Not one hell king is arrogant.

Because even the upper gods, for them, are just bigger ants.

They have already stood at the peak of the Tianlan Continent, and what they see on weekdays is not a peak high-level god, or... a half-step god seat, or even a god seat, you can also chat a few words.

Not to mention an indigenous world.

In the eyes of these kings of hell, the world of even the gods is just a chessboard that one party can control and deploy.

not to mention.

In the past, it is not that there has been no such thing as the emergence of high-level powerhouses among the indigenous people.

But those... those natives, the way of self-exploration, has long gone wrong. Even if they reach the realm of the upper gods by mistake, their combat effectiveness is pitifully weak.

Emperor Song's dark eyes suddenly emitted two dim lights, shooting towards the space passage. His abyss-like eyes seemed to have the magic power to see through everything.

Anything will be invisible in front of Emperor Song! But after a few glances.

on the bronze throne.

The handsome-faced Emperor Song suddenly aroused, and a show of drama appeared on his face.

"It's... interesting, just a native..."

"How dare you step out of the space rift and come towards the Tianlan Continent."

"Have you been arrogant in your own continent, and your brain is broken? The world of gods is the place you want to come!"

hear him.

The other two Hades were also stunned.

"A mere aboriginal, dare to set foot in the realm of the gods, is he here to court death!"

The King Taishan's voice was like thunder and humming.

"Haha, this person, I want this person, he will become my ninth blood soul soldier!"

The king of five senses was very excited: "In my blood and soul battle, there is just a lack of such a reckless man who is not afraid of death."

"Emperor Song, my Styx blood beads belong to you, this person, don't rob me!"

The bloody giant face said loudly.

The dark-eyed Song Emperor listened, pondered slightly, and then nodded.

"But most of the people stole my life and death book and the judge's pen, and this is to be returned to me."

People haven't arrived yet.

Several kings of hell have clearly assigned Jiang Che.

And when they heard that there were creatures in the indigenous world, they dared to kill them in the opposite direction. In the Yin Army formation, many ghosts and evil gods also laughed dryly, mocking the opponent's self-control.

a time.

This gloomy land.

There was an extra sound of ghost crying.

not far away.

In some large cities close to the cemetery of the gods, among the sects, there are ancient beings who open their eyes and look serious.

"what happened"

"Why is there a violent fluctuation of ghost energy in the cemetery of the gods, and there was a loud noise just now."

"Then... it seems that a certain Hades shot."

"What! This kind of existence has taken action. Could it be that the mainland will be turbulent again"

One after another spiritual thought.

communicate in secret.

Many forces in the Tianlan Continent became vigilant because of this, and they moved towards the direction of the gods' graves, showing a color of fear. After all, there is a huge force like a lunatic! They will often... cause panic on the continent. .

This time there is a move, and I don't know which sect or dynasty will suffer.

"Alas, sin!"

An ancient powerhouse sighed: "In the Divine Phoenix Dynasty, more than one billion living beings all died at their hands, these... executioners, what do they want to do!"

"Old friend, be careful! Be careful!"

Immediately, there was a secret voice transmission to warn the strong man.

"Ten Temple Yama, Dao Fruit is terrifying, the methods are cruel, each one is stronger than the other, how can we people afford it."

"Oh no one can cure them!"

"When the Mingguang Divine Throne entered the Netherworld, it didn't come back with nothing."

"After all, it is the inheritance of that person."

When a strong man said this sentence.

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