The horrors on the battlefield are endless.

But each one is enough to make the hard-hearted person tremble.

"Senior Kejiang, don't think about what's wrong, there's no need to waste medicine on our group of crippled people, and most people's injuries are incurable. Half of their bodies die, which is our best relief."

Not far from Jiang Che's feet, a young warrior who was cut off at his waist was dying.

He resisted the pain and squeezed out a sincere smile at Jiang Che: "I can see that you have returned safely, the light of mankind has not been damaged in my Lancheng, I... I am satisfied, and I..."

The young soldier's voice became weaker and weaker: "'s time to go."

"Master Jiang, thank you...Thank you..."

He slowly closed his eyes.

The corners of Jiang Che's eyes trembled. He had nothing to do with the warriors in front of him, and he didn't even know the face of the other party, but at this moment, he felt that everyone was of the same race and was involved in the same race.

"It's okay, I can't control life, old age, sickness and death."

"But at least, these young lives shouldn't die in an invasion.

They shouldn't be the victims of those... cruel creatures from other worlds and greed."


Jiang Che touched the book of life and death, and his voice suddenly possessed a kind of supreme majesty, resounding in this world: "Jiang Che."

"Holding the book of life and death, the judge's pen, if you want to break the destiny, and recreate the cycle!"

"Today, carrying you is like a book of life and death!"

A word came out.

There was a huge earthquake in the sky.

In the book of life and death, thousands of threads burst out, and soon, bright red names appeared on the blank pages. These threads were invisible and directly connected to the fate of these people.

But there is one thing.

With Jiang Che's current strength, the dead cannot be included in the book of life and death, and only the living who still have a breath left can recreate their reincarnation and live a new life.

And he only cares about the seriously wounded, that is, those... With medicine, or ordinary medical ability, there is almost no way to save them.

the remaining wounded.

Jiang Che will divide a batch of fortified Liuwei Dihuang Pills later.


In the end, only one thousand three hundred and twenty-six people fell on the book of life and death.

He raised the judge's pen, his eyes were solemn, and his strokes fell on the book of life and death.

The sound of the four words was earth-shatteringly loud.

Countless people were startled, and they all stared at this scene in stunned eyes.

This is... too exaggerated! At this moment, Lord Jiang is like a real god, almost like the fairy gods in ancient legends, and seems to have supreme power.


Jiang Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

With a loud explosion, the sky was cracked, the clouds were dark, and all kinds of terrifying visions emerged.

In a trance, everyone saw that there was an incomparably huge roller on the horizon, almost spanning the entire world, too huge to describe, with countless original inscriptions engraved on it.

Although it is only a phantom, it brings enormous pressure to everyone, as if this wheel is in charge of the life and death of countless people! The wheel rolls slowly and powerfully, and there is nothing in the world that can stop its footsteps.

Reincarnation rolls, ruthless and ruthless.

Jiang Che swiped the judge's pen in his hand, sketching the void with a single stroke, and suddenly a supreme mystery burst out, rushing towards the phantom of reincarnation. This kind of power seemed to tug at something. Jiang Che saw that his own lifespan was listed in the column. It was reduced by a little over [-].

Only [-] years left.

And next.

The book of life and death poured new power into the connected threads of fate, and those threads of fate that were... almost about to break, or so small that they were about to disappear, became thick again.

With the completion of the 'life change', the reincarnation is rebuilt.

Something magical happened.

I saw countless dying warriors, their bodies grew rapidly, almost instantly, they had a complete body, and their breath slowly recovered, and finally even became: unparalleled strength, a few more than before the injury. The feeling of being divided into dragons and tigers.

this moment.

The entire Lancheng fell into a dead silence.

This... Absolutely miraculous!

Chapter [-] The world has its own sledgehammer

After the ability person awakens, the body will be greatly enhanced, and the speed of wound healing will be greatly increased.

There are even those with medical abilities that can help the wounded recover quickly.

But in fact.

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