"Do you really want to go in alone?"

"Otherwise, we'll have to wait for the other adults to arrive. Let's stick to this door and say that there may not be a chance of survival."

Jiang Che's eyes lit up when he heard the 'innumerable powerful breaths'.

He suddenly became: solemn.

There was a bit of positivity on his face.

"Old Zhang! Don't talk about it, at the moment of the national disaster, the man will die. When the rest of the invincibles arrive, I heard that this kid's body has long since been destroyed. Before the aura recovers, Jiang will only rely on a handsome face to eat. , did not make much contribution to the society, now is the time for me to serve the motherland!"

"You don't have to stop me."

Facing Zhang Yuannian, Jiang Che shook his head slowly and firmly: "Even if Jiang loses to his opponent, he must splatter five steps with blood to let them understand that I, Earth, cannot be bullied by anyone!"

"Dying on the battlefield is the greatest honor of a soldier."

"I'll go first, Lao Zhang, open the door."

And heard what Jiang Che said.

Zhang Yuannian's body froze, and he almost burst into tears: "Master Jiang..."

"Old man... I will go to war with you!"

He really couldn't imagine it.

Master Jiang is so courageous.

This made Zhang Yuannian feel a sense of pride in his heart, thinking of when he was young, killing the enemy on the battlefield, defending his family and defending the country, his youth seemed to come back.

"No need for Lao Zhang."

Jiang Che waved his hand.

"Master Jiang! You don't have to worry about the old man, the old man is not afraid of death!"

"No, you are too weak, I'm afraid you will drag me down."

Zhang Yuannian: This is so hurtful! "Learn, open the door to Lord Jiang."

In fact, the door has always been open. The so-called door opening refers to opening a time rift that allows the passage of power beyond the level of the median god.

The judge can come before.

It is also self-destruction.

It can be seen that Zhang Wendao's ability is indeed very powerful.

This handsome young man swept his gaze to Jiang Che, showing a touch of respect, and then there was a wave from the left, Jiang Che stepped in, and the time and space were closed again.

the other side.

Jiang Che had already appeared in a space rift, and all around him were turbulent voids, and all kinds of space fragments, like sharp knives, slashed quickly, very terrifying.

"This place is at least five or six times bigger than Qinling Mountain."

"Some space fragments, as long as five or six hundred meters, can almost be called space blades. Even if it is a high-level god, if one is not careful, I am afraid it will be cut into two pieces!"

Jiang Che was slightly surprised.

"It's no wonder that most of the evil spirits who guarded the gate just now are my native monsters."

"It turns out that the opponent's grassroots combat power can't get through."

He suddenly realized why the hundreds of thousands of Yin soldiers before him all looked familiar, and they didn't have any exotic atmosphere at all.

Think here.

Jiang Che became more and more excited.

Of course.

What he was excited about wasn't to see the exotic sneaks later.

It's - "It's just a temporary formation of the Yin Army, all of which are at least half a step in the strength of the red clothes, so how fierce should they really be an official army?"

If ordinary people notice this.

Most likely there will be concerns.

But Jiang Che is different.

He directly accelerated the speed with excitement, and seemed a little impatient.

A temporary Yin army.

It will bring him more than [-] million energy.

If this is a formal army, it will be exciting if you don't think about [-] billion! However, the space channel is very long, and in order to prevent collision with the Void Fragment, you have to maintain the speed, and it will take at least half an hour to reach the other end.

in boredom.

Jiang Che checked the gains from the battle just now.

The energy harvest adds up to nearly [-] million, which is very terrifying.

There are also more than [-] original fragments of the dark, blood, and evil lines each, that is, more than ten points of the original power of these lines. , So far, he has not obtained these two source powers, which can only be regarded as a fortune that can be seen and cannot be used.

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