These powers are not so exaggerated.

A power user of the Enhancement Department was slashed with a knife. If the internal organs were not injured, it would hardly affect his mobility, but this wound would take at least ten days to heal.

Awakened people of the rank body type can recover from this minor injury within a day or two.

The power man can already control the metabolism of his own cells and recover from minor injuries, which can be shortened to half an hour or even ten minutes, which is already very miraculous.

But be careful.

These are minor injuries.

Once the internal organs are injured, or the limbs are broken, it is a big problem, and it is almost irreparable.

Except for the gods.

Even the king may become disabled for life.

And even a god-level medical capable person, at most, helps people connect broken limbs, and cannot make a person grow an arm again in a few months in a short period of time.

Therefore, those who... have the ability to break the lower body, in the eyes of their comrades, they are already dead.

but now.

Jiang Che took action, called the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and changed his destiny with one stroke, and he actually pulled these people back from the line of life and death! Let the dying people be reborn.

This is something that only gods can do! Countless people were stunned. Looking at the man in the sky, with a judge's pen and a book of life and death in the other, it was as if they had seen the supreme true god who dominates the world! Immortal Emperor! And Jiang Che After changing the destiny with one stroke, put away the two treasures, and the six reincarnation shadows on the horizon disappear.

Those warriors who were reborn all looked at Jiang Che with incomparably fanatical eyes, and their eyes filled with excitement.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!!"

"Thank you, Lord Jiang for the re-creation!"

Jiang Che smiled and encouraged a few words. Then he found a few smashed pharmacies, took out some of the medicine bottles inside, strengthened them one by one, and let some capable people distribute them. Then he was no longer polite and fought Zhang Yuannian Greetings, they spread their wings and flew into the sky. There are still cities that are suffering from demon riots. Now, it is not the time to hold a commendation meeting...  

[The reporter of this station will report the latest news of Lancheng for you.

Under a single hammer, the [-] Yin army had no survivors, and that man finally appeared!!] [The demon completely broke out, and the hammer king killed the ultimate ghost who was suspected of being invincible—the judge!] [[-]-meter giant ghost ,Why are you running for [-] Yin soldiers, why are you screaming frequently? Welcome to this special program - your scream is my hammer!] [Although monsters and ghosts are scary, there are sledgehammers in the world!] News reports from Lan The city sent out, inspiring the confidence of every capable soldier and soldier fighting on the front line, bringing them endless fighting spirit! These news are by no means a face project.

People who haven't experienced it will never know that in such a world where the whole country falls, it can even be said that the whole world falls under the aggression of monsters and monsters, such a piece of news, with a bit of humor, headline party news, will What kind of strength it brings to those who are... desperate.

It can even be said that this is the best hope for many people to survive! Some people are haunted by ghosts and trapped in a building full of evil spirits. For them, evil is not the most deadly thing.

The most terrible thing is despair! It is helplessness! There is no hope of human victory! The phone is called, the police station has been occupied by evil forces, a distress signal is sent, and the government has already fallen... It seems that the whole world has already stepped into In the doomsday era, even if you can get out of the building alive, what you will face will not be your compatriots, but ghastly-looking ghosts and evil spirits!! Under this kind of psychological burden.

Many people couldn't hold it any longer and committed suicide.

But when they saw some news like this, when they saw that the strong man belonging to human beings, the King of the Hammer, killed countless sneaky people with one hammer, many people's mentality stabilized.

Humans still have such a strong person, there must be hope! Sneaky is not so scary.

Under the sledgehammer, they will also howl helplessly, and will cry mournfully. . . On the other side.

Jiang Che flew across the cities, mercilessly slaughtering countless demons and beasts, leaving behind legends that in every city he walked through, the demon beasts were killed by his brutal methods, and the city was completely rescued.

One by one exciting news was also released.

[The King of the Hammer is here, and the Bronze Sparrow City is rescued!] [The thousand-year-old Zombie Emperor was smashed into slag by a hammer, a demon, there is nothing to fear!] [Keep insisting, the King of the Hammer has already flown to the direction!] Seeing this With the news, the residents of that city would jump up with excitement, and even some people who were tortured to death by stealth would return to their light.

The will of man is just... so strange.

When all hope is gone, there will be utter despair.

And once there is a ray of light in the darkness.

The will of man will be like a spark of fire, madly setting fire to a prairie fire! Flying in city after city, killing countless sneaky, Jiang Che is also a little tired, but he does not stop at all, because now, this is what he can use It's the best way to save this country with your own power.

Reality is not a movie.

There will not be a switch, waiting for the protagonist to click it after suffering, and then all disasters will stop in an instant.

There will not be a demon king who dominates everything. As long as the protagonist kills it, all problems will be solved.

this kind of thing.

It's nothing more than the director's intentional setting.

In order to highlight the greatness of the protagonist.

But in the real reality, once a disaster starts, if you want to stop it, it is definitely not a matter of overthrowing a big devil, but it will take a long time and the efforts of countless people to fight against it.

Chapter [-] The Ten Most Fierce Archives!

The biggest dilemma right now is actually quite simple.

Countless fissures were opened, and the spiritual energy of the world of gods was irrigated, and the fragile earth creatures could not bear the consequences of the sudden increase in spiritual energy.

The unjust souls, who were unable to hurt others, turned into ghosts under the strong aura, chasing and killing human beings.

All kinds of animals mutate and become human-devouring monsters.

And the basic ability of human awakening is much weaker than that of monsters and ghosts.

This is not to say that humans are weak.

But different races have different talent focus.

What human beings are better at is to strengthen their strength after the day after tomorrow! A person who has just awakened can never beat a newly transformed Specter, but the speed at which an awakened person can gain strength by tempering himself, practicing, etc., is the speed of demons, ghosts, and demons , which is beyond the reach of creatures such as spirits.

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