The gods of the mountains and seas, in that terrifying era, all had their own territories. They often patrolled the territory and killed any unpleasant mountain and sea beasts. It can be seen that it was a terrible existence to be called a god in that era. , almost all of them can be compared with the four evils.

And this Yu Qiang, among those who are called gods, also belongs to the strongest column!

If you look at other people's faces, you can understand the strength of this person with just three gods' names.

"Once this card is used, I am afraid that in a short period of time, I can become a god-like existence, and the combat power is absolutely incomparable!!"

Jiang Che was ecstatic.

This is definitely a beast card that is one level stronger than the Four Ferocious!

At the moment when this card was drawn, the sound of wind in a radius of [-] miles suddenly stopped. It seemed to be influenced by some kind of supreme power. Indistinctly, there was the sound of sea waves churning, echoing in the ears of the Taoist priest and Chen Shijiao. Let them lose their minds for a while.

The Taoist priest's expression changed, and he looked at Jiang Che in awe.

And when he looked at it, he suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up one by one, a kind of creepy feeling.

In one glance, the Taoist priest saw the huge waves raging into the sky, submerging the mountains and valleys, and saw the plague lying on the ground, and millions of corpses...

A terrifying sight!

In a blink of an eye, all these sights disappeared.

At this time, Jiang Che had already collected the silver card and walked towards the Taoist priest.

"Zhou Banxian?"

Jiang Che asked.

The Taoist priest, Zhou Banxian was stunned: "Who asked you to come?"


Zhou Banxian narrowed her eyes: "I don't know any paper maker."

"You don't need to try again." Jiang Che said directly: "I can come to you at ten o'clock, and I know that I will act at six o'clock tonight. Besides, isn't this the Chen Shijiao who you figured out last night?"

Zhou Banxian's eyes sank: "But in my hexagram, there is no you!"

"That's right." Jiang Che chuckled lightly and said with a deep meaning in his eyes: "I'm not someone you can count on. If you really have me in your hexagram, I'm afraid you won't be far away from death."

Hear this infinite arrogance.

Zhou Banxian was stunned.

In his mind, the terrifying scene he had just seen suddenly appeared.

He was silent for a while, then opened the door: "You two, please come in."

Jiang Che and Chen Shijiao walked in.

The layout of the house is very simple, and Jiang Che can see that many of the furnishings are some years old, and any one of them is probably worth a few hundred thousand. It seems that the background of this fortune-teller who lives in a secluded mountain village is probably very complicated.

"Have the plans changed?"

The two sat down.

Zhou Banxian got right to the point.

Seems like a smart guy.

Jiang Che likes talking to smart people and saves effort.

"If it was according to the original plan, Mrs. Chen should have asked you to find the coffin maker. Now that you are looking for me, there may be other variables, and if I guess correctly, the variable is probably in this little brother Jiang. A spiritual weapon that can easily kill a half-step red-clothed, there is indeed hope to change the situation!"

The more Zhou Banxian spoke, the brighter his eyes became.

After all, no one wants to die if they can live.

Jiang Che glanced at him and asked a question.

"Do you have enough time?"

Zhou Banxian instantly understood what he was asking.

"It's no bragging to say that you are very capable, and you can completely avoid the influence of that ghost for a day or two."

Jiang Che nodded: "That's good, I want to know everything that happened in this village, as well as your specific plans."

"Of course." Zhou Banxian pondered for a while, and seemed to weigh it again in his heart.

Finally, he finally said politely: "Five years ago, something strange happened in the village, Erniu's mother became a corpse. This kind of thing is very difficult to deal with."

Chen Shijiao and Jiang Che talked about this.

Erniu's mother turned into a corpse and stole several children from the village.

At that time, her mother-in-law used paper figures to protect her.

"The evil spirit is sealed in the corpse, the evil spirit is raised, and then the corpse is turned into a monster, which will eventually become a monster that integrates the evil spirit, evil corpse, and evil poison. This is the corpse evil. The formed corpse evil is not only cruel and violent , and it is a time bomb, if it is not handled properly, it will explode the corpse, and the evil spirit will invade a radius of dozens of miles, causing a large area of ​​corpse transformation."

"At that time, I was in trouble with the coffin maker, the watchman, and the paper maker. At this time, a person who claimed to be an evil Taoist appeared..."

Chapter [-]: The Past of Chenjia Village

"The evil Daoist has a clever way to deal with the corpse. He wants to live in the village temporarily. With great grace, no one will reject him."

"It was also from this day that the people in the village came to me for fortune-telling. The hexagrams showed that there have been major disasters and disasters in recent years."

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