The mouth of the blood basin opened wide.

Breathtaking demonic agitation!

The things in the toilet let out a terrified scream, and they were so frightened that they wanted to flee.

If there are strange people here, they will be very surprised, because this yellow-skinned man is actually a real demon who can't do anything!

in evil.

Ghosts are divided into: ghosts, ghosts, ghosts in red, evil spirits, ghost kings

The demons are divided into: half demon, true demon, blood pupil, big demon, demon king

A real monster launches its might, and it can completely slaughter one side!

In the face of this big mouth that can bite gold and stone.

Jiang Che finally stopped waiting.

Heart silently.

"Use the alien card - Bi Fang!"

Chapter [-] In fact, Lao Tzu is on the fifth floor! (New book for collection!)

Along with the alien beast card, it turned into a stream of energy and penetrated into Jiang Che's body.


A sound like a volcanic eruption exploded in every cell of his!

Jiang Che's whole body's blood was like magma, and it roared and roared. Every inch of the muscle that flowed through was knotted and twisted, and it was as hard as iron!

On his back, two clumps of half-inch feathers grew out, flashing a faint blue light.

Almost instantly.

In Jiang Che's eyes, two mysterious flames rose from the 'brush'.

In an instant.

common people before.

Like the incarnation of a wild beast.

Exudes a ferocious aura.

At this time, Jiang Che's muscles were streamlined, not exaggerated, but full of explosive strength.

Especially the blood-red flames in his eyes made him look extremely evil!


Huang Pizi bit Jiang Che's arm in one bite.

But it just feels like biting on an alloy plate!

The sharp teeth that can easily penetrate the steel are actually unable to enter the slightest!

what the hell?

When the yellow skin is sluggish.

It met a pair of scarlet fire eyes.

The mountains and seas are ups and downs in the eyes, and the flames are soaring. In this moment, Huangpizi seems to be facing a supreme demon ancestor!

"Go away!"

Jiang Che flicked his arm.

"Boom" sound.

The yellow leather was embedded directly into the wall in front of him.

"Squeak!! Squeak!!"

The old guy reacts quickly too.

Immediately screamed.

Its disciples and grandchildren opened their teeth and danced their claws in an instant. The half-human-height weasels directly pouted their buttocks and released a cloud of yellow gas. .

Ye Liangchen only touched a trace.

Immediately, he rolled his eyes, passed out directly, and lay on the ground, spitting out white foam from his mouth.

"court death!"

Jiang Che was angry.

The flames in the eyes were blazing, and the whole body gradually turned red, and every drop of blood seeped out of the body, and with a 'swipe', it burned violently!

The hot blood flames directly drive away the poisonous gas.

Then he hit his feet.

An explosive burst of power.

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