Some voices of discussion, stopped abruptly, seemed to be about the so-called "that person"

Scared to the extreme.

"Don't talk about it, get ready. If there is any action in the underworld, move the sect as soon as possible, and go to the protection of the throne to obtain absolute safety."

In the fortified cities like giant beasts, many powerful creatures moved, and some ancient sects began to pack up their treasure houses and recall their disciples.

Someone said half a sentence.

"Beyond the throne of God, but refuse to become an immortal, and reincarnate in a hundred lives, no one knows what that person wanted to do back then..."


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Graveyard of the Gods.

In front of the Yin Army formation, the bronze portal is imposing, and inside the gate is an endless turbulent void.


Void turbulence fluctuated.

A young man with a sunny appearance appeared inside the gate.

Holding the sledgehammer, he looked at the dark, dark evil spirit in front of him, and his face showed undisguised excitement and excitement.

"It's very kind, it's very kind!"

"It's enough for a few people to come to greet me, and to bring such a big gift, Jiang must be ashamed and ashamed."

Chapter [-]: The Furious Yin Army

"Yo, look at this little fat man, he's so watery, if he hits a hammer, he'll be able to smash out water."

Jiang Che pinched one of his...... the face of the giant demon, and commented on it.

This monster is responsible for guarding the gap and giving the visitor a dismay. Its breath is very terrifying, its face is hideous, it is a thousand meters high, its belly is round, and its forehead is long horns. It is a powerful high-level god. The level of the underworld commander.

He was originally grinning at Jiang Che.

Hear what the other person has to say.

Strictly stunned.

This...why does this person look like a relative! Am I frightened by the wrong person?

After all, this space portal is connected not only to the indigenous world, but also to two or three passages to other gods' worlds.

Moreover, this person is so enthusiastic, and the happiness on his face does not seem to be fake, it is completely... from the bottom of his heart, could it be that he is really a relative of a certain Lord Hades who thought of this.

It quickly put away its hideous expression and let Jiang Che grab the fat on its face, staring at itself with shining eyes.

Mad! Sure enough, he is a relative of the King of Hell! Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so perverted! This person is just... a look that wants to eat me.

I'm a ghost! I don't blame the giant monster for misunderstanding. If ordinary people saw a scene of millions of ghost soldiers, they would have been paralyzed by fright. A picture of seeing relatives.

Even more exciting than seeing relatives.

It was almost like seeing... a lot of soul crystals! His excitement was completely from the heart, causing not only the giant monsters, but even the three Hell Kings to look at each other with suspicious expressions, and those eyes clearly were. asking: Your relatives are so perverted! And just when the kings of hell were in a daze.

Jiang Che didn't think of himself as an outsider at all, he rushed directly into the Yin Army formation, and for a while... patted the ghost's butt, and pinched the ghost's face for a while, and he looked like he was inspecting the goods.

Many are sneaky, afraid that the other party may be a friend of the King of Hell, and dare not speak out.

After all, the King of Hell hasn't spoken yet.

How can they have a hands-on role and actually.

The three kings of hell all thought that Jiang Che was a relative of each other, and they were still making eye contact.


When Jiang Che took a few shots of the buttocks of a curvy female ghost envoy in plain white clothes, with a curvaceous figure, her double cultivator, Hei Wuchang couldn't sit still. This dark-skinned, muscular man, The veins all over his body swelled, and he stared at Jiang Che with red eyes.

"My lord! You are too much!"

"Master Hades, even your relatives can't treat us like this, he is humiliating my dignity as a male ghost!"

The nigger groaned.

The three Kings of Hell coughed lightly, but couldn't sit still.


King Tarzan was the first to speak.

"This person is a relative of both of you"

The other two Hades shook their heads in pain.

"It seems that this is the world, the aboriginal bold,"

The King of Mount Tai took a deep breath, obviously not too angry: "Yes, yes, it is indeed a rat's guts, in front of the army, he can look as usual, and he dares to molest my female ghost..."

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