Chapter [-] Hide and Seek (new book for flowers, evaluation tickets~)

In the dim firewood room, Jiang Che grabbed the female ghost's ankle on the beam of the house and was struggling to pull her down. The hammer in the other hand was eager to try.

"This aunt, I'm here to save you, don't worry, I'll pull you down!"

"Be patient, it may hurt a little."

"After all, in such a situation, you can only sacrifice your wrist, it's important to hold your life!"

At this time, the female ghost's two wrists were tied by a rope, and under Jiang Che's pulling, the skin was ripped apart, and his wrists were almost torn off by him.

The female ghost is broken inside.

what are you...

Can you be an individual?

Will you cut the rope? ?

God can only sacrifice his wrist!

You just want to kill the old lady, right? !

"Stop it! I'm not miserable, I don't want you to save me."

Qingyuan's sister-in-law shouted sternly, setting off a gloomy wind.

And outside.

Several people looked strange.

"Am I right?"

"Why is Sister Qingyuan saying she's not miserable anymore?"

"She seems to be forced."

"But isn't she in red?"

"Jiang Che is too unhuman...cough cough" Chen Yuxuan said in the middle, suddenly found that Jiang Che turned his head badly, a pair of beast-like eyes, emitting a dim light in the darkness, he immediately changed his words: "Brother Jiang is too Be kind, you even have to save a ghost, you are really a role model for my generation! Perfection and love!"

"I know this for a long time. In order to help the two locust trees in my yard get rid of insects, Brother Jiang smashed them into pieces. It's really true, good man!" Zhou Banxian gave a thumbs up.

The coffin maker hesitated.

He was just about to ask the watchman and Zhou Banxian why you guys were so good at filming, and which cram school did you take.

Just at this time.

'Boom' 'Zizzi'

Two voices suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing that Jiang Che couldn't pull Qingyuan's sister-in-law off, he actually swung a hammer, with divine fire rising and thunder roaring on the hammer's head.

"Come, come, smash the bones, and I can save you!"

Looking at Jiang Che holding a sledgehammer, Jiang Che with a warm expression

Everyone shuddered, and suddenly felt that compared to Specter, Jiang Che seemed to be more terrifying!

Sister Qing Yuan's pale complexion changed, blood flashed across her body, and she ducked to the side.

If it was before, she would still have the confidence to catch the sledgehammer, but after the person in front of her, after getting rid of her own influence, for some reason, the momentum on his body suddenly increased several times. To die! !

"Help me! I'm so miserable... I was wronged..."

The shrill screams kept ringing.

Outside the door, the expressions of several people changed, their eyes gradually blurred, and suddenly there was an urge to rush in to save Sister Qingyuan.


The rapid sound of the gong sounded, and Chen Yuxuan clung to the gong tightly, hot blood seeping out, but he was still beating the gong with all his might, desperately resisting the ghost's call.

Didn't see Brother Jiang go down with a hammer, the ground is a huge pit two meters deep?

What if he was seduced by Specter.

Still have life? ?

"Help all bully me...="

Sister Qingyuan screamed and howled as she ran out, a blood-red figure running into the distance.

"Don't run away, whoever bullied you told me, I'll help you!!"

Jiang Che chased after him with a sledgehammer.

Five people were left messed up in the wind, their faces dazed.

The fight to the death, which was originally expected, seemed to be a little out of place.

Although still desperate.

But now, the red-clothed ghost is desperately trying to... escape?

"No, that's the direction of Ergou's house!" Zhou Banxian suddenly exclaimed, "That's the second-strongest red-clothed in the village, go and follow up to remind Brother Jiang that if he was caught off guard, he might suffer a big loss. !"

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