Chen Shijiao had a strange look on her face.

Aren't you ghosts?

Can you be polite!

And the Taoist roared at this time.

"This little brother of the good envoy Sledgehammer, don't listen to these two evil ghosts. They play tricks for tigers, and they have a lot of lives under their hands. They are two evil ghosts!"

Jiang Che said sternly: "Don't worry, uncle Taoist, Jiang has always been a hammer and no class. No matter whether it is good or evil, I will pass it all over, and will not engage in racial discrimination."

"Come on two, since you were miserable in your life, I will send you to heaven, so that you can enjoy the peace after death!"

The two ghosts turned pale in shock.

I understand that I have met a wicked person.

Before they could react, a giant hammer fell with a bang.


A terrifying force erupted, directly smashing a deep pit on the ground.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 500 energy."

Jiang Che swayed under his feet.

The figure flashed.

Another hammer.


Accompanied by two shrill screams.

Two locust tree evil spirits, died.

In Jiang Che's ear, a pleasant system prompt also sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 490 energy."

"Ding, congratulations to the host's energy exceeding 10000 points, and opening the permission to extract silver-quality exotic beast cards."

Silver Card: Obtain 'less' power of mountain and sea beasts, several abilities, beast soul blessing, last for 20 minutes, when the duration expires, you can obtain permanent enhancement of physique, blood, and soul, with a 1% chance to permanently obtain An ability of the mountain and sea beasts, there is a [-]% chance to permanently obtain the soul of the mountain and sea beasts.

The power that can be obtained has changed from 'weak' to 'less', which has increased by an order of magnitude at a glance.

The ability has changed from three to several, and more abilities can be obtained to deal with more complex situations.

The duration increases to 20 minutes, and there is a [-]% probability of obtaining permanent abilities. Almost every five alien cards will definitely obtain a permanent ability.

"But what does this beast soul blessing mean?"

Jiang Che frowned and thought for a long time.

In the end, I came to the conclusion: you only know after you have used it.

After that, Jiang Che was not too pretentious, and chose to draw the silver card directly.

"Pick the card."

"Ding, please choose the quality of the card drawn: Whiteboard (100), Bronze (1000), Silver (10000)"

"Silver card."

"Ding, are you sure to spend 10000 energy points to draw a silver card?"


With the 10200 in the energy column, it became a pitiful two hundred.

"Ding, the silver card draw begins..."

To Jiang Che's surprise, the turntable did not appear immediately after the card drawing started. This time, there was a delay of three seconds, and a simple and simple roulette slowly appeared in front of him.

From whiteboard to bronze, the roulette wheel multiplied several times.

But this time, it was just a normal-sized roulette wheel, and it looked rundown and old, with countless scratches on it.

Jiang Che carefully looked at one of the scratches for a few seconds.

Immediately, I felt a stinging pain in my eyes.

And as this mysterious and simple roulette turned and stopped, a stalwart figure appeared in front of Jiang Che.

The moment he saw this figure, Jiang Che rubbed his eyes and opened his mouth. He never imagined that the first time he drew a silver card, he actually drew this one...

Chapter [-] The Evil Daoist (new book please customize!!)

It has a human face and a bird body, its ears penetrate two green dragons, and there is a scarlet dragon under its feet.

This stalwart figure stood on the turbulent sea, and the entire huge North Sea was shaken by it, rising or falling in the blink of an eye.

"The legendary wind god, sea god and plague god ruled the mountain and sea era, and the terrifying existence of the entire North Sea, Yu Qiang!"

Jiang Che's eyes lit up.

This one is really too strong.

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