The new book is online, but the new book is about the absolute zero! ]

[Okay, I won't bother you anymore, I'll get off now! ]

The bright full moon hangs high in the sky, and everything is in deep sleep.

At this time, a deer was thirsty. He slowly stood up, looked around, and found a lake nearby, so he slowly walked over.

It lowered its head and drank the clear lake water in big gulps, but it didn't seem to notice a dangerous figure behind a tree.

"It seems that we have tonight's supper, that little guy looks absolutely delicious!" This is a man with a childish face, giving people a graceful look but full of danger, giving people a feeling of eating people.

He seems to be out of tune with this world, maybe he just comes here to find food, who knows? Like has he really eaten people? Maybe he has, if he comes to find game today.

Raise the shotgun, stare at the scope, all the results will be revealed after a moment of breathing.

"I can already smell the tempting fragrance on it!"


The sudden loud noise made the deer quickly raise its head and run away in panic.

At the critical moment, the huge noise confused his mind, and the childish man accidentally shot the bullet out, hitting the originally calm lake.

For a while, there were more birds in the sky.

A great opportunity was lost because of this unpleasant accident. No one could be happy.

"Damn it, which bitch!"

"Don't be caught by me after going to hell!"

Although he cursed, it was just a quick talk. He could only move the midnight snack to the next target.

"Even in the human world, one cannot be quiet."

He seemed to have no attachment to this place that made him sad. His brown hair turned red, his teeth became pointed, and his beautiful white turned yellow. His skin color, like white snow, seemed to be dead.

Suddenly turned into a shadow and left in a huff.

The culprit who caused such a noise was near a village.

"Shiya, are you okay?" Tomioka asked Shiya who had just hit the tree.

"It's okay, you have to be careful, this guy is different from the previous ghosts."

"It's not dead even if it's cut into meat paste, I'm sure that's definitely more deadly than cutting its neck, and this ghost won't die even if its neck is cut."

"What?!" Tomioka knew that this was definitely a small boss beyond the plot.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time!"

After hearing these words, Giyu finally understood why the reward was higher than before, and it was a good fight!

The three people kept fighting against this ghost, and Lei Gui also knew that Giyu was the weakest, so he would attack Giyu if he caught the control attack.

"No, big brother, why are you bullying me, a kid?" Giyu saw that this ghost was bullying him, and he was already injured. If it weren't for the two big guys next to him, he would have died long ago.

"Boy, follow Tomioka, I'll attack!" Shiya is mainly an offensive player, so it's most appropriate for Giyuka to follow Tomioka.

"Well, come on my back, Giyu." Giyu was also scared of being beaten, so he had to be carried on Tomioka's back.

Tomioka was not very mobile because of Giyu on his back, so he could only assist from the side, giving Tomioka the opportunity to ask questions.

"Giyu, where is Youya?" Tomioka finally asked a question that had been in his heart.

"Uh... you mean Doudou, um, I asked the villagers to take her to a safe place first." Giyu was a little embarrassed. After all, he had clearly said that he would take care of Doudou. It had only been a short time, and he had given Doudou away?

"Ah? You... those villagers should be reliable..." Tomioka was a little worried


"It's okay, don't worry, all the villagers look friendly."

"Okay... okay."

Shimi was still fighting harder and harder, and soon he could tie with Lei Gui, and at this time, he also found a fatal weakness.

After each very strong attack, his body was actually disappearing, but it recovered quickly, but the recovery speed was getting slower and slower, and some parts could not recover anymore.

"Could it be that the best way to deal with this ghost is to let him bear a lot of attacks?" Shimi thought to himself, but he was already very sure.

"Tomioka! This ghost is not without weaknesses. As long as we attack him hard, his body will be incomplete, and slowly some parts will not recover!"

"Really, then it seems that I have to be serious too!"

But Lei Gui on the side was not calm. His body did not die by beheading because he was consuming his own life and continuing to operate at the cost of his life. Although it would be very strong for a period of time, this was only for ordinary ghost hunters.

Even if he could beat the pillar, it would only be because he was injured or careless. The young man in front of him was already difficult enough to beat, not to mention the Tomioka next to him who was like a water column.

"So what if you know?" Reggae instantly showed an indifferent expression.

Originally, the three people thought he was going to use a big move, and his expression was solemn, as if a big battle was about to hit, and this was just the calm before the storm.

But Reggae did not play by the rules and summoned a huge skeleton from the ground, but this skeleton did not attack the three of them, but used his hands to stir the dust around in the air, creating a huge dust.

"Ahem, what on earth does he want to do? Is he trying to get rid of us in this environment?" Shiya's eyes were already wide open, and he could hardly open his eyes after the dust entered.

"Get rid of this skeleton first!" Tomioka made a prompt decision.

(Let me say here that I want to change the Chinese of the very move style to Japanese! It looks very cool!) [Whisper: Reduce the word count a little, hehe! 】

"Water Breathing・Ninno Type・Waterwheel!"

I thought it would be another tough fight, but with this move, the skeleton was broken.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Then get rid of the dust!"

"Wind Breathing・Ninno Type・Welcome to the Skywind!" The strong wind was at least ten meters from top to bottom, gathering all the dust on top. The overbearing wind was irresistible. (If you can't feel it, you can check it out on Kuaishou or Bilibili. It's really a great skill. I made up the ten meters, but it's awesome anyway!)

"Are you still so anxious? Sure enough, this is the wind pillar I know." Tomioka muttered there.

"Huh?" Shimizu seemed to hear a little.

"Nothing, just saying that Shimizu is so powerful, he will definitely become a wind pillar in the future."

"Haha, who knows?"

"Wait, where's that ghost?!"

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