"No? Then I'm welcome."

It was accompanied by Jiang Che's decisive voice.

The bloody figure suddenly felt a strong sense of palpitations.

"Lei Yan burst, open!!"

boom! ! !

The mountain of ghosts piled up by the evil ghosts exploded directly. Under that, thunder and flames erupted at the same time. Countless ghosts and ghosts, one after another, were scattered by this earth-shattering explosion.

The giant hammer wrapped in thunder and flames was castrated unabated.

He slammed the hammer directly and slammed into the bloody figure.

The complexion of the blood-colored figure changed greatly, and he hurriedly gathered the blood-colored energy and suffocation on the entire road, blocking it in front of him, and his eyes showed infinite panic.

boom! ! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, like a missile exploding.The entire four-lane, 80% of the width, has become a huge deep pit, the pit is at least 3 meters deep, and it is almost like a cannonball crater is artificially smashed.

Under the smoke and dust swept across the sky.

In Chen Shijiao's desperate eyes.

A figure walked out slowly.

Under his feet, a breeze rose up, surrounding the body, blocking all the smoke, dust, and blood clots, and the whole person was spotless, like a sword god in white.

The only thing that's a bit inconsistent.

What this person is holding is not a three-footed Qingfeng, but a sledgehammer.

"Sister, let's go."

Chapter [-]: Weird Mountain Village

Red Wrangler off-road vehicle runs on rough road.

Chen Shijiao looked at the young figure in the rearview mirror from the corner of her eye, and was extremely amazed.

This kind of terrifying evil is not the opponent of Jiang Xuedi, he must be a great hidden master!

Then she saw it.

Jiang Che made a call.

"Hey, comrade police? I'm Jiang Che, an enthusiastic citizen, yes, the one that blew up the toilet at the train station. I just killed one on Qiu Ming Road in Huangshan City, which disturbed social order and caused thousands of car accidents. The red-clothed Specter who has taken tens of thousands of lives, um yes, this Specter is very scary, with a roar, the world changes color, thunder and lightning flashes, and thousands of ghosts come out of the cage... Anyway, come and check it out, remember to hit me with the bonus. , well, that's it."


In Chen Shijiao's eyes, Jiang Che's image of a reclusive master completely collapsed.

In turn, he became the image of an enthusiastic citizen.


What the hell did you blow up the toilet at the train station?

Is Jiang Xuedi so fierce?

Maybe this is what people often call a macho!

In Chen Shijiao's heart, for the first time, she had a clear understanding of the macho.

the other side.

The cute policewoman hangs up the phone.

Came to the director's office and repeated Jiang Che's words.

The usually dignified director was instantly enraged.

"The sky and the earth change color, thunder and lightning? Why doesn't he say that he burns the mountains and boils the sea, and shatters the void!"

The cute policewoman pinched her fingers and thought for a while.

"Director, this man seems to have really said it. If he hadn't stopped it in time, this terrifying red-clothed ghost would have been enlightened, immortalized, transformed into supreme incarnation, and destroyed the world... Anyway, the main thing is I mean, let's give some more bonuses."

Director: "..."

The shamelessness of the other party left him speechless.


On the other side, Jiang Che looked at the system panel with ecstatic brows.

【Energy】: 8355

[Function]: Draw a card

[Exotic Beast Cards]: Qiongqi (bronze), Huo (bronze), Kui Niu (bronze), Fuzhu (white board), Tengu (white board), Pei (white board), Luanniao (white board), Huan (white board)

[Item]: Thunder Hammer, Blue Wind Boots

After drawing cards on the train and hammering the woman in white and the child to death, his energy was 2788, but now in this battle, he has directly obtained a total of 5567 energy!It's bloody earning!

Because this blood-colored figure itself is only 1250 energy, it belongs to the most low-level evil in the red-clothed level.

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