Hearing the system prompt, Jiang Che immediately determined that this was not easy.

He has tried many times, and the enhancement of ordinary items is always 10 points of energy. Only items with magical abilities that can harm evil spirits will have more than this number.


A faint light flashed on the amulet.

Amulet of warding off evil +1 (Jiang Che): resists charm, burns sneaky - pure heart; wards off evil spirits

After strengthening, two abilities, one is to prevent the wearer from being bewitched by evil spirits, and the other is to burn approaching evil spirits. Jiang Che estimated that if she was wearing the current evil talisman, the woman in white would never dare to go to Chen Shijiao. car.

His mind moved.

The word (Jiang Che) after the item disappeared.

Then Jiang Che handed back the evil spirit talisman.

"Sister, I gave your amulet a light, and now you wear it on your body, and ordinary evil spirits can't get close to you."

Chen Shijiao also saw the faint light just now, her face was very surprised, and when she took the amulet, she could clearly feel a warm breath, which was very comfortable.

In the workplace, vision is indispensable. Chen Shijiao immediately judged that such a thing, in the circle of the rich, is absolutely amazing, and it can even sell for a sky-high price. It can be said that just this amulet, If she sells it, I am afraid the price will be equivalent to the money she has worked hard to earn for more than ten years!

"This... Junior Brother, this is too precious."

Chen Shijiao was a little embarrassed.

Jiang Che was saving her and giving her a benefit, which made her blush a little and felt that she was taking advantage of her too much.

"It doesn't matter, it's your thing, I'll give it a light, it's a convenient thing, and it's the night's accommodation fee." Jiang Che waved his hand.

Chen Shijiao still refused and insisted on giving the amulet to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che finally had to say: "Senior sister, if you have the heart, you can give me other amulets."

Chen Shijiao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yes! I'll ask my mother-in-law to help you make another amulet!"

The red off-road vehicle drives slowly on the dark road.

On the other hand, Jiang Che had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He was thinking about a question.

Chen Shijiao's mother-in-law, three years ago, when the spiritual energy had not recovered in a large area, was able to make this kind of thing, which can prevent almost all evil spirits and half-demon.

This shows that this mother-in-law should not be shallow.

But she sent a letter three months after Chen Shijiao left. Does it mean that since then, the village has encountered some strange things, and this mother-in-law, who was not too savvy at the time, could not resist?

Jiang Che's eyes gradually narrowed.

It seems that this trip to Chenjia Village will be very challenging~

However, Jiang Che never thought about giving up on this incident.

Because now that evil is rampant, there is no incident that is truly safe. Even some incidents that are judged to be E-level may be a terrifying danger. There are also posts about this experience on Lingtan.com. .

Jiang Che had experienced it himself.

For example, Huangchuan No. [-] Hospital was only judged to be at D+, but that old doctor, Chen Zhongming, was a real red-clothed rank, and even if Jiang Che destroyed the fusion of soul and body, he still had a red-clothed rank, and was considered powerful. combat power.

If he completes the ritual of corpse and soul union.

I am afraid it will become an unimaginable horror evil.

Another example is that there is still a strange aura on this mountain road that hardly anyone walks, which makes Jiang Che feel a slight chill in his heart.

You must know that with the Thunder and Fire Hammer in his hand, the current Jiang Che, even if he doesn't need the Alien Beast Card, can definitely fight against the half-step red-clothed Specter, and even hammer him to death with ease.

It can make him feel chills in the current basic state.

Definitely a real red suit!

And suddenly.

Just when Jiang Che was thinking.


A burst of engine roar sounded under the silent night sky.

It seemed that a few hundred meters away, a powerful car was approaching them.

Chapter [-]: Your length is not enough

On the empty road, the moonlight is thin.

Suddenly, Chen Shijiao frowned and asked in confusion, "Why are there other cars taking this road?"

She also knew some strange things that happened recently, and knew that apart from herself, few people would take this road again.

Soon, a red bull, with a violent roar, drove over from the rear, and the speed was very fast.

Chen Shijiao's heart suddenly raised in her throat.

She has inside information that there have been [-] recent car accidents, all in which drivers saw an unmanned sports car and slammed into the guardrail.

Chen Shijiao held her breath and quietly glanced at the big cow on the left.

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