But the evil ghosts he called out, under the huge number, directly provided Jiang Che with 4317 points of energy!

"It's almost [-] points away. I don't know how terrifying the next quality alien card will be?"

Jiang Che muttered to himself, his eyes revealing infinite expectations.

Soon, Chen Shijiao turned the car and drove down the avenue. On a dirt road, he drove towards the deep mountains. The road was bumpy, and the car gradually shook. Jiang Che also understood that Chenjia Village was approaching.

It took almost half an hour to run on rough dirt roads.

The off-road vehicle arrived in front of a flat stone bridge. The stone bridge was very narrow and only allowed one person to pass through. Naturally, the car could not pass.The two had to get off the car. On the opposite side of the river, was a small mountain village that was hidden under the deep mountains and was almost isolated from the world. At this time, there were several lights in the village.

Chen Shijiao's eyes were a little wet.

Three years.

She finally came back.

She took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Xiao Che, this is my hometown, isn't the air fresh?" Chen Shijiao introduced with a little pride.

Jiang Che smiled and nodded.

The nose moved imperceptibly, and the complexion changed slightly.

This air...

Not so fresh!

Under Jiang Che's sharp beast-like sense of smell, he could smell a rotten aura.

This was within his expectation.

This village has indeed been dead for a long time.

But something was beyond Jiang Che's expectations.

Among those rotten auras, there seems to be some... fresh bloody aura?

"What happened in this village?"

Jiang Che's eyes were bright.

Looking at the strange village across the river, the lights are bright and the people are surrounded by people, but there is no trace of anger in the strange village, and there are many doubts in my heart.

Moreover, Jiang Che also discovered a problem.

Under the lights of the village, there seemed to be people walking around.

But with his hearing dozens of times better than ordinary people, it seems that he can't hear any sound, and the whole village has fallen into a strange dead silence, or it may be isolated from the outside world by this river...

The two walked up the narrow flat stone bridge.



The sound of something falling into the water caught their attention.

Chapter [-] Want your uncle to save you? (new book for collection, flowers)

"Little Che, did you hear anything?" Chen Shijiao looked towards the river in confusion.

The mobile phone flashlight can only illuminate a small area.

The river surface is very calm, the water is a little turbid, flowing slowly, and there is a circle of ripples swaying somewhere.

Chen Shijiao followed the ripples and was shocked.

A child half-headed floating on the water, looking at her with a faint gaze, Chen Shijiao recalled, and suddenly her face changed: "It seems to be the village chief's little grandson Sanyangzi, why did he fall into the river? Xiao Che, hurry up and save save him!"

Perhaps it was a moment of urgency. Chen Shijiao, who had always been familiar with the world, actually said such a sentence.

"Kid, do you want uncle to save you?" Jiang Che grinned at the child in the river, revealing his big white teeth.

The child in the river sneered and was about to nod.

But suddenly his face changed, he shook his head in a panic, plunged into the river, and swam to other places.

"Look, senior, doesn't he know how to swim? Don't worry."

Jiang Che put away the hammer in his hand and dragged Chen Shijiao across the river.

It wasn't that he wanted to take advantage of others. This river was actually very wrong. Even Jiang Che felt that something might come up from the river at any time and pull him down.

And Chen Shijiao seemed very annoyed along the way.

"These three sheep are too worry-free. Why do they swim in the river at night? What if something goes wrong! Or Xiao Che, you should go back with me and bring this kid back to the village chief. Grandpa's house?"

Regarding her request, Jiang Che didn't say a word, just pulled her forward silently.

Jiang Che found that something was wrong with Chen Shijiao from the moment he stepped onto the stone bridge.

Not long ago, he was attacked by two evil spirits. When he saw a little boy swimming in the river at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night, I am afraid that even a fool would realize that something was wrong, but Chen Shijiao did not. This is too abnormal.

"Xiao Che, did you listen to me?"

Seemingly being ignored, Chen Shijiao was very annoyed.

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