A supreme sect, the sect fled.

These people are afraid of being affected by the battle.

Some people stayed.

"This time, the Netherworld has kicked the iron plate!"

There are ancient powerhouses with glittering eyes and unusual excitement.

"Youth Supreme, thank you old man for eliminating demons and guarding the way, and please come to the Great Wilderness Sect for a drink later!"

An old man shouted in high spirits:

It's a risky friendship...  

the other side.

The sledgehammer is surrounded by the supreme demonic energy, the power of ferociousness, and the kind of power that seems to shatter everything, and the power of the underworld, colliding together.

The first thing I came into contact with was the power of the ghost formation of Tianzhu.

Chi-la! Chi-la! - Chi-la... A few loud noises.

These... huge ghost power, directly under the sledgehammer, cracked.

Then came the pure black hell.

The two collide.

Bang!!!!!! Under a huge bang.

Song Emperor Gu Jing Bubo's face changed drastically.

This... how is this possible! I saw the pinnacle artifact in his hand, there was a tiny crack on the outer layer, and in a harsh 'kakaka-' loud noise, the gap expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it was completely swallowed up The whole black hell.

Click! There is a loud noise.

The entire purgatory collapsed unexpectedly! It turned into fragments in the sky.

Emperor Song's eyes were about to fall out.

It thought that it might be defeated, but it never thought that it would be the case! This is a pinnacle artifact! What ordinary gods use, that is, weapons of this series.


But it was smashed to pieces with a hammer, "What the hell are we... ... what kind of freak have we provoked!!"

This was Emperor Song's last thought before he was completely crushed by a sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer smashed the invincible being sitting on the bronze throne.


Welcome to the killing technique of the eight supreme gods.

All kinds of terrifying killer moves are pounding on the sledgehammer.

Bang bang bang bang!!!! A loud bang, however, could not hinder the fall of the copper smashing hammer.

Terrible viciousness.

Devoured everything! Directly crushed the eight supreme divine arts! In the end.

The sledgehammer slammed down on the giant hand of white bones, and with a loud 'bang', one arm of the King of Mount Tai was smashed to pieces.

At this moment, Jiang Che's power seemed to be invincible.

However, the King of Mount Tai showed a look of surprise, his eyes were full of viciousness, and he stared at him. Those toxins turned into poisonous dragons and rushed towards Jiang Che's body.


Jiang Che smiled.

A black hole appeared around the body.

In an instant, more than a dozen poisonous dragons were swallowed cleanly.

The surprise in King Taishan's eyes turned into astonishment.

This is so...what is it! I didn't give it a chance to think.

The sledgehammer fell mercilessly, the terrifying demonic energy, the evil energy, and the power to shatter everything, exploded in an instant, pointing to the three kings of hell and the army of millions of yin.

stop time.

Boom!!!!!! Terrible bang.

Completely obliterate the surroundings.

Ah!!! It hurts! Don't!!!... The loud noise was mixed with the shrill screams of the ghost army. These... Yin army, died not easily. They were slowly smashed to pieces by a terrifying force. The happiest of them was... just under the sledgehammer, they were directly smashed to pieces. At least they didn't suffer too much torture before they died.

The loud noise lasted for more than half an hour, the sneaky, fierce howls of the gods echoed in the four fields, endlessly, and the powerful aura of this yin army was completely eliminated.

see this scene.

Countless powerful people around were shocked and their eyes widened in horror.

Someone shouted in disbelief.

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