"That's right, even if you become a disciple of the Throne of God and listen to other people's orders, it is more comfortable than having to worry about the underworld all the time."


Seeing the deterrent effect is good.

The three kings of hell looked at each other and smiled.

Then the Five Senses King began to search for Jiang Che's soul, and according to the agreement, the native belonged to it.

The giant face of the blood-colored shadow opened his mouth and uttered a few divine incantations, and a power to guide the wandering soul burst out.


Everyone heard a low voice.

"Don't be so special, I'm here."

In the sky, the thunder was overwhelming, and a side of the nether purgatory emerged, a sledgehammer, and the divine light was burning.

"You can take it!"

Chapter [-] Come, I will send you on your way

The eyes of the three Hades showed caution at the same time, looking towards the sky.

But when they saw the power on that... sledgehammer, the cautiousness in their eyes disappeared, and turned to a touch of disdain.

Although it seems to have a good reputation.

But this kind of power does not threaten them in the slightest.

"Indigenous people, give you a chance to live, but you don't know how to cherish it, and you have to come back to die"

"Then the king will fulfill you!"

In the blood-colored shadow, a giant hand stretched out, stretching [-] meters, with a terrifying prestige.

The thunder that pressed against the sky.

Under the pressure of this big hand, the sky seemed to be a little shorter.

In the surrounding cities, countless creatures widened their eyes in horror and looked at this scene in silence.

Hades strikes.

It is indeed invincible! At this time.

"Use the Shenzang card-"

A bell-like sound resounded through the sky.

"Chi You!"

When these two words were read out, an extremely evil and fierce force suddenly swept across the four directions.

It was as if a pair of huge eyes opened in the depths of the universe, and everyone felt the chills on their backs, almost as if they would die in the next second.


Thousands of miles around.

A dead silence! There is only a roar that runs through time and space, tearing apart the universe, and arriving in this world.

This roar was deafening, causing countless creatures to go limp, their souls trembling, and their livers and gallbladders torn apart.


"what exactly is it!"

"It's terrifying, I feel like I'm being targeted by an ancient giant."

"Absolutely suppressing the existence of eternity!"

The old men who were sleeping suddenly woke up. These are the foundation-level existences of various sects. Even the Hell King of the Yin Division must consider them when dealing with them.

But these old people don't live long, they can only sleep for a long time, until the sect is destroyed, they will never take action when it is absolutely necessary. Therefore, these sects still have no confidence in the face of the Yin Si.

But at this moment.

With this roar.

All the old people of this level were awakened, stepped out of the blood coffin, and looked solemnly into the depths of the universe.

"What! That's..."

An old man covered in thunder fell silent, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something terrifying.

"This... how could it be!"

Another old woman with hair in a bun like a snake shattered the artifact grade crutches in her hand.

"It's incredible, what kind of existence did the Netherworld provoked this time?"

"It... was actually disturbed!"

"And it seems that he actually chose to back down..."

An old man's voice trembled.

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