"Who is this young man!"

An incomparably ancient existence, his eyes were withdrawn from the depths of the sky, and there was still a deep shock in his eyes.

This shock comes from.

On the edge of the universe, a pair of indifferent eyes.

These eyes are very pale, almost undetectable, but they are extremely huge, spanning a large area of ​​the universe, if it is transmitted to the Tianlan Continent, it will be larger than half of the northern land.

In this world, only a few ancient creatures know what this means.

- Heaven! That's right.

This pair of eyes is exactly this world, the supreme Dharma.

It has no emotion.

Take control of everything.

It will only appear when it encounters an unacceptable external invasion.

And at this moment.

Tiandao's eyes appeared, but faded.

What this means no one knows.

All the old people just turned their attention to that... the young man from another world.

As for the millions of yin army, the three kings of hell, their faces were all blue, panting, their legs and feet were weak, and many were sneaky, and they were even scared to collapse, and their souls dissipated directly.

To know.

The rest of the creatures felt terrified.

Just feel the aftermath.

The terrifying roar that seemed to have crossed the long river of time and space just now was aimed at them! "Haha"

As soon as he stepped on the void, the sky began to crack. At this time, Jiang Che, whose physique was unimaginable, chuckled lightly: "You invaded the earth, killed millions of people in Lancheng, created panic, and let the living beings fall into the The abyss, let the dead creatures turn into evil ghosts, and let the hell appear in the world..."

"When you judge someone else's fate aloofly."

"Have you ever thought that this day would come"

On his body, there were primitive magic lines.

His eyes turned into an ancient dark red, and his body turned into a copper head and iron arms.

Six hands and eight hooves.

Possess an unmistakable spirit.

At this time, Jiang Che was simply like a demon god from the wild, almost looking down at the heavens, overlooking the world, and was unparalleled in ferocity.

under his scrutiny.

The three kings of hell had very ugly faces.

If not for heaven's obstruction.

With a roar just now, they were already seriously injured.

How could he beat the native in front of him, the breath burst out in an instant, and it was already to the point where even they felt heart palpitations.

Mad! What a freak! "Don't be impulsive."

The King of Mount Tai erected a huge bone hand: "Little brother, I can give you whatever compensation you want. We only want to resolve this matter peacefully, and we promise not to invade your place in the future...  world."

"That's right, I have a deep foundation in the underworld, little brother, this matter can be discussed."

The huge bloody face also said loudly.

The kings of hell are all lunatics, but they are not fools. When others roar in their lives, they almost make them vomit blood. If this fights, they will have a way to survive and be a strong man in the right way.

You may have to fight with your nose, then be killed, or run away with serious injuries.

But just right.

Their ghostly underworld is a wicked way, and what they pay attention to is.... One unscrupulous, as long as you surrender now and return to the headquarters of the underworld, even if the Throne of God comes in person, there is no way to break through it.

At that time.

Then discuss how to deal with this indigenous strategy.

It's not too late either.

"We are willing to be soft and just ask for a chance for a peaceful solution, compensation, apology, etc. All can be done."

King Tarzan has a good attitude.

far away.

Many creatures looked at each other in dismay.

It's hard to imagine that a ruthless King of Hell on weekdays can actually do this.


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