The death of Akeno made Iwakatsu and Yoriichi sad for a long time, and finally made the successor state lord in sorrow, looking at his wife's suicide note, fall into regret.

He should have given Yoriichi a better environment.

At the same time, Iwakatsu learned that the weak brother who was supposed to be protected by him was a genius, and his father would definitely swap their positions, and he would live in that broken house and then be sent to the temple.

This made Iwakatsu even more uneasy and jealous in his sadness.

But Iwakatsu couldn't understand it when he learned that his brother was ridiculously leaving and cherished that broken flute.

In the evening, seeing Yoriichi being sent away from the small door, Muzan flashed and followed.

Originally, Yunichi, who was going to the temple, did not go as planned, but went far away.

Yunichi, who was only seven years old, took a little dry food and a knife, and walked aimlessly in an unknown direction, step by step, with Muzan following far behind.

On the other side, Jiguo Yansheng also saw his mother's diary.

"Yuichi is a person favored by God", and Yunichi's action of sticking to his mother's left side was not as coquettish as he imagined, but to support his mother, which seemed to tell him - you are not as good as Yunichi!

Jiguo Yansheng's hands were bulging with veins, grabbing his mother's diary, and his nails pierced deeply into it.

He grabbed the knife and walked outside to the place where he practiced swordsmanship.

At this time, his face was hideous, his pupils were red, and veins in his hands were bulging. He grabbed the handle of the knife and slashed at the dummy like crazy, roaring like a beast:

"Why! Why!

I have worked so hard for so long! Why is it that guy in the end!"


I don't know how many times he chopped, the surface of the dummy was covered with knife marks, but because he was still young, the scars were only on the surface, but his brother could easily chop the dummy open!

When the exhausted Jiguo Yansheng thought of this, the jealousy and resentment in his heart kept pouring out, and his face was distorted to the extreme.


The knife was thrown to the ground fiercely, and Jiguo Yansheng panted and walked step by step towards Jiguo Yuanyi's narrow room.


The door was roughly opened and hit the door frame fiercely.

Yansheng rushed in angrily and looked around.

Is this guy hiding?

Suddenly he caught a glimpse of a note on the table, took a big step over, and grabbed the note on the table.

His face, which was originally twisted with anger, gradually calmed down, and confusion appeared in his eyes. He put the note back on the table in a daze.

Tsugakuma Yoriichi, is he really gone?

Then, Tsugakuma Iwakatsu rushed out.


He can't accept such charity!

He doesn't need it!

He will surpass Yoriichi sooner or later!

Give it back to him!

He will become the world's number one warrior sooner or later!

Tsugakuma Iwakatsu wanted to get Tsugakuma Yoriichi back. If Tsugakuma Yoriichi left like this, he might never see him again. He would always live in Yoriichi's shadow, and he must find Tsugakuma Yoriichi back!

But after blindly chasing for a long time, Tsugakuma Iwakatsu finally realized that Tsugakuma Yoriichi had gone far away.

Standing there in a daze, his face was full of helplessness.

On the other side, as the days passed, the food Yunyi brought with him became less and less. He didn't know where he was, and a field appeared in front of him.

The field was empty and no one was there. Walking in it, looking far away for a long time, a figure appeared in his sight.

It was a strange girl, she stood in the field holding a wooden basin blankly.

The eyes of the two met.


Because it was daytime, Wuzan could only hide in the woods in the distance and watch the two people meet from a distance. With superhuman hearing and vision, Wuzan saw that the two people chatted for a few words and decided to go together.

Shi took Yunyi to her home.

Wuzan hurriedly followed.

The opportunity to find the blue spider lily has come!

It was already evening, the last ray of sunlight began to dissipate, the moonlight rose, and night fell.

Wuzan suddenly felt that there was a creature approaching behind him.

He immediately raised his vigilance.

The next moment, a "monster" nearly two meters tall rushed towards Yunyi and Shi from the other side.

Because they were still far away, neither of them noticed it.

This monster was the half-ghost.

The half-ghost had been focusing on eating people for a long time and throwing the blame on him. Now his intentions are obvious.

Muzan dodged and rushed over, grabbing the half-ghost's neck.

The half-ghost is just a half-ghost.

Maybe it is an invincible man-eating monster for ordinary people, but in Muzan's hands, it is just a piece of trash that can be killed at will.


The half-ghost obviously didn't react, his face was horrified, and under the cover of death, it let out a sharp scream, and Muzan's arm suddenly turned into a huge mouth and swallowed it. Muzan hoped to swallow the half-ghost to get his memory and see what this thing was like.

The scream of the half-ghost naturally attracted the attention of Yuichi and the others in the distance. The two looked back and saw that Muzan's hideous arm turned into a flesh and blood monster swallowed something, squirming as if chewing, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground.

Even if he was not taken seriously, Yuichi was the son of the successor country, so he naturally knew the existence of cannibals. He immediately understood that the guy in front of him was an evil ghost, and thought that Muzan had eaten people.

And the moment he saw the evil ghost in front of him, he realized that this guy was very dangerous!

It's the ghost king!

His mission with super talents is to kill the guy in front of him!

But he is only seven years old now.

And these two children, only seven or eight years old, faced the evil ghost...

Yuichi hurriedly pulled Shi behind him: "Shi, run!"

I'll stop it!

Even though Yuichi is extremely talented with a knife and can defeat an adult, he is only a seven-year-old child now, and is far from enough to face the evil ghost.

Yuichi pulled out a knife that was almost as tall as him and pointed it at Muzan.

Muzan: "..."

Shi hid behind Yuichi timidly. Although she was afraid, she didn't want to abandon Yuichi.

Muzan wanted to explain, but he suddenly felt another half-ghost attacking.

The eight-headed half-ghost, while Yuichi's attention was on Muzan, attacked Shi from behind.

Muzan didn't care about Yuichi's vigilance and rushed up.

Damn half-ghost!

Ruining his good deeds!

Even if the half-ghost attacked suddenly and there were many of them, they couldn't resist Muzan.

In a flash,

Yuichi felt that the evil ghost in front of him was attacking him, and he swung his sword to block Muzan. At the same time, Muzan flashed and appeared in front of Shi behind Yuichi.

Yuichi's heart trembled, and he turned around quickly and swung his sword at Muzan.

But what came into view was the eight evil ghosts attacking from behind, and Muzan's back.

The next moment, Muzan pulled out the long sword behind him, and repelled several half-ghosts who attacked him.

But at the same time, Yuichi's sword did not stop slashing Muzan's back.

The skin that the members of the Demon Slayer Corps could not cut was cut by Yuichi's sword, leaving a huge wound several millimeters deep.

"Hiss——" Muzan couldn't help but take a breath, it hurts!

Fortunately, Yuichi only had an ordinary sword in his hand. The next second, Muzan's back returned to its original state.

Yuichi also realized that something was wrong, holding the sword in the air, a little at a loss.

Muzan looked back at the two of them, rushed out, and chopped off the half-ghost's head with a knife.

After dealing with these half-ghosts, Muzan breathed a sigh of relief.

He suddenly felt that the half-ghosts were not just stupid, but more like ants.

These half-ghosts may not be good individually, but there is a high-IQ existence behind them who is making overall plans.

For example, just now, he used a half-ghost to not only attract his attention, but also made him recognized as an evil ghost by Yunyi when he was not paying attention, and then attacked Shi when Yunyi was not paying attention.

And why attack Shi, of course, is to cut off Muzan's idea of ​​following Shi to find the blue red spider lily.

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