Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 99 Delicious Big Virgin Spirit

When he saw the scene on the first floor of the dungeon, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

In front of him, there were astonishingly more than forty evil spirits and demons with roughly human shapes but strange shapes. They looked at him with either ferocity, covetousness, wariness, greed, or hostility.

According to the demons and monsters, the more like humans, the stronger the power and magic power of the demons and monsters. It can be speculated that every 'guest' here is a high-level demon with a rank no lower than the seventh-level tower realm, and they can cause large-scale spiritual disasters in the Yang world.

Fortunately, the ferocious sights of these 'big guys' were not directed at him alone. They were also full of hostility towards the similar people around them.

These powerful ghosts each occupy a corner, dividing this relatively spacious hall into dozens of parts, and they are on guard against each other and full of vigilance.

Li Xuan had a sense of déjà vu as he watched the TV series Journey to the West and saw Sun Wukong breaking into the demon cave. But these guys in front of him are real monsters, extremely terrifying, and their appearance is even more unconventional.

He couldn't help but wonder, could the civil and military judge in his arms be able to withstand the battle in front of him today?

What are you afraid of! Tingtian Mastiff comforted the two of them with a very firm tone: We are not going to force them to do it, we are just destroying the sacrifice array and saving people by the way. After we are done, we will run away. You know , the larger the scale and the complicated steps of the sacrifice method, the lower the error tolerance rate. This time, as long as even a corner of the sacrifice array below is damaged, their success will be defeated. Even if they are repaired later, they will miss the opportunity of the lunar eclipse.

Li Xuan really hopes that things will develop as Tianmastiff said. It would be best if the 'Taishan Prefecture Jun Festival' here can be successfully destroyed.

But just in case, he still put the 'Yin Yang Boundary Breaking Talisman' given by Tingtian Mastiff in the most convenient place. Be prepared to escape from the underworld as quickly as possible when things go wrong.

how to say? Useless sacrifices cannot solve the problem, so we should keep this useful body for the future.

Although because of the female ghost in red, he might not live long. But even if he only has more than a month to live, it is still a life.

When Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou stepped down the last step with a cold expression, the human-faced dog took them to a nearby table.

The Lord has prepared a banquet for you, but you probably won't be able to enjoy it. After the lunar eclipse begins, there will be the Taishan Mansion King's Festival, and there will be at least half a cup of tea left.

When Li Xuan approached the table, the eyes of the 'big men' next to him became extra sharp, even with a hint of murderous intent.

Big Virgin Spirit? It was a humanoid figure with a huge mouth, almost occupying half of the face, and a chest that looked like a piece of white soil. It looked at Li Xuan, then licked the corner of his lips with a slippery tongue: I haven't seen it for a long time. It looks delicious.

Li Xuan recognized this as 'Guanyin soil', a type of starving ghost. Born in the era of famine, the victims ate Guanyin soil when they were hungry and died. After death, they turned into resentful souls, which was a very tragic event. Those with lower levels can cause gastrointestinal obstruction and death, while those with higher levels can even cause small-scale disasters.

You have a good appetite, but I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it.

Li Xuan smiled coldly, and immediately took the red ancient seal given by Tingtian Mastiff, preparing to frighten it with the power of his guardian spirit. But before that, Xue Yunrou had already made a move.

The girl, who had been blushing all the time and resting her head on his shoulder as if she could not suppress her love, flicked her sleeves, and a golden light flashed in front of the two of them.

Several beast-like spirits nearby immediately let out a muffled groan and closed their eyes tightly, unable to open them for a while. Even those evil spirits are not immune. They have no entity, and their eyes are just the simulation of gods and spirits. But after the golden light shines, the impact they encounter is at the soul level, which is even more uncomfortable.

The one who suffered the biggest loss was the 'Guanyin Tu' who was sitting closest. This 'Guanyin Tu' could not even maintain its human form for a while, and almost manifested its terrifying original shape.

This is still the palm thunder, but the form has changed slightly. Tingtian Mastiff chatted with Li Xuan easily: This skill is extremely impressive. Her reputation as a Taoist genius is by no means unfounded. Wait until she is seventeen years old , should be able to catch up with Jiang Hanyun's current cultivation level, open the third door, and confirm the reputation of these cousins ​​as twins.

Li Xuan sighed secretly, thinking that he was still a year or two older, but the second door hadn't even been opened yet. Compared with these cousins, I could be so ashamed that I would dig a hole and bury myself.

you wanna die!

The 'Guanyin Tu' roared violently, opening its big mouth like a chaotic glutton, and its power was extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, another group of people came down the steps.

It turned out to be a group of living people, a total of six red-robed Taoists of different ages. In the middle is a scribe wearing white Confucian clothes, followed by a woman in purple.

Li Xuan instinctively lowered his head, avoiding the glances of the man and the woman.

Although these two men do not have the burning eyes of civil and military judges, they still give people the same sense of coercion.

And it wasn't just him at this moment, there were dozens of evil spirits and demons in the hall who had opened the third door, all slightly bowing their bodies to show their awe for the scribe and the woman in purple. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

But the importance these two paid to them was obviously very limited. They just glanced at the hall indifferently and went directly to the steps below.

A multi-eyed boy behind the two people loudly announced to the many demons in the hall: Everyone, please follow me. Remember later, everyone must follow the guidance and stand. Do not enter the battle with flesh and blood. , you just need to collect blood food later. The ghosts are not allowed to move around randomly, otherwise your body will be difficult to shape.

When the mysterious scribe and the woman in purple came down the steps, Li Xuan felt that the pressure was a little relieved, so he raised his head and asked Tingtian Mastiff: Do you recognize the origins of these two?

I don't dare to look at him if he doesn't recognize him. Tingtian Mastiff said with some helplessness: As long as we make the slightest move for such a character, they will be alerted. But that scribe is very strong. It may be at the level of the tenth level building. The female is slightly weaker, the peak of the third gate, and the realm of the ninth level building, and is not easy to mess with.

Li Xuan asked: How does it compare with our civil and military judges?

The civil and military judge's incense place in Nanjing City is also the fourth gate and the level of the tenth floor. But once he leaves Nanjing City, his power will weaken.

Tingtian Mastiff knew everything and said it all: This place is more than fifty miles away from Nanjing. Even if the two of you have the statue in your arms as a support, their strength will be weakened by nearly half. But Judge Zhang should be able to handle it-

Li Xuan originally planned to continue questioning him, but then he found Xue Yunrou raising her head and looking at him slightly dissatisfied.

Li Xuan suddenly understood that it was his private chat with Tingtian Mastiff that made Xue Yunrou unhappy.

At this time, he didn't know that the woman in purple who had already walked down the second floor had been paying attention to him with interest.

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