Jiang Che didn't change his face, his mood was calm, it wasn't because he was arrogant, but after using the Shenzang card, he would understand what kind of power this is!

Come to the conclusion: Ordinary Black Yao Cards are completely impossible to deal with! Unless the Ying Long Card is drawn again, but this probability is too small.

What's more, there are still three kings of hell here, with a deep breath. In this case, Jiang Che understands that he has no other choice but to go directly to the Shenzang card.

So he used Chi You directly.

And when the power of the card pours into the body completely.

Jiang Che knew that this yin army was already cold, and his wave was invincible.

This is an indescribable power, as if it can crush the stars with one hand and smash the continent with one foot, almost, omnipotent! At this time.

Jiang Che faced countless attacks.

A gleam of light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and he used this vast power.

"The Lord of Hell!"

He only used one additional ability, and that was the attribute on the Copper Vault Hammer—the Lord of Hell.

Because other powers, at this moment, seem a little insignificant.

And this attribute is different, this is a strong effect, according to the user's own strength, open the corresponding hell portal, and borrow the power of the living creatures, or the remnant soul.

And Jiang Che's identity of the creatures in this hell.

There is also a guess.

Endless years ago, the strongest group of creatures in the heavens tried to expose the black hand behind the scenes, but they failed in the end. Some creatures escaped, while others were directly besieged and killed.

That kind of... a powerful being born at the beginning of the world.

Even if you die, you can't die cleanly.

Squeak...—the door opens.

A broken voice sounded.

"The sixth floor of hell—"

Chapter [-]: Millions of Yin Army, Killed with One Hammer!

"Is it finally turned on?"

The voice was incomparably strange, as if it was incomplete. At this time, he sighed with emotion, and then returned to silence.

Jiang Che was a little stunned.

In the past, every higher level of hell, the creatures in it would become more and more rebellious, and when they reached the fourth level, almost all of them wanted to attack him.

The fifth floor will only proudly announce a name.

Such as the previous Dizu.

But now.

The big guy on the sixth floor.

He was so reluctant to give his name, Jiang Che was stunned for a while..., then he heard that..., a very broken, intermittent voice, and said impatiently: "Boy, you are stunned for one thousandth, % breath. In time, the enemy's big fist will be thrown in your face."

"What are you doing stupid?"

"Beat it!"

It seems that this... Although extremely arrogant, he is not bad at heart.

In other words, it is not possible to judge a creature of this level by good or bad, but rather, it is kind to the side that Jiang Che represents.

One blow shatters everything.

Let everything become: Broken power suddenly appeared on Jiang Che's sledgehammer.

This power made Jiang Da Mangfu feel a little shocked, he nodded, no longer hesitated, raised the sledgehammer high in his hand, and then smashed it down! Boom!!!!! Wherever the sledgehammer passed.

The space collapsed, revealing a pitch-black extraterritorial void.

This scene.

Countless ancient existences jumped up in shock.

Damn it,!! The space rift was directly smashed to pieces.... It won't tear down our world too!! It is usually said that when the strong fights, the space is shattered. Refers to the void within the domain.

Every world.

There will be space cracks, which will cut it off from the heavens and the universe.

But just this hammer.

It directly shattered the space rift, revealing the dark extraterritorial universe, and countless powerhouses widened their eyes in horror. It is said that such a scene can only happen in a battle at the level of the Throne of Gods! This... It's scary! Many people directly pulled away and fled the city where they were located.

Run away.

"Great horror! Fast back! Fast back!"

A bloody old demon emperor shouted for his descendants.

"This young man must be a supreme taboo, run! Run!"

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