After Jiang Che heard this, he pondered for a while: "Call your mother-in-law, don't scare her."

"it is good."

Chen Shijiao nodded, and then called out softly.

There was a sound of footsteps in the house.


The door opened, and an old lady with a wrinkled face opened the door and stuck out half of her head. After seeing Chen Shijiao, her eyes flickered, and she hurriedly said, "Hurry up, come in!"

At this time, in the entire village, only the central room was still lit.

I am afraid that after a while, all the lights will be completely extinguished.

The two walked in.

Jiang Che could see through the thin light of the mobile phone screen, the old lady was holding a pair of scissors, and further down, there were big bamboo baskets. Paper lanterns, paper houses, etc.

"You girl, after so many years, I'm finally willing to come back to see my mother-in-law." The old lady seemed very happy, and in the darkness, her face turned into a chrysanthemum-like smile: "Is this your boyfriend? Good! Tall and strong boy!"

"Are you tired? Come on, have a drink."

The old lady seemed extremely enthusiastic and greeted the two of them to sit down, chatting non-stop.

On the other hand, Jiang Che's expression gradually became strange.

Elderly people usually have some eye diseases. Even if they don't, their night vision will be reduced to a very low level, but this old lady can move freely in the dark, setting stools and pouring water, these movements are not affected at all .

Touching the water she poured, Jiang Che didn't dare to move.

Chen Shijiao also seemed to have noticed something was wrong. She kept talking to her mother-in-law, but her other hand held Jiang Che's arm tightly.

"Yo~ Are the young couple tired?" The old lady smiled teasingly in the dark: "Go to rest when you are tired, let's go, you are sleeping in this room at night, it just happens that the wind is going to blow, hurry up, or you will die. The wind is howling at night, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fall asleep again~"

She took two people into the next room.

Then closed the door and went out.

Jiang Che and Chen Shijiao were sitting on the bed.

Listening to the outside, there seems to be the sound of paper cutting.

"Your mother-in-law, has your eyesight been so good?" Jiang Che asked.

You must know that the main room outside is completely dark, and it is necessary to be very precise to cut paper figures and other things.

"I don't know, Xiao Che, tell me if my mother-in-law has..."

Chen Shijiao's voice trembled.

"I only know that your mother-in-law's state is very strange, her heartbeat is normal, it's a bit like being bewitched, and it's similar to you before, but this state may have lasted for a long time, and it can't be solved with a simple talisman. If she interferes strongly, I am afraid she is really dangerous."

This is Jiang Che's judgment.

He actually didn't know much about evil spirits, but Jiang Che knew one thing. The old lady's heartbeat did still exist, but her behavior was obviously abnormal.

Because Chen Shijiao once said that her mother-in-law had sent her a letter a long time ago, sternly warning her not to go back to the village, but just now, when she saw her coming back, the old lady never mentioned it, instead she looked excited and Praise.

And Jiang Che also felt that.

The old lady's excited expression was a little familiar.

Just like... those drowned ghosts at the entrance of the village, when they saw Chen Shijiao, were they somewhat similar?

Just at this time.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind outside the house, and an extremely rich and terrifying Yin Qi swept the entire village.

Jiang Che's expression suddenly changed.

Holding Chen Shijiao down, the two of them lay on the bed.

Because at the same time as the gust of wind sounded, he also heard the sound of paper-cutting outside the house, and suddenly stopped.

With a 'squeak' sound.

The door to their room opened.

Chapter [-] Waiting for your mother-in-law to wake up (new book for flowers, evaluation tickets, custom)

A figure walked in lightly.

In the dark, he walked to the bed of the two without any hindrance and raised the scissors.



A muffled sound.

The figure was flattened by a sledgehammer.

Outside the house, the corner of the old lady's mouth twitched.

this lad.

Too violent, right?

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