The two of them could hardly resist the attack of countless ice vines.



The other stepson finally couldn't hold on and was whipped out by a vine. He hit the ground hard and coughed up blood.


The other pillar couldn't help but shout. Looking at the ice blade that was about to attack the fallen stepson, he hurriedly blocked the swinging ice vine and quickly retreated.

But Douma naturally wouldn't let him have his way.


From behind him, an ice vine whipped up fiercely. The huge force made him fall to the ground. The sun wheel sword in his hand was whipped hard and fell to the ground.

The only pillar who still had the strength to fight could not hold on any longer and was easily knocked to the ground.

The four tried hard to stand up and continue fighting, but no miracle happened.

Douma kicked a pillar who still had the strength to struggle to get up, and proudly picked up the thigh that had not been eaten by the corpse pile beside him, and said with a smile:

"Don't struggle, I'm very gentle, I won't kill you."

Seeing the evil ghost in front of him, proudly eating human flesh, a sense of incompetence filled his heart.

"I'm going to kill you!!!"

The stepson who fell to the ground struggled to reach out desperately, trying to grab the Nichirin Sword not far away, and yelled wildly.

Douma walked up to him with a smile, kicked him, and kicked the Nichirin Sword next to him far away.

The four ghost hunters watched the evil ghost "have a full meal".

They all gnashed their teeth, and the pain of incompetence was almost unforgettable.

When the evil ghost left leisurely, the few people had no strength to stand up again. They just thought that as time passed, they would die.

But the next moment, there was a rustling sound in the bushes in the distance, and a familiar figure appeared - it was the survivor who was rescued just now!

"Are you all right?"

That day, the ghost king received a letter of introduction to join the Demon Slayer Corps.


After getting the letter of introduction, Muzan remembered something.

To join the Demon Slayer Corps, you need to pass the Demon Slayer Corps assessment, and the place where the Demon Slayer Corps is assessed is full of wisteria flowers...

Moreover, he remembered that in Fujixi Mountain, all the ghosts under his command had lost their perception. They lost their perception when he crossed over.

Combined with the memory of the scum boss, those ghosts got rid of his control? !

In this way, the birth of those half-ghosts was also out of control at that time.

So, those ghosts in Fujixi Mountain can actually be classified as half-ghosts.

Now what lies before Muzan is how to overcome the wisteria flowers and go to Fuji Mountain to participate in the assessment.

If he endures the discomfort and insists on going, it is not a big problem, but Muzan really does not want to endure the discomfort brought by the wisteria flowers.

But there is really no hope for Tamayo, after all, the technology tree has not been clicked yet, and it is impossible to climb up!

Muzan still came to Liushi Pharmaceutical and found Tamayo.

Strangely, for some reason, Muzan suddenly became very vague about Tamayo's thoughts.

When Muzan came to Tamayo, she was leaning on the chair with a frown, her face was abnormally pale, and the originally hidden sharp teeth and long claws were exposed. Both hands were tightly grasping the handles of the chair, and the handles had been squeezed out of shape.

Noticing Muzan's arrival, she squeezed out with difficulty: "Master Muzan."

"What's wrong with you?"

Muzan was not in a hurry for Tamayo to answer, and waited patiently beside her.

Finally, after a few hours, Tamayo seemed to recover gradually, but she seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

Muzan looked at the bottles and jars on the table next to Tamayo with a strange look, and joked:

"Are you going to get rid of me and start your own business?"

Tamayo wiped the sweat on his forehead because of the pain just now, put down the towel, and said:

"Lord Muzan, I have prepared a potion. You only need to take it twice to be immune to wisteria flowers."

Muzan's face was happy, and it sounded a bit similar to the vaccine he had taken.

I couldn't help but feel it was quite reliable.

But thinking of Tamayo's death just now, he couldn't help but frowned and said:

"You were not just messed up by your so-called potion just now?"

"That was before the improvement, but after the improvement, it will also make people feel a little painful, and I need to tell you what the so-called potion is first..."

Hearing Tamayo's answer without hesitation, Muzan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he still had a vague perception of Tamayo's thoughts, he could feel that Tamayo was telling the truth.


"Pain", shouldn't be too unbearable, right?

Muzan was a little excited about wanting to go to the Demon Slayer Corps to play, and hurriedly urged: "Forget about the explanation, just take it out first."

Tamayo opened her mouth, but seeing Muzan's urgent expression, she didn't know what happened or what she thought of. After a moment of hesitation, she picked out the latest potion from the table and handed it to Muzan. Out of kindness, she reminded him:

"Would you like to think about it again?"

"No need, you won't die anyway, right?"

"You definitely won't die, at most you'll feel uncomfortable. "

Because he was also anxious to overcome his last weakness, although Wuzan had some doubts about the thing in his hand, he just looked at the purple-black potion in his hand, swallowed his saliva, and made up his mind.

Drank it violently.

I'm sure he won't die anyway!

In an instant, the pain broke out.

The whole body felt like it was bitten by countless insects, and the itchy and numb feeling was accompanied by the feeling of being hit by a heavy hammer. The five heads were all like being filled with lead, and they felt a little drowsy. The feeling of weakness attacked all parts of the body, but the seven hearts beat more and more powerfully.

The pain at this time was second only to when he ate the blue red spider lily!

"Zhu Shi——"

Wuzan's voice was torn and low, and he squeezed out beads from his upper and lower teeth like a roar. In order to ease the pain, his cells began to proliferate wildly, and huge flesh and blood like tumors appeared on his body surface, more and more... This scene is very similar to the original work, where Tamayo sacrificed herself to make Muzan drink poison. Muzan is simply amazing! Does he have to be hurt every time he overcomes a weakness? It was like eating the blue red spider lily! But Muzan clearly felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and at the same time he could clearly feel that this was no threat to his life. As time went by, he could even feel that he was "evolving". Muzan only felt that his consciousness was getting more and more drowsy, and he only heard Tamayo's somewhat worried voice: "My lord! Boss! "

Watching the huge piece of flesh spreading out, Tamayo was forced to move away, looking worriedly at "Muzan" who almost occupied the entire room.

Finally, after Muzan felt tortured for an extremely long time, the pain began to fade, like the ebb tide, disappearing quickly.

At that moment, Muzan seemed to have regained control of his body, took a few deep breaths, and he felt that he had survived a catastrophe.

The wildly proliferating flesh and blood was taken back into the body, and Muzan gradually returned to his original appearance.

Thinking of Tamayo's several reminders before drinking this thing, he couldn't help rubbing his temples.

I was impulsive!

"Tamayo, what on earth is this thing? It's a bit painful!"

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