returned the salute as standard as possible, and said, "Comrade police, can I go now? My car is coming soon."

"Mr. Jiang, if you are not in a hurry, you can register with us first and receive the bonus, and then the railway department will arrange the fastest special car for you." The captain asked: "Of course, if you are in a hurry, you can also later Get it here again."

Of course Jiang Che was in no hurry.

After all, I have just tried the power of the hammer, killed two evil spirits, and got a total of 1350 energy.

So he followed a group of policemen to collect the two million bonus.

After chatting a few words with the leaders of the railway department, Jiang Che got on the fastest high-speed train to Huangshan City, a first-class ticket. Of course, he could easily buy this kind of ticket, but only one night in advance would definitely not be able to buy it.

The railway department gave Jiang Che a special VIP card. With this card, he could ride any domestic train for free, and he could make an appointment at a very high speed, which was very convenient.

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