Just as the lights were flickering, the door of the toilet was about to close abruptly, and at the same time, blood was pouring out of the tap and toilet, which looked particularly terrifying under the dim light.

Not surprisingly.

The toilet door closed, blood poured out, and the two ignorant intruders were about to die in fear and suffocation.


The toilet door, which was about to be closed, was stuck tightly by a steel chair.

The door frame vibrated twice, as if trying to close it, but couldn't.

The air condenses instantly.

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

Even the blood from the faucet stopped flowing.

This scene.

Ye Liangchen was taken aback for a moment.

It's all over the head.

And this kind of operation?

"Let's go Chen'er, let's see what surprises the Lord has arranged for us?"

At this moment, a quaint card appeared in Jiang Che's hand.

Not what he expected.

That yellow skin is about to make a move.

"Roll rough!"

Ye Liangchen could still see that he was being taken advantage of, and he didn't seem to be frightened.

The two walked to the balcony along the side of the stuck door.


The toilet lights were completely dimmed.

The two turned their heads, and Ye Liangchen felt his scalp numb instantly.

In the darkness of the bedroom, more than a dozen pairs of bright eyes were staring at him!

"Jie Jie~"

Weird laughter came out.

A jerky, seemingly just learning to speak, but incomparably old voice sounded.

"Two guests, please participate in this old man's immortal banquet!"

The voice fell.

The lights in the bedroom instantly turned on.

The scene in front of you.

It almost made Ye Liangchen almost jump off the balcony in fright.

There were dead chickens all over the place, chicken blood was scattered everywhere, a dozen huge weasels stood up, dignified in a circle, at the head was an old weasel taller than a person, with faint eyes, as if to want to People eat in.

"Becoming an immortal?" Jiang Che smiled: "You old fellow hasn't even attained the Dao yet, you are a goddamn immortal!"

His words made the other dozen weasels show their fierce looks and grin.

But the old weasel, who was headed by him, showed a humane smile.

"After eating two, the old man will be able to get the Tao."

Jiang Che reacted.

No wonder it said to invite them to participate in the "immortal banquet".

"Old beast, do you want to give up the immortal way that you have cultivated for hundreds of years?!"

Jiang Che asked sharply.

He knew that the weasel belonged to one of the five immortals, and the way he walked was a bit like Buddhism.

As soon as this sentence comes out.

The old weasel's face suddenly sank.

"This old man has ruined his immortal way for hundreds of years!"

Saying that, I no longer learn human etiquette.

Two yellow lights shot out directly from the eyes, covering the two of them.

The two felt immobile for a moment.

The old weasel flickered.

Somehow appeared in front of the two of them.

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