The old man was very angry, but he was not very happy.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if I can recover."

Wuzan was too lazy to listen to Tamayo's long speech.

Tamayo was used to his boss's personality and said, "I don't know, you can stay here for a few days, I'll study it."

Wuzan looked at the two of them as if asking for their opinions.

The two looked at each other and nodded, "Okay."

Two days later, it was almost morning and the sky was about to brighten. Wuzan wanted to sleep through the boring day. He had just fallen asleep when a heavy noise suddenly woke him up. He opened his eyes and saw.

It was Yoriichi who kicked the door open, drew out his long sword with a clang of murderous intent, and his gloomy face was exactly the same as in the original book. He slashed at Muzan without saying a word.

Muzan: "!!!!"

Fuck! ! !

He was so scared that he quickly rolled off the bed and dodged the knife.

At the same time, he yelled: "What are you doing?!"

"Kibutsuji Muzan!"

Yuriichi gritted his teeth and squeezed out his name, and swung his sword again.

The wounds from the previous few days could not be healed, and now they hurt a lot, but he ran over to slash him like crazy.

Muzan was also very angry for a while.

I didn't dare to kill him two days ago, but you are still pushing it, right? !

Muzan didn't care if Yuichi's memory was modified again. All his whips came out and he fought back fiercely. At the same time, he used his whips to grab a knife hanging in the corner. Muzan took the knife and drew it.

Who doesn't know how to use a knife? !

He rushed forward and chopped it without any hesitation.

A moment later——

"Help! Help! Yuichi is crazy again!!!"

"Tamayo! Iwakatsu! Help! Yuichi is crazy again!!!"

Muzan was chopped all over again, and even one of his whips was chopped off and fell to the ground, fluttering alone on the ground like a fish out of water.

Muzan rushed out of the house that had been chopped and was about to collapse, shouting for help.

I can't beat him!

I really can't beat him.


Even the cheating player can't beat the invincible one!

Tsugikoku Iwakatsu and Tamayo were also alarmed. Tamayo knew her own fighting ability level and hid to observe the situation.

Jiguo Yansheng ran out and drew his knife to block Yunichi's attack: "Yuichi! You——"

Before he finished speaking, Yunichi, who was thought to stop attacking, actually slashed at him directly!

Jiguo Yansheng:



"Are you crazy?!!!"

Yuichi's face was gloomy, and he stared at Muzan with murderous intent.

This time, in his memory, after meeting Muzan a few days ago, Yansheng had been seduced by Muzan to become a ghost, and then tied him up with a trick to attack him.

Although Yunichi was reluctant at this time, he was still determined.

He had the obligation to stop his brother's loss in time when he went astray!

I'm sorry!

The knife in Yunichi's hand slashed at Yansheng mercilessly.

How could Jiguo Yansheng be able to resist the attack of this combat ceiling?

In an instant, the threat of death almost suffocated him.

The next moment, Muzan used a whip to pull him over, avoiding the attack, and at the same time, the sharp blade at the tip of another whip blocked Yuichi's blade, and hurriedly fled with Yansheng.

TMD, there is no way to beat him!

Under the cold and clean white moonlight, in a small courtyard, a guy with whips all over his back grabbed a guy with a knife in his hand, followed by a murderous ghost hunter, and the three of them made a lot of noise in the yard.

In the lonely forest outside the yard, there was only the sound of the wind and the sound of birds singing as the sky was about to get bright.

The three people made a mess in the yard, and even the stone wall was smashed into pieces.

Broken tiles and stones were scattered all over the yard with dust.

Muzan saw that the sky was about to get bright, and Tamayo was still hiding behind the wall, bleeding and making illusions.

But it didn't work on the ceiling!

"Tamayo! Stop bleeding! Find a way!!!"

Muzan grabbed Jiguo Yansheng and dodged and ran away, while urging Tamayo.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to kick a huge stone to stop Yunyi.

Yunyi chopped the stone with a knife and rushed over like a ghost without slowing down.

Muzan's head was about to split!

You are a ghost!

Tamayo wanted to curse, what can I do!

Muzan hurriedly dodged Yunyi's attack, Jiguo Yansheng was dragged behind by his clothes, and he was strangled to suffocation. He watched Yunyi's knife pass through his nose with only a slight difference, and his breathing was almost stopped by fear.

He adjusted his posture with difficulty and swung his sword to the ground. His neck loosened a little for a moment, and he shouted hurriedly:

"Muzan! You are going to strangle me to death!"

Muzan was in a panic to save his life. If it weren't for Yansheng shouting, he would not have noticed that Jiguo Yansheng's face was red at this time, and he was so scared that he hurriedly threw him out.

Over the broken stone wall, Yansheng flew backwards along the ground, his clothes were torn, and he hit a tree not far away.

Jiguo Yuichi's main target was Muzan. He looked at Yansheng and turned around to chase Muzan.

"Tamayo you..."

Muzan dodged the attack in a panic, with wounds all over his body. Just as he was about to urge Tamayo to find a solution, he heard Tamayo shout:

"Turning him into a ghost may help him recover his memory!"

The words naturally fell into the ears of Yunyi and Iwakatsu. Yunyi, whose memory had been modified, felt that Muzan could not help but tempt his brother to turn him into a ghost, and he wanted to attack him, so his attack became more fierce.

He was determined to kill Muzan as quickly as possible.

Muzan was about to cry, what a ghost!

He couldn't even touch the hem of Yunyi's clothes, and he wanted to turn him into a ghost?

Iwakatsu didn't want his brother to become a ghost either, so he took a step ahead of Muzan, leaned against the tree, put one hand on the ground and the other on his aching chest, and shouted:

"Is there no other way?"

Tamayo was frightened by the murderous look from Yoriichi, and hid behind the wall, shouting in the huge noise of Dingding DuangDuang:

"No! There is only this one way! Don't hesitate!"

Originally, if it was Jiguo Iwakatsu, he could stop Yoriichi last time, give him some time to calm down and have a good talk, but now with the memory modification, Muzan has become an enemy directly, and Iwakatsu has become a misguided ghost, and there is no room for negotiation.

If it drags on any longer, they will all die at dawn.

And the bigger problem is that even if Jiguo Iwakatsu is not killed by the sun until dawn, and Yoriichi realizes that something is wrong, there is no place to hide here, and with Yoriichi fighting with them, Muzan's hope of survival is almost zero.


Tsugokuni Iwakatsu was also very unhappy, and so was Muzan. Their lives were put in danger by the half-ghost's conspiracy.

Muzan glanced at Iwakatsu inquiringly.

Tsugokuni Iwakatsu gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Become a ghost!"

Muzan was also determined to hear this. He gritted his teeth and turned around to meet Yuichi with his whip. Yuichi was not deaf, so he naturally knew what Muzan was planning.

He immediately swung his knife straight at Muzan's head.

Muzan must be killed!

Muzan's several whips and bone whips tried their best to resist Yuichi's blade, and he endured the pain of the whips being cut off.

Yuichi reacted quickly, and when he saw that the knife was not completed, he was about to retreat and avoid Muzan.

But the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind Yuichi, and the claws were about to pierce his back, but how could Yuichi be hurt by an ordinary ghost?

He took a step back, turned his body suddenly, and slashed with a knife.

Yanagisawa Jixing was so scared that he quickly stepped back: "Mingnu!"

In an instant, Yanagisawa Jixing disappeared directly from the back of Yuichiro.

With him, Muzan and the other three disappeared.

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