Ordinary people live another life, at least sixty-seven-sixty-sixty-seven-year life expectancy.

This requires six or seven thousand, and the lifespan can return.

And even the pinnacle figure in the world of gods, the throne of God, has a lifespan of about ten thousand years: some people with special abilities can live for twenty thousand years if they die.

Let these characters spend more than half of their lives to save a person, even their close relatives, I am afraid it is not possible.

But for Jiang Che.

too easy.

Isn't it life expectancy? Let Jiang Kangkang, how much of this thing do I have left... oh... [-] years.

That's all right.

Who wants to get [-] soul crystals from Reincarnation I, I will ship them here in batches.

Of course.

The strength of Jiang Che's daring to say such a thing is not his life span of more than [-] years, but his supernatural ability - longevity! There is such a thing.

His lifespan will probably grow to a number that he doesn't even want to live in the future.

You must know that these [-] years of lifespan was only accumulated by Jiang Che in less than half a year, and he estimated that when he went to Tianlan Continent this time, this number would have to be doubled.

Jiang Che was very excited: "System, continue to strengthen the judge's pen, strengthen it to the maximum for me!"

Ordinary people may not understand Jiang Che's excitement.


Even at ease.

But the loneliness of seeing one's relatives and friends die one by one and left alone in the world is terrifying, and can even drive a person crazy.

at this point.

Jiang Che had a deep understanding of ,,, so he understood that this power called 'reincarnation' was very important to him! "Ding, does it cost a million energy..."

Every time it is strengthened, the energy consumption will double, and a dim light will cover the judge's pen... After more than ten minutes.

Accompanied by repeated reinforcement.

A total of 145 million energy was spent.

The judge pen in Jiang Che's hand was almost completely reborn. On the dark pen, there was a faint pattern of a cold-faced evil spirit, and a small half of it was outlined on the pen. The entire pen exuded a cold and mysterious aura.

In the hand, it seems to control the life and death of all things.

Even Destiny can be cut off in one stroke! Jiang Che's eyes widened, and his breathing was a little short: "The overall attributes have not changed, but they have been enhanced too much. If you cut your life, you can [-]% cut off the life of a creature of the same level as yourself. , Of course, it can't exceed the level of the throne, after all, the current judge pen is only the level of the peak artifact, it is too difficult to cut off the life of the immortal."

"The incantation sketched out in the past, that kind of... terrifying aura, let alone ghosts, I am afraid that even a living person can be saved!"

"Reincarnation is even more powerful. It only takes ten times the lifespan to carry out reincarnation!"

"the most important is……"

Jiang Che stroked the evil ghost pattern on it, and there was a vague sense of familiarity. He seemed to have seen this ghost face there.

But he couldn't remember, he only vaguely remembered that it seemed to be related to an extremely mysterious taboo in the universe. Even immortals would not dare to touch them, and even immortals could only watch from a distance.

"This ghost face only outlines a small half, and I don't know what kind of power it will have after it is fully formed..."

Jiang Che's eyes moved slightly. This judge's pen exceeded his expectations. It was no longer just something that could help him and reincarnate relatives and friends.

But just like the World Destruction Black Lotus, it became an extra help in the final battle.

"I'm afraid it's not just the book of life and death, this judge's pen is also a copy of the reincarnation god king who walked out of the Yellow Spring according to the contents inside..."

Jiang Che murmured, his expression inexplicable: "It is more likely that it is not a simple imitation. He even obtained the bodies of these two things, the relevant materials, otherwise, it is impossible to strengthen such a heaven-defying ability."

Jiang Che's response to the so-called Reincarnation God King.

more and more curious.

So many things have been snatched from this place, which is said to be the place where immortals can be buried.


Jiang Che looked at the book of life and death.

Chapter [-]: Emperor Song, King of Five Senses, King of Mount Tai

This is a very strange book, the cover is dark and cold, with three large characters on it, "Book of Life and Death", the font is very illusory, as if it will collapse at any time, and it is said to be a book, but it only has a cover, not even a single page.

"Yin Shu" + 1 Jiang Che: The book contains all things, and leads people's spiritual life - what made Jiang Che a little confused is that this book has only one attribute, and he was stunned.

He raised his hand and touched the book, and suddenly, an inexplicable feeling came to his mind.

After a few seconds.

Jiang Che suddenly opened his eyes, showing surprise.

"It seems that the fate of the soul can be forcibly pulled"

"And all the lives loaded into the book of life and death can be manipulated with the judge pen, and the effect will be greatly enhanced!"

"good stuff!"

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