Jiang Che has decided that the next time he goes to the Tianlan Continent, he must share with these... The local turtle brothers popularize it, "Dragon and Eight Hammers", "Hammer Comes", "Battle Qi Transforming Hammer", "Ancient Hammer Wonder Pool", "The Song of the Hammer and the Axe", and "The Top of the Imperial City, a Hammer Comes to the West, and the Strong Man"

Wait for the story, let them have a good understanding of Hammer repair's chicness.


In the space passage, Jiang Che's face was solemn, feeling that he had a long way to go: "May my generation hammer and repair, everyone like a dragon, can obtain the title of satisfaction."

"To achieve this effect, it seems that only Jiang is the only one who sacrifices himself for others, works well for another world, and spreads the history and stories about the hammer repair lineage..."

What Jiang Che didn't know was that.

One of his thoughts today is that in the future, he will distort the cultivation routes of many worlds, and force others to come up with a special line of hammer cultivation. In some worlds, it is also regarded as the most powerful cultivation path, and only those with the highest talent Only geniuses and monsters can enter this door... After all, there is no advantage in other aspects of the earth.

But everyone has nothing to do every day, and they are blind to their ability to think wildly. If you look at the heavens, you can't find a few who are so arrogant. The history and cultivation system established in some novels are incomparably true.

And when the big slut Jiang spread some excellent works in the name of hammer repair to the heavens and the world, some practitioners in the world went completely wrong..." I decided, let's adapt "" "Dragon and Eight Hammers", "Rolling Hammers in the Snow", "Covering the Hammers" and other stories, at that time, we will also engage in a cultural invasion of another world, hehe"

Someone from Jiang gave a mean smile, and he already had a decision in his heart.

Over half an hour.

He stepped out of the space gap.

One after another, vigilant gazes swept over, and when they saw Jiang Che's face clearly, many of the strong men breathed a little too quickly.

"That's great! Mr. Jiang is back safely! That's great!"

"See Lord Jiang!"

"Heavenly great news, hurry up, hurry up and inform your superiors, as well as the Imperial Headquarters, Mr. Jiang is fine!"

A strong man made an excited voice.

It didn't show up. Some people didn't recognize Jiang Che and wanted to detain him, and then be slapped in the face by a big boss who knew Jiang Che's identity. The big guy with the identity of Che has arrived.

Jiang Da Mangfu's violent temper is well known among the powerhouses of the empire.

If this happened, he must have picked up the hammer long ago.

In fact, it was because of this that many of the powerhouses in the empire had deliberately seen Jiang Che's photos, and they had memorized them to avoid any misunderstandings.

Available at Jiang Mangfu.

That would be fatal.

Chapter [-]: Pick up the pen, recreate the cycle!

Jiang Che and a group of capable people who were waiting for him at the cracks headed to the rest of Lancheng.

The sneakiness here is almost cleaned up.

After all, he killed the Netherworld with one hammer before, nearly [-] of the most elite Yin army, which greatly reduced the pressure on Lancheng's capable people, and it was relatively easy for the remaining ghosts and ghosts to be cleared by the capable ones.

The white fog dissipated, and in the southeastern center of the city, a giant horse-faced monster nearly [-] meters high fell.

Zhang Yuannian, who was covered in blood, held a half-length spear and knelt on the brow of the horse face with a pale face. In the ruins of the surrounding city, there were people with serious injuries. Most of these people had broken limbs and their breath was dying.

Zhang Wendao also passed out in an open space.

Obviously, there has been a war here before, and mankind has won the final victory.

But the battle was brutal.

Seeing Jiang Che's arrival, the soldiers showed full joy, dragged their severely injured bodies, and tried their best to greet him.

"Master Jiang, we can rest assured that you can come back!"

"Yes, Lord Hammer King, everyone in Lan City is very worried about your safety this time."

"If something happens to you, I, the resident of Lancheng, will really feel guilty for the rest of my life!"

At this moment, the capable people who were covered in blood said sincerely to Jiang Che.

Their words were very sincere, and they didn't lie about... Jiang Che's worries.

Some people even refused to close their eyes in order to see Jiang Che for the last time.

Because they all know that in order to save Lancheng, Master Jiang entered the third forbidden area, and even directly chased and killed those... The evil spirits who created this panic entered the extremely dangerous world of gods! fear.

Everyone knows that just a single force from there is enough to destroy the entire earth.

In the eyes of these Lancheng people.

Lord Jiang is the savior for all of them.

If it hadn't been for Mr. Jiang's valiant rush to the forefront, killing so many top powerhouses in the Netherworld, and even directly entering the opponent's base camp, delaying it for so long.

They don't even have the chance to fight to the death with the evil spirits like they are now, and they will be crushed and killed by some terrible evil spirits directly as ants.

Jiang Che looked at these warriors and felt very uncomfortable.

Some of them are [-] or [-] years old, the best years of youth, but now they are short of arms and legs, dying in the rubble, waiting to die quietly.

And a boy crying in pain.

Crying and begging comrades to give them a knife.

Someone was only half-hearted, with blood all over his mouth, staring tremblingly at a photo on the ground, struggling to open his mouth, as if he wanted to call out his son or his wife's name for the last time...

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