Chen Shijiao took a deep breath, her body trembling uncontrollably.

"Xiao Che, he... They seem to be all the children in the village who have drowned in the river for nearly a hundred years, some from my grandfather's generation, some from my parents' generation..." Chen Shijiao felt the bottom of her heart when she said this. Extremely cold.

This kind of thing is so weird.

They were all people I knew in the village, all of whom were drowned when they were young, but now a group of them all appeared in front of him, and they were very familiar with him and greeted him.

"What does it look like just standing there, hurry up, come back with us!"

"Go to my house and sit first."

"Go and sit at my house!"

A group of children suddenly gathered around as they spoke, as if they couldn't wait to invite Chen Shijiao to sit at their house. Following their warm invitation, Chen Shijiao wanted to refuse, but suddenly found that her mouth and nose seemed to be held by some strange force. Blocked, not only can't make a sound, but can't even breathe, can only watch a group of drowned ghosts stretch out their hands towards him while suffocating.

"By the way, our home is not in the village anymore, it's in the river."

Accompanied by the sad voice of Sanyangzi.

Chen Shijiao's face changed instantly.

She understood that she was going to be dragged to be a scapegoat!

'clang--! '

At this moment, in the village, a gong sounded suddenly.

"It's dry, be careful with candles!"

"In the middle of the night, go back to the house and sleep!"

Two loud beeps sounded.

In an instant, those drowned ghosts, with extremely panicked expressions on their faces, turned their heads and ran into the river.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry to save these drowned ghosts.

"When I heard the sound of the beating man and went back to the house, there are many sayings. One of them is to avoid being sneaky, but these things are ghosts themselves. What are they afraid of?" He muttered to himself, very puzzled.

At this time, with the sound of the clock, the lights of the houses that were originally lit up suddenly dimmed.

at the same time.

A piercing cold wind blew through the village quietly.

Even Jiang Che felt that under this gloomy wind, his hair stood on end and his whole body felt chills, as if he was being stared at by some terrifying beast.

"Go! Where is your home?!"

Jiang Che picked up Chen Shijiao and started running.

He could feel that only the houses in these mountain villages were relatively safe.

"This is the north of the village, my home is in the east of the village, that direction!"

Chen Shijiao is not hypocritical, she understands the seriousness of the matter, when this gloomy wind blows over, facing the confusion of those water ghosts, she just sends out a little warm amulet, and it turns red again like a branding iron!

Jiang Che carried Chen Shijiao all the way.

At the same time, the lights in the village went out one by one.

Without turning off a single lamp, the bone-chilling cold was even more intense!

As Jiang Che ran, he noticed that the houses in the village were very simple in style, but the strange thing was that all the houses were decorated with lanterns and colorful lanterns, covered with colorful strips of cloth, big red flowers, and big red lanterns, as if they were hosting a wedding. , very festive.

with his running.

In some houses, something seemed to be stirring.

But it seemed to be afraid of something, and finally chose to give up.

The lobbies of many houses are open, and there are one to three coffins inside. Some of the coffins are very old, and some of them are brand new, as if they were just finished.

"There, that's my home!"

Chen Shijiao pointed in one direction and shouted.

Jiang Che looked over, but his pupils shrank suddenly.

Chapter [-] The door is open (new book for customization, flowers~)

In Jiang Che's line of sight, an old-fashioned house appeared in front. The house was overgrown with weeds, and it had to be half a person high. It looked very desolate, as if no one had lived in it for a long time.

Follow a bluestone road leading to the door of the house.

What surprised Jiang Che for a moment was that.

There were two figures standing outside the door, with blush on both sides, strangely bright, with sharp edges and corners all over the body, they were clearly two paper figures.

At this time, the sky was getting dark and the lights in the houses were extinguished one by one. Jiang Che noticed one thing, that was outside, at least there was moonlight and starlight, and since he crossed the bridge, the sky over the whole village seemed to be It was as if it was covered by a layer of pitch-black curtain, and no light could be seen.

"What is that?" Jiang Che asked.

Chen Shijiao seemed to be surprised too, and after thinking about it, she said, "I saw my mother-in-law put up a paper figurine once when I was a child, and that time, it seemed that something strange happened in the village. child."

"That day, my mother-in-law put me into a wooden box very seriously, and then tied two paper figures and placed them at the door."

"As a result, the next morning, the two paper figures were torn apart by something."

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