A sledgehammer has been swung down with thunder and flames wrapped around it.

At the same time, the green wind swept past Jiang Che's feet.

In an instant, he rushed behind the little boy.

boom! ! !

The terrifying loud noise directly smashed a large pit with a diameter of more than one meter on the avenue.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 230 energy."

"Ah! Help!" Seeing this scene, the ghost in white was so frightened that she trembled all over. She ran away and shouted for help.

Chen Shijiao saw this scene.

It was already powerless to complain.

Jiang Xuedi is too fierce.

Scare the ghost and call for help...


"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 220 energy."

Jiang Che was a little disappointed. These two ghosts were far worse than the two at the train station.

Then he glanced at the road ahead with a little deep meaning, and looked into the endless darkness. This road seems to be more than just this kind of kid.

Jiang Che walked back to the car and sat down.

"Xiao Che, thank you!" Chen Shijiao thanked: "You saved Senior Sister's life."

Jiang Che smiled: "Senior sister is out, didn't you give me a ride too?"

"This is not the same. You can ask Senior Sister for anything in the future. As long as Senior Senior Sister can do it, Senior Senior Sister will definitely help you!" Chen Shijiao said solemnly, biting her lip.

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and started the car.

Running smoothly on the road cross-country, Chen Shijiao seemed much calmer, and no longer looked at the rearview mirror frequently.

Jiang Che's sledgehammer gave her a great sense of security.

"By the way, junior, it seems that you haven't said yet, where are you going?" Chen Shijiao asked suddenly.

"Chenjia Village." Jiang Che nodded.

"Ah?" Chen Shijiao looked astonished: "I am also going to Chenjia Village. I am the granddaughter of the papermaker's family at the east entrance of the village. You are..."

"I'm not from Chenjia Village, I'm just going to do something."

"Oh, that's great, junior, you can stay at my house, I must treat you well!" Chen Shijiao was as happy as a little girl.

Jiang Che looked at her and suddenly sighed inexplicably.

"Sister, how long has it been since you went back?"

"It's been more than three years. My mother-in-law is a paper maker and has a lot of rules. In the third month after I came out, she sent a letter to warn me that girls who have left the village are not allowed to return to the village within ten years. Otherwise, the family will die." Chen Shijiao recalled.

Then she said helplessly: "My parents died a long time ago, and my mother-in-law, a relative, wanted to obey her words at first, but she is almost seventy this year, I will wait another seven years to go back and still be able to If you can't see her and talk twice, you can only go against her words."

Hearing Chen Shijiao's words, Jiang Che's eyes moved.

The bottom of my heart suddenly understood.

No wonder Chen Shijiao was able to resist the temptation of Specter to a certain extent.

I'm afraid her mother-in-law has some moral conduct.

"By the way, Senior Sister, do you have anything on your body that protects you from ghosts?" Jiang Che asked suddenly.

Chen Shijiao thought for a while: "Yes!"

Saying that, she put her hand directly on her chest.

take out one...

Chapter [-]: Amulet of Evil Spirit

Chen Shijiao took out an amulet with residual warmth. It was very beautiful. The outside was sewn with blue cloth, and the inside seemed to be some yellow paper amulet.

She blushed and handed it to Jiang Che.

"This was given to me by my mother-in-law when I left the village, saying that it can prevent ghosts."

"It looks like it doesn't work now."

After all, when the two Specters appeared, this talisman didn't play any role.

Jiang Che took the amulet.

Feel the lingering warm body fragrance above.



"Ding, do you spend 30 energy to strengthen the paper amulet?"

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