Chen Shijiao hid in the closet and suddenly felt a little weird. Her neck seemed to be itchy. She didn't dare to move at first, but her neck became more and more itchy. She could only turn on the screen of her mobile phone. With the light, Chen Shijiao let out a light hum.

"It looks like hair? But isn't my hair tied up?"

She reached out and pinched the bundle of hair around her neck, and slowly felt it. Suddenly, she felt as if she had touched a... scalp.


Chen Shijiao tightly covered her mouth.

Almost screamed in the closet.

Using the light of her mobile phone, she saw that there was a bloody scalp hanging above the wardrobe! !

But it seemed that she had come all the way with Jiang Che, and had faced so many ghosts and ghosts, and had honed her mind. She finally held back her fear, her body was trembling, and she hid in the closet.

Because she understands that something more terrifying is out there.

"No one upstairs?"

At this time, the little boy's voice seemed a little annoyed.

"Then I'll come downstairs~"

"It's all hidden, if I find it, I'll rip your scalp off and hang it in the closet!"

Listen to the words that sounded on the floor.

Chen Shijiao suddenly felt her body froze, and her whole body was completely stunned.

She didn't know if she had been discovered.


Accompanied by the little boy's footsteps, they happily walked through several rooms, and finally stopped in front of the room where they were hiding. Several people suddenly held their breaths, their breathing almost stopped, and their hearts seemed to jump out of their chests.


Door open.

Then the little boy seemed to be silent.

Everyone is wondering.

Did he just open the door here, think there's no one there, and leave?

Chen Yuxuan was staring at the top of the vat, ready to ring the blood-stained gong in his hand at any time. Suddenly he felt something entered his eyes, rubbed it, and when he opened his eyes again, there appeared in front of him. A stiff blue child's face.

"Got you."

The little boy sneered.

Chen Yuxuan's expression changed drastically, and just as he was about to ring the gong, he felt his body stiffen, eroded by a terrifying cold aura, unable to make any movements at all.


The little boy put a finger in front of his mouth.

"Let's play a more fun game."


Inside the house, there was a dead silence.

It went on for five minutes.

The coffin maker opened a gap in the cabinet, looked out the door, frowned and said, "It seems to be gone?"

Zhou Banxian climbed out from under the bed, glanced carefully at the door, and wondered.

"Really gone?"

"Come out first."

Zhou Banxian pondered for a while and said: "According to some folk sayings, ghosts with obsessions will also follow their own rules of the game. It may be that we hid fairly well, or Ergou is blind, in short, he didn't have the first time. Finding us means we have a chance to breathe."

Grandma Chen, Zhou Banxian, Chen Shijiao, and the coffin maker all came out and breathed a sigh of relief.

"No." Granny Chen suddenly said, "Where's Yuxuan?"

Several people were stunned. .

Glancing at each other, their faces darkened, and they walked towards the vat together, making eye contact, and pinching the killer move in their hands.

They looked into the tank together.

I didn't see Chen Yuxuan.

A stiff blue child's face appeared in front of everyone.

"Hehe~ I found you all!"


A gloomy wind blew, and the door of this house slammed shut.

"Kowloon Heavenly Fire Talisman, town!"

Zhou Banxian's expression changed, and he typed out a talisman.

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