His soul power unit directly broke five or ten thousand.

Jiang Che will use beast souls in the future, almost no need to think about consumption, and he has a lot of money.

There is one more gain.

Judge's Pen, Imitation Book of Life and Death - Yinshu.

"I don't know what can be achieved after strengthening"

Jiang Che held these two treasures in his hands, whispered something, thought about it, and said directly: "Strengthen!"

"Ding, do you spend a million energy to strengthen the "Yin Shu""

The first boost requires a million energy.

And this is obviously not a disposable item like the altar of ghosts and gods, but a weapon that can be used for a long time.

This made Jiang Che a little surprised: "The falsification ability of this underworld is very powerful!"

It is truly amazing to be able to create such a rare weapon.

"It seems that this so-called Reincarnation God King is not a simple character..."

Jiang Che murmured, and his eyes widened.


A million energy flows.

A mass of destructive divine light enveloped the ancient book in front of him.

Jiang Che continued: "Strengthen the judge's pen."

"Ding, does it cost [-] energy..."

After a few minutes.

The light dissipated, and Jiang Che's hand, a book and a stroke, had undergone tremendous changes.

Chapter [-]: One stroke determines life and death, and two strokes are yin and yang chaos

The keel of the judge's pen is meandering, and the pen bucket is cast with the inner alchemy of a kind of ghostly ancient beast. It exudes a terrifying aura. , it's more than ten times terrifying! "[-] energy, no loss!"

Jiang Che couldn't help nodding his head. Although the energy was really spent, the system was still innocuous. Once it was strengthened, it actually increased the power of the Judge Pen tenfold.

"Now this pen, even if it is taken out alone, I am afraid it is not inferior to an ordinary high-grade artifact!"

Before, the combination of the judge pen and the book of life and death could be regarded as a top-grade artifact.

And now their power has changed dramatically.

Moreover, these two artifacts also had an inexplicable connection with Jiang Che.

Judge Pen + 1 Jiang Che: One stroke determines life and death, two strokes are yin and yang chaos, and three strokes break the destiny! ——Reincarnation has only three concise three attributes, but the names are more domineering than the other.

Jiang Che felt it with the stylus, and his eyes showed surprise: "What a strong ability!"

To cut off one's life is to cut off one's destiny and affect one's destiny.

It is entirely up to the user to truncate it, or bold it.

Of course, this also has great limitations, and in the face of people whose fate is much weaker than you, you can play with it at will.

But if the opponent's strength, blood, luck, fate, etc., any one is stronger than the user, and then using this ability, it will be a bit dead.

It's easy to get knocked back.

The previous judge was attacked by Jiang Che.

"But even so, it's still a very terrifying ability."

"After all, Jiang's life is not ordinary hard!"

Jiang Che whispered: "But as a last resort, don't use this ability."

After all, manipulating the destiny, I am afraid that it will touch some of the existences in the dark, causing unknown or disaster.

Rebirth: Send the wronged soul to the bliss of rebirth, you can outline the rebirth spell, and cause huge damage to the soul-like enemies.

Jiang Che tried to swipe his brushstrokes, and when he sketched it in the void, an ancient incantation appeared. The power in it surprised him a little, especially for the soul body, which had an almost natural suppression.

"This power is simply... a ghost nemesis."

at last.

Jiang Che looked at the third attribute: reincarnation.

Reincarnation: To create reincarnation, to be reborn for ten thousand years, and to write a pen to grant longevity.

But there is a little trouble.

It needs to consume a hundred times its own life as the price of its reincarnation.

"good stuff!"

Jiang Che widened, very excited.

This thing is a tasteless thing to others, even the best relatives and friends, it is impossible for them to give themselves a hundred times their lifespan to continue their lives.

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