The expressions of several people also changed.

"The death of the two dogs is worse than that of Sister Qingyuan, and he once lured a tourist group into the village in Nan'anling. He was given more than ten half-step red-clothed ghosts to swallow up by the resentful baby. It's so red that it's absolutely terrifying!" Chen Yuxuan also said solemnly.

"And Ergou's ability is too weird!"

"You can't just let Brother Jiang take the risk. He is the only hope in the village now."

"Go and find him!"

Several people discussed it, all of them looked solemn.

He chased after Jiang Che's direction.

Trembling through the houses that were constantly roaring, everyone stepped into a strange dead area.

A small bungalow with concrete walls that is rare in the village, separated by a circle of concrete walls, appeared in front of everyone. As soon as they got close, they felt as if they were being stared at by pairs of eyes, and their backs felt a little chilly.

"I hid it."

"Come find me."

"I'm hiding in a place you'll never find..."

The voices of children sounded in the night, which seemed very ethereal, as if they were playing... a game of hide and seek.

However, such a voice made several people horrified, because the family in this house has been dead for a long time, who would hide and hide here?


Just when everyone was hesitating whether to step into the gate of the fence.

A woman's scream suddenly sounded.

Chapter [-] If I find it... (Thank you for your great company and support, it will be on the shelves soon~)

Under the silent night sky, the woman's miserable cry rang out abruptly, and then suddenly stopped, as if someone was strangling her neck, and the place soon returned to a dead silence.

Cold sweat dripped from everyone's forehead.

They chased Jiang Che and Sister Qingyuan to this place, but one person and one ghost seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Now, there are only five of them left outside the walls of this two-story building.

"What should I do? Brother Jiang seems to be gone. Shall we go in?" Chen Yuxuan asked panting.

Blood was dripping from his hands, and the gongs were dyed red.

"Since he disappeared here, it must have something to do with this building." Zhou Banxian said with a sullen face, "I'm afraid I can only take risks."

Several people pondered for a while, pushed open the iron fence door, and walked in slowly.

The yard is overgrown with weeds. It has been abandoned for several years, but there are traces of people running past, and it is not as simple as one or two people. These traces are messy, like a large group of bear children playing here.

"Whose baby is dying, how dare you come here." Grandma Chen muttered.

There are still many living people in the village, and there are children.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew past, and the whole yard seemed to be a little colder.

Chen Shijiao turned her head and asked suspiciously, "Something seems to have run past?"

"Come on, go ahead and talk about it. I always feel that there are some strange things hidden in these grasses." Zhou Banxian shouted at this time.

Several people quickened their pace, passed through the courtyard, and came to the door of the main room of the second-story building.

See the sight on this yellow painted door.

Several people took a breath of cold air.

Because there are countless bloody handprints on the door, all of them are very small, it seems that they were taken by young children.

"It may be a prank by a child." Zhou Banxian said, reaching out and pushing the door open.

Without any hindrance, the door opened directly, and it was pitch black inside.

Zhou Banxian took out a talisman, rubbed it in his hand and ignited it. It landed on his index finger, almost lighting up the small half of the room. Several people followed behind him and walked towards the house.

And when they walked through the door of the house.



The door behind him closed tightly.

The pupils of several people suddenly shrank, and they all rushed up, trying to open the door, but at this time the door seemed to have become a wall, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't shake it.

Under the light of Zhou Banxian's hand.

Several people saw that there were also a bunch of bloody handprints behind the door, some large and small.

Chen Yuxuan's expression changed: "I know the source of these bloody handprints. Those who stepped into this house kept slamming the door trying to get out, and they left these handprints!"

Hearing this, everyone was horrified.

What kind of terrifying encounter was it that made these people slap their palms with blood, and desperately opened the door and ran out?

"Are you hiding?"

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