Jiang Che stopped, his eyes fixed on Chen Shijiao's chest.

"What do you want?!" Chen Shijiao's expression changed suddenly.

Jiang Che didn't say a word, he stretched out a hand and probed straight towards her chest.

"If you do this again, I'll call someone!!" Chen Shijiao shouted.

"Are you sure, the person you're calling is a person?" Jiang Che's voice was indifferent, he poked into Chen Shijiao's chest, and touched a scorching talisman that was as hot as a burning red iron.

He looked stunned: "Sure enough!"

And when the evil talisman leaves the skin.

Chen Shijiao's temperament suddenly changed, her body was instantly filled with a cold aura, her fingernails slowly stretched, and her eyes became incomparably deep.

Uncharacteristically, she no longer stopped Jiang Che.The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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Instead, he hugged Jiang Che, grabbed one of his hands, and pressed it towards his chest.

"Xiao Che~ Senior Sister also likes you very much, do you want to touch? Come on, Senior Sister, you can do whatever you want..."

The voice is very charming.

But from what Jiang Che heard, it was a little cold, because five sharp fingernails had been inserted into the back of his neck.

But then Chen Shijiao's face changed.

Her hand seemed to be stuck on a steel plate, her fingernails were broken, and she couldn't get in the slightest.

"My muscles are strong enough to block bullets, so don't waste your energy."

Jiang Che joked.



"Ding, do you spend 60 energy to strengthen the evil talisman +1?"


Evil Amulet +2 (Jiang Che): Powerful to exorcise evil spirits, ward off ghosts and spirits - ward off evil spirits and ward off evil spirits

'Pure Heart' has become 'Soul Soul', which is much stronger at first glance.

Jiang Che wiped his consciousness.

Put on Chen Shijiao again.

The moment the evil spirit talisman touched her skin, a faint light suddenly radiated, and a force spread throughout her body. Chen Shijiao suddenly felt a trance, the black energy between her eyebrows slowly dissipated, and she fell softly into Jiang Che's arms, her head was in severe pain.

"Ah?" After a few seconds, Chen Shijiao came to her senses, and immediately, she was extremely shy and guilty: "Xiao Che, I just, I'm sorry, I don't know why it happened, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..."

Thinking of what she had said before, Chen Shijiao could not wait to find a hole to burrow in.

Jiang Che waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

He knows very well how helpless ordinary people are under the influence of evil forces.

"By the way, Xiao Che, the one in the river just now, Sanyangzi, drowned more than three years ago!"

Chen Shijiao suddenly realized something important and quickly reminded Jiang Che.

"Well, I see." Jiang Che nodded: "Also, senior, it's a little rude to say that someone else is dead in front of others~"

Chapter [-]: More Voices

Chen Shijiao was taken aback.

Following Jiang Che's gaze, he turned his head and used the flashlight of his mobile phone to see the scene behind him.

Immediately, she felt a chill, and she went straight up from the soles of her feet to the Heavenly Spirit Cover.

A group of children with pale bodies stood there and gave themselves a strange smile.

These children were all wet, as if they had just been pulled out of the water, their bodies were bulging, as if they had been soaked in the water for months or even years, and some of their faces were known to Chen Shijiao, while others were It's very strange that Chen Shijiao doesn't know each other, but she feels very familiar.

"Sister Shijiao, are you back?" Sanyangzi said hello, looking very familiar.

"Shijiao is back? Hurry up, hurry up and enter the village!"

"Sister Shijiao, do you still remember me?"

"This little girl, after going out for so many years, she is finally willing to come back~"


These children all greeted Chen Shijiao and seemed very enthusiastic.

But what they said was strange everywhere.

They are obviously a group of children between the ages of six and seven to ten years old. The tone and title cover all age groups. Some people call themselves Chen Shijiao's uncle, some call themselves her grandfather, and some call Chen Shijiao her sister.


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