Because they don't know if they can destroy the red clothes.

If it fails, the entire Chenjia Village will probably become completely extinct and become a village of dead people and ghosts.

As I walked along, the surrounding houses were all very old. Under the gray sky, there seemed to be something about to move inside. Some houses made a 'bang bang bang' sound, and it seemed that something was slamming on the door, trying to rush out. .

At this time, Chen Yuxuan's expression changed, and he sounded the gong in his hand.


A gong sounded, and suddenly the entire street, two-thirds of the doors no longer swayed.

But there is still a third, but it is shaking even more.

"Not good!" Chen Yuxuan's face sank: "These ghosts are getting stronger and stronger, and there are so many half-step red clothes, hurry up!"

Several people quickened their pace.

And soon, they saw a dilapidated clay tile house. Although it was a tile house, it was built in a decent manner. There was a main room in the middle, a wing room on the left and right, and a kitchen and a firewood room in the back.

The strange thing is that when they walked over, there were five or six houses around the tile-roofed house, but in this area, there was no sound like other houses, and the whole area was dead silent.

"These families, whether they are people or ghosts, have been completely swallowed up long ago. Hongyi has its own majesty, and this is her territory!"

Zhou Banxian explained.

And when they stepped into this area, a woman's cry for help and screams faintly entered everyone's ears.

"help me……"

"I'm so wrong... I didn't do it, I died so wrong..."

This sound was not loud at first, but gradually, in the ears of everyone, it became louder and louder, as if it had magic power, almost making them all can't help but walk towards the firewood house of the tile house.

This kind of sound is very strange, even if you cover your ears, you can still hear it.

Several people's expressions changed drastically.


A gong rang.

Chen Yuxuan shouted: "Quick, get out!"

The few people who were sobered for a moment by the shock suddenly stepped back and withdrew from a specific range. Although the shouting could still be vaguely heard, the impact was much smaller.

"Sister Qingyuan may have swallowed a lot of people and ghosts recently, and her resentment has become much stronger. It's hard to handle!"

Several people all looked solemn.

At this time, it seems that because the prey escaped, in the firewood room, the shrill voice was no longer concealed, and shouted loudly.

"It hurts so much!"

"I died so wrongly... I'm so wrong..."

The sound was terrifying and eerie.

Cover your ears, it will still ring directly in your heart!

Several people suddenly changed their expressions.

They can all feel that their bodies are gradually starting to disobey.

At this time, Zhou Banxian suddenly froze: "Where's Little Brother Jiang?"

He was surprised to find that Jiang Che didn't seem to quit in time.

Through the thin night, they vaguely saw a figure and walked quickly to the firewood room.


With a loud bang, the door was hammered open.

"Where are you? I'm here to avenge you!!"

A loud cry rang out in the silent night.

Chapter [-] Can't beat it?Just open and hang it up (please customize the new book, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets~)

"Let me hear your grievances!"

The door opened and Jiang Che rushed in.

When a few people outside heard his shouting, their expressions were extremely strange.


It doesn't look like you're going to avenge others, does it?

This is clearly to hammer people! !

Inside the firewood room, it looked very messy. One side was full of hay, the other side was chopped firewood, and a lot of firewood was scattered in the middle of the open space. There was a black-red ground in the middle, which seemed to be dyed like this by some liquid.

The entire firewood house was filled with a yin and evil aura, which seemed a bit cold and suffocating. If ordinary people stayed here for a long time, they would probably become lunatic.

Jiang Che followed the pool of liquid and looked up.

A woman in red clothes was hung from the beam, her pale ankles were full of scars, and her eyes were turned outside, only the whites of her eyes, which looked extremely penetrating.

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