"Later, the village chief's son was out doing business and was hit and killed by a woman driving a car. The woman came over to make amends, and the wicked Taoist proposed that if she was caught and buried with the village chief's son, it would increase ancestral luck and longevity."

"But in fact, this method, called yin-yang burial, is extremely sinister and evil!"

"The purpose is not to increase ancestral luck, but to refine the resentful infant."

Hearing this, Jiang Che's expression froze.

He had long guessed that such an ancient ceremony had been carried out in the village, and the most terrifying thing in Chenjia Village was probably related to this yin and yang burial!

"We all know that this is a wicked law that violates the harmony of the heavens and destroys life, and we all tried to discourage it, but the village chief insisted on doing his own thing. After his son and the woman were buried, strange things began to appear in the village, and the villagers began to have one after another. , and more and more abnormal.”

"By the time we found out that something was wrong, it was already too late. In the third month after Mrs. Chen sent her granddaughter out, the evil Daoist walked down the back mountain with a resentful baby covered in red blood. Resentment has affected everyone, we fought against the evil Taoist, but we were not opponents at all, but he didn't kill us, not even most of the people in the village."

"The evil Taoist just set up a magic circle and turned the entire village into a place of gathering Yin."

"He wounded us and made us also affected by the Resentful Infant."

"After that, it was the nightmare of this village. The resentful infants chose the right villagers to kill, and then selected suitable living people, buried them together, and gave birth to another resentful infant, and then this little thing devoured the flesh and blood of these newborn resentful infants. Soul, make yourself stronger."

"This practice is related to a very old legend."

Zhou Banxian's face darkened, and his voice trembled.

"Yingjun, this is creating the legendary Yingjun, which is beyond the power of red clothes!"

"More than ten days ago, my injuries finally recovered to the point where I could resist the influence of the unjust infant. The paper maker, watchman, and coffin maker also recovered one by one. We liquidated all the remaining living people in the village, and united with the adults. , Decided to use something tonight to block the sneakiness in the village and send the children out."

Zhou Banxian finished speaking.

Jiang Che also roughly understood what happened in the village.

But he still has a few doubts.

"Will Resentful Baby not appear again tonight? Or can you stop him?"

"Last night it has caught new men and women, and plans to complete the ninety-ninth resentful baby tonight when the yin is at its strongest. Once he swallows the ninety-nine resentful infants, it may become a legend. Yingjun in the middle." Zhou Banxian sighed: "But this is not something we can manage anymore, all we can do is to take advantage of this opportunity to save a few more people out."

"In fact, in the village now, under the influence of the land of gathering Yin, those couples who died in order to refine the resentful infant, as well as all kinds of ghosts, grievances, and evil things, have long become incomparably powerful, and some of them are the strongest. All of them were ordered by Resentful Infant to guard the living people in the village."

"So what we have to deal with is actually the ghosts in the village. Among them, there are three ghosts in red, and there are countless other ghosts. I, the watchman and the paper maker, used the whole body and worked hard, maybe You can barely block the three red clothes, and then distribute some exorcism tools to the adults, so that they can drag the other evil spirits in the village."

"The coffin maker ran out with the children."

"Actually, this plan is very risky, because it's hard to say whether we can block the red clothes, and how long we can block it."

After listening to him, Jiang Che nodded: "In other words, the biggest problem is the three red clothes?"

"That's right." Zhou Banxian nodded: "Brother Jiang, my current plan is that you and the four of us will fight hard to kill a red-clothed one before dark, and our pressure at night will be much less, only In the face of two red clothes, the five of us can completely block it, and with a high probability, we can all escape."

Before the four of them joined forces, there was no way to fight a red shirt.

Jiang Che's appearance gave him hope.


Jiang Che smiled, he wasn't trying to escape.

"Tell me where the three red-clothed ghosts are, and I'll deal with them before it gets dark."

Jiang Che said slowly.

Hearing his words, Zhou Banxian was stunned for a while.

"Little brother Jiang, it's not that Zhou is despising you, you listen to my advice, the red-clothed ghost, and Banbu Hong-cloth are really not the same level of evil, the half-bu-hong-cloth just now, I, the coffin maker, the paper tie The craftsman and the watchman can all be dealt with, but if it is a red-clothed ghost, it can easily slaughter the four of us. What's more, the red-clothed in this village, under the cultivation of the land of gathering yin, has long been It's not an ordinary red shirt, there is even one, the color of the clothes has already become black and red, the resentment is strong, it is extremely terrifying..."

Chapter [-] I'm so wronged to die... (new book for customization, flowers~)

Zhou Banxian was bitter, he didn't want to see Jiang Che die in vain because he was young and vigorous.

"If you want to insist, you can go with me."

Jiang Che thought about it for a while. A few people followed him, and they just drove a little slower. They were familiar with the people and ghosts in the village, so they could learn more information and know themselves and their enemies. After all, Jiang Dachui was not a reckless man.

And soon, Zhou Banxian cast out a few yellow paper talismans, turned into streaks of soot and flew away, but within half a minute, Aunt Chen came over under the protection of two paper figurines, and soon after, one carried a pair of gongs. The middle-aged man also came over, and finally, a young man with an inch head carrying a mahogany coffin ran over.

Zhou Banxian briefly explained the situation to them.

Several people nodded in agreement, and at the same time, there was a deep fear in their eyes.

The red-clothed ghost is really scary.

They went here completely with the idea of ​​gambling their lives.

Jiang Che noticed.

A piece of very old red paper was pasted on Grandma Chen's face, a blood talisman was drawn on the face of the watchman Chen Yuxuan, and a yellow paper talisman was pasted between the eyebrows of the coffin maker, which seemed to be given by Zhou Banxian, and the coffin maker should be Among the few people, the Taoist is the lowest, but there seems to be some secret hidden in his coffin.

These things help them stay awake.

"Three red clothes, the weakest should be the fifth family in the west of the village, Qingyuan's wife, she is a widow who brought her son to marry into the village, and her husband treats her badly. He beats and kicks her every day. She drowned in the river, and her whole person has been crazy for a long time. After the village was out of order, everyone slandered that she stole a few newborn children and cooked and ate them. Unusual villagers hang in the demolition house to get dry wood and smoke to death."

Zhou Banxian said with a sigh.

"This is indeed a pitiful person, but after her death, she has also become the worst and most poisonous type of ghost. She has helped Resentful Ying go out of the village to capture innocent living people many times, and use it to refine Resentful Infant. I am afraid that the lives of hundreds of outsiders have been contaminated below, and the blood slowly dyed her clothes completely red..."

Several people talked all the way, all the way to the west of the village.

All looked dignified to the extreme.

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