You must know that fate is impermanent, harder to touch than the soul, and covered by natural laws.

If you want to directly affect the 'life' of others, you need to spend a lot of energy just to find it.

It can pull life straight out.

The effect of the judge's pen will naturally be greatly enhanced! Jiang Che has the judge's pen in one hand and the life and death book in the other, so he can concentrate on the changes in his ability.

'Death' and 'Rebirth' cannot be judged for the time being, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that it only takes 7 times the lifespan to create reincarnation! And this is only strengthened once.

"Continue to strengthen!"

Jiang Che recited silently, a dazzling brilliance, covering the yin script... After more than ten minutes.

A total of 3 million [-] energy spent.

The ancient book in Jiang Che's hand has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The three big characters of "The Book of Life and Death" have been solidified a lot, from being completely illusory, with only a trace of shadow, to the point of being half-truth and half-truth.

And on the back of the book, there is a pattern of a palace tower, just like the evil ghost, only a small part is outlined, exuding an extremely mysterious atmosphere.

"This palace tower and the evil ghost pattern seem to have some connection. Once it is solidified, I am afraid it will be a very powerful help."

Jiang Che murmured: "Of course, it could also be a ticking time bomb."

But risks and benefits have always coexisted.

And for... subjugating the spirit of the artifact, someone from Jiang is very good at it.

Then, Jiang Che checked the power changes in the book of life and death, and he was slightly surprised: "It's actually reduced to one to one:!"

For him, this was almost nothing.

Even if you help a god to reincarnate, with a life span of [-] years, you only need to go to the beast forest to hunt for a short time and come back.

"This time, it can really be regarded as a business. Those old ancestors of... the great sects in the world of gods, if they knew that they could live again, even if they paid their life savings, they would be willing."

Jiang Che whispered, this is a pleasant surprise, and it can be another way for him to obtain energy.

After all, he wasn't a murderer either.

As long as it is a strong person who has not invaded the earth, it is still possible to seek cooperation.

ten minutes later.

A huge crack can already be seen not far away.

Jiang Che picked up the sledgehammer.

His eyes were faint, and the cold killing intent filled the air.

"I will collect the life debt you owe in the Underworld!"

Although Lancheng finally stood firm this time, the loss of lives was more than one million! Just those... become half-step red-clothed, evil spirits, and the ghosts who were trained by the underworld to become Yin soldiers add up to nearly [-], Not to mention the rest of the people who died tragically for no reason, or who became sneaky sustenance, add up to at least one million.

A huge city.

Almost slaughtered.

Countless people died in despair and panic, many wives were separated, and many more families died.

Pay debts.

Kill for life.

The rules left by the ancestors.

Can't be bad...  

the other side.

Tianlan Continent.

Edge of the Graveyard of the Gods.

The air is filled with a strong yin qi, the ghosts are strong, and the dark ghosts are all gathered here. This is a terrifying army, millions of ghost soldiers, once they are dispatched, they can slaughter a dynasty in almost half a day! Now it is daytime.

But the nine suns in the sky can't dispel the haze here.

The atmosphere was depressing.

Not a single ghost soldier dared to make a sound.

In the left rear of the huge team, there is a deep pit, spanning thousands of miles, countless ghosts die in it, their limbs are broken, their souls are broken, and there is still a terrifying evil spirit in the deep pit. This kind of power makes everyone sneaky. Trembling, that is the power that belongs to Yama! This deep pit comes from an underworld, the supreme King of Yama—Emperor Song! Mention this name.

In the entire Tianlan Continent, there will be countless strong people trembling.

Because it symbolizes endless calamity and terror, slaughter and ignorance.

Above the giant pit, there is not a single ghost. There is a bronze throne suspended alone. A young man with a pale face is sitting on it. He looks no different from ordinary people, but his eyes are very strange, completely black, like two sides. Nether Purgatory, bottomless.

The young man's face was calm.

No one could have imagined that he was angry just now and destroyed nearly [-] ghost soldiers with one palm.

This is a madman! Among the kings of hell, there is no one who is not mad.

This is nearly one-tenth and 10% of this ghost army's strength. If you say kill it, you will kill it.

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