The two of them were so angry that they had to fight.

"Wait!" A terrible thought came into Yiyong's mind.

Tomioka and Shimi were in a daze after a reggae ran away. Hearing this, they turned their heads to look at Yiyong.

"He either ran away because he couldn't beat him..."

"Or... he ran to the village... Then..." Yiyong didn't continue? But his solemn expression explained everything.

Shimi didn't say anything else, but quickly put away the knife and ran towards the village.

Tomioka followed closely...

Although there are two possibilities, everyone knows that the probability of the first possibility is 0%.

After all,

If there are two choices, one of which is bound to be a disaster, then someone will definitely choose it.

While Tomioka was carrying him, Giyuu began to speculate.

To restore his strength?

In view of what Shimi said just now, he should think about it in many ways...

Could it be possible to repair his dissipated body? !


To be more precise, it is to restore his body faster!

Because he can slowly repair his body, although some parts cannot be restored, who can guarantee that he will not restore them after sucking human blood?

Giyuu dare not jump to conclusions, but the ghost's need for human blood will indeed increase its own strength...

Giyuu has told this speculation to the two people in front and behind.

"Haha, really? No matter how many times, I will tear him apart!" Shimi was not very surprised by the news. He just wanted to torture the ghost to death now.

"It's very likely. After all, everything should be planned for the worst..." Tomioka also confirmed this idea.

However, when they were about to reach the village, cries for help were heard from the village.

The three people's eyes were filled with anger, and they jumped to the roof of the nearest house in one step.

The bloody scene below was not suitable for children...

In just a few tens of seconds, Reggae had killed dozens of people.

The bodies of those who died would be absorbed by the vines and finally transformed into Reggae's energy...

And the Reggae also looked down at the people running around in a hurry, including men, women, children and the elderly.

Shiya jumped and pointed the blade at Reggae. Needless to say, he was angry, and his eyes were already very ferocious.

Tomioka showed the strength of a water column, and quickly moved into Reggae at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye!

Yiyong was instantly confused by this sudden flash, so he had to hold Tomioka's back tightly and put his face on his back to prevent himself from falling.

Reggae also heard a little sound, turned his head, and saw Shiya falling from the sky.

Reggae was stunned for a moment, but then sneered again

"Haha, you jump so high, do you really want to be blown away by my wind?"

"Okay, I'll satisfy you!"

Just as he was about to activate the blood ghost technique, a bad idea suddenly appeared in his mind.


Where are the other two people?

Then a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him...

"Water Breathing, Seventh Type, Shizuku Wave Protrusion!"

A knife appeared in front of Reggae without warning and pierced his head in an instant!


In order to pick up Reggae, Tomioka then twisted the knife, with the back of the knife facing the sky, and then used all his strength to pick up Reggae with the knife.

Then he raised his foot and kicked hard!

He kicked it directly to an unmanned house, and the force was so great that it went through three wooden walls.

The house collapsed immediately, smoke and dust rose, and during this period, Tomioka also quickly signaled the villagers who had not been injured to take the injured away from the scene.

"Giyu, step back first. I'm afraid I might hurt you later."

Tomioka slowly squatted down, and Giyu then got off Tomioka's back.

"Come on!" After saying this, Giyu also went to help the villagers.

Shimi also jumped down from above. The move he had just held back was instantly held back by Tomioka.

"Shimi, don't let your guard down." Tomioka took a fighting stance, his eyes fixed on the direction where Reggae had just flown out.

Shimi also looked over, thinking about the situation in front of him.

Smoke? It was Tomioka who made it just now...

Why was he so fast just now? Did I see a residual image just now?

A series of questions also shrouded Shimi's heart. He naturally knew that Tomioka was not weak, but he didn't know where Tomioka's upper limit was.

Five seconds later, the smoke gradually dissipated,

A black shadow appeared in the smoke that was about to dissipate.

From the smoke, you can see Reggae's very eye-catching scarlet eyes.

It seems that the law of smoke without injury has appeared.

The attack just now did not cause much harm to him. Tomioka did that just to give the villagers time to retreat.

At this time, the parts of his body that had dissipated before were all restored, but the hole in his brain still remained.

"Damn ghost hunter!"

After saying this, Reggae cursed with gritted teeth again. How dirty the curse was, you can imagine it yourself.

"Hey, it's not good to curse other people's families like this, bastard!" Shiya's face turned black instantly after hearing those words, and Tomioka was no exception.

And Yiyong, who was helping to transfer the wounded, also heard it.

"WC, this ghost is so brave?"

As expected, the anger of the two continued to rise, and the veins on the hands holding the handle of the knife gradually popped up. Reggae also noticed that something was wrong with the two and swallowed his saliva.

Then, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and found water on his palm.

Sweat? !

This thought came to Reggae's mind.

Is it raining?

But when he looked up at the sky, there were no dark clouds. The moon was still hanging in the sky, but it was obviously much lower than before.

The pupils shrank instantly!

It didn't rain! !

Dawn is coming soon! ! !

Reggae, who originally wanted to deny the fact that he was sweating, now got two more terrible facts...

Then he supported his forehead and took his hand down. In an instant, sweat dripped from his palm to the ground.

With such an enemy? Did it make me sweat profusely? !

But this situation did not give Reggae much time to think, and Reggae quickly stopped thinking.

Don't want to think, don't dare to think...

The two eyes stared at the two people in front of him, even if sweat flowed into his eyes, he didn't waver at all.

But even in such a situation, Lei Gui still made a secret plan. Over the years, he has encountered many powerful enemies. Didn't he live well every time?

But he didn't use his two hands, but his feet to control the skeletons underground.

Lei Gui was betting that they were also waiting for his attack. Even if he couldn't cause any damage, he could distract the other party.

Lei Gui didn't believe that they could guess this, and sneered secretly, and then increased the speed of the skeleton.

However, this stalemate was soon broken, and Lei Gui also made a wrong bet.

Shi Mi couldn't help but launch an attack, and the green gust of wind swept over, and Tomioka followed closely at a very fast speed.

When the two knives were about to chop up, Lei Gui unexpectedly raised the corners of his mouth, and the two also noticed Lei Gui's smile at this moment. Although surprised, the knives in their hands still chopped up without thinking.

But at the moment of chopping up, the two also realized that something was wrong, and the feeling was wrong.

However, the "Reggae" in front of them had indeed been chopped into several pieces by them, and blood was oozing out.

But even so, the two of them couldn't believe it. What they chopped was definitely not Reggae. If this was not Reggae, then where was Reggae?

Tomioka didn't know what happened, and suddenly heard a sound coming from under the ground where they were.

Tomioka was stunned, and Shimi was still puzzled. Looking at Tomioka like this, he hurriedly asked: "Tomioka, where is the ghost?"

But before Shimi finished speaking, Tomioka shouted.

"Get out of here!" The last one pushed Shimi away, and the knife was about to stab down.

Unfortunately... just one or two seconds...

Several ghost vines immediately controlled Tomioka's hand that was about to swing the sword, and at this time the real Reggae also broke out of the ground, and he also changed into the appearance of a skeleton and bit Tomioka.

"Ah!!!" Tomioka endured this fierce bite, and he felt his blood being absorbed.

"Tomioka? You..." Things happened so fast in an instant that Shimi's brain was a little out of order, and his thoughts were still on the moment when Tomioka pushed him away.

But the next second, Tomioka's heart-wrenching pain had completely sobered him up.

After the plan succeeded, Reggae changed back to his original appearance, and then kicked the wound that had just bitten Tomioka hard, and kicked hard at the place where Tomioka had kicked him just now.

"You bastard!"

"Wind Breathing•Ni no Kai•Claw Claw Koto Wind!!"

The strong wind was full of anger, tearing Reggae to pieces, and blood dripped on the ground in large pieces, and many ghost vines were soon bred in these blood.

Shimi did not hesitate, and his anger made him very focused, and he did not panic because of this. If even he was defeated, the fate of everyone was self-evident...

"Hey, I say... It's really a waste of so much blood I just drank.

It doesn't respect the fruits of my labor. "

A calm voice came from behind Shimi.

"Breath of the wind·Shen type·Singran wind tree!"

In an instant, with himself as the center, he swung out three wind blades, tearing up the thunder ghost just now again, but it still didn't help, and on the contrary, it expanded his advantage...

Reggae...still appeared behind him again. It was the ghost vine that had grown back just now. The ghost vine turned into Reggae!

"Come and feel the strong wind, scumbag!"

"Tomioka, Tomioka!"

The face of a little boy suddenly appeared in front of Tomioka.

"Giyu, I...hiss!" Tomioka also woke up, but the pain was also accompanied by it.

"Don't worry, I've found a doctor for you!" Yiyong quickly called a doctor from this village to help Tomioka.

Just a few minutes before these things happened...

"Are you okay?" Yiyong asked the villagers in front of him with a worried look.

"No problem. If you can't move the injured, take the children to a safe place first. They know where the shelter is.

Come with them, kids! "

A villager was carrying the wounded on his back and said to Yiyong.

Others also agreed with this statement, and Yiyong was a little shaken by what he said.


A deafening scream penetrated the ears of everyone present.

Giyuu was startled and quickly turned his head, only to see Reggae turned into a skeleton, biting Tomioka's waist, and then kicked him to the place where Tomioka had just kicked him.

Damn it, public revenge!

Giyuu instantly dismissed the idea of ​​escaping to the shelter just now.

"Do you have a doctor here?!" Yiyong asked anxiously, how much he wished there was a doctor here at this moment.

"Me!" A young man wearing glasses raised his hand. Half of his spectacle lenses were broken. He probably fell while running.

"I need to go back and get what I need to prepare. The gentleman just now must have lost too much blood!" Then he hurried to the house to take out his own medical supplies.

Giyuu also looked back at the place where he fought just now, and now he looked at Saneya with a worried look on his face.

The fight was clearly back-and-forth just now, so why is it now one-sided?

The chess piece is one move away, which side is it?

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