The previously strange child's voice sounded again.

Makes a few people's expressions change drastically

Because this time, the sound was no longer vaguely what they heard when they stood outside the yard, but became very clear and appropriate, as if it was ringing in their ears.

And this time, it's no longer 'I hid it', 'Come and find me' or something like that.

Seems to have changed roles.

The little boy said quietly.

"Give you another ten minutes. If you hide it, I will come to you."

"If I find it"

"But something terrible will happen~"

The voice was like a ten-year-old child deliberately frightening his game companions, which sounded a little naive.

But it fell into the ears of several people, but it seemed to be a life-threatening ecstasy.

"Is this the second dog?" Zhou Banxian asked.

Chen Shijiao nodded with a trembling voice: "It's his voice. He always played with us when we were young, but wasn't he... dead long ago?"

She felt the chills on her spine stand up one by one.

A childhood friend who has been dead for many years.

With the voice of a child, I have initiated a game invitation to you.

"Nine minutes left~"

The little boy's slightly naughty voice sounded again.

It shocked everyone.

Zhou Banxian's face was gloomy: "He wants to play games with us, he wants to kill us!"

"Ghosts are obsessive. Ergou hid in the cement mixer when he was hiding from the cat. As a result, the mixer started. He was churned to death inside and embedded in the wall of this two-story building. So his obsession is the game, whoever breaks into this place will die in the game of hide and seek!"

Several people felt horrified when they heard it.

"Then what should we do?"

Chen Shijiao asked in a trembling voice.

Zhou Banxian and the others looked at each other for a long time, then fell silent for a while.

"Follow the rules and hide."

"There may be a chance of life in this way!"

at this time.

The little boy's urging voice resounded again.

"There are still seven minutes, and I can't wait, why don't we shorten the time a little bit?"

The little boy seemed to ponder for a while.

Finally, his innocent voice sounded sinister.

"Then... in a minute, in a minute, I'll come to you!"

"Remember, if you are found, terrible things will happen~"

When several people heard this sentence, their faces became extremely ugly.


Chapter [-] Found you! (For the first order, it will be on the shelves at night)

Several people hurriedly searched for a suitable place to hide in the house. Finally, Zhou Banxian found a house next to the main room. It seemed to be occupied before. There was a large tank, a half-person-high cabinet, and a wardrobe. Individuals walk in, each looking for a place.

Chen Shijiao hid in the closet, and the coffin maker hid in the large cabinet where the food was stored with the coffin on his back.

Zhou Banxian hid under the bed, while Granny Chen hid between the wardrobe and the corner of the wall.

Chen Yuxuan hid in the vat.

And not long after they hid, there seemed to be footsteps upstairs.

"It's time, I'm coming~"

The little boy seemed very happy, and he could finally start a game with his friends.

Step - step - step!

His cheerful footsteps sounded on the floor, as if searching for one room after another.

Everyone held their breath, feeling that their hearts were about to jump out.

Zhou Banxian took out a yellow paper talisman from the sole of the shoe. Granny Chen held a paper figurine that was half blood and half yellow. Chen Yuxuan took his own blood and sketched some strange things on the gong. symbol.

Only the coffin maker did nothing.

And this time.

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